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Everything posted by Xard

  1. No one. <_< BUt Kotor's are D&D, ME isn't
  2. Yes, but that is Mass Effect, it was not like Kotor at beginning with
  3. Apparently, fan ideas normally sucks
  4. Umm.. who is Roland Wann?
  5. Bastila's mother: Bastila turns to DS Shmi: Anakin turns to DS Padme: Luke turns to DS during Dark Empire time or whatever it was Leia: Anakin Solo is killed, Jacen turns to DS Nomi seems to be only succesful one Oh, and Aunuanna/whatever her name was: Aurra Sing turns to DS "
  6. MAybe LA uses that engine for that Darth Vader game? Yeah, that kind of engine is better for Jedi Knight series than RPG's
  7. Mabe they have multiple pairs of evil badass robes? Like Mickey Mouse has propably over hundred pair of those trousers/whatever. Pants?
  8. Nope. That same code has been all for a week or something now. Annoying
  9. He might've used same technique that Palpy used
  10. well, gender, not race But yeah, males get Handmaiden, females Dis. You should get last part for HK-47 when you defeat three HK-50's in Vogga's warehouse
  11. From those? Revan of course
  12. It is incomplete, that scene will come with TSLRP along with other cut content stuff
  13. Exactly CL is too charistmatic to be ruined with grey skin
  14. Though I don't know where you can get that mod because pcgamemods.com is down. But indeed, I was very disappointed in my first DS playthrough when I got those robes. Crappy original ones and "true one"
  15. Nomi Sunrider seems to be only famous, succesful mother "
  16. Actually, that was his face. Though the did lightning cause some burns, for the most part, it's Palpatines actual face. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. I believe that it is quite tiring to keep false appereance for years. Palpatine always insisted that jedi did it ( aka deflected force lightning) so no one is wondering his now different appereance, plus it gives him sympathy points, and jedis are even more hated because they dared to attack so brutally against beloved Supreme Chancellor edit: Darth Maul has yellow eyes. Dooku however isn't changed. Maybe they just thought that Dooku was cool enough already
  17. Umm... WTF are "sith robes"?
  18. I agree with that totally
  19. Meh, Zayne will become Nihilus Besides, their phenotypes are quite different
  20. And from that comes "GOTO is evil", as if misused, it can unpredictably alter a program's behavior.
  21. Umm... what does this religious babling have to do with Kotor?
  22. Exile was nothing but of the thousands of jedis who served on Dxun etc. Revan is the top dog of Mandalorian Wars
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