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Everything posted by Xard

  1. vaxen, this is still in spoilers...
  2. "And Darth Revan was strong enough to defeat Bastilla and her companions (even by himself) but Malak's betrayal ruined everything." I believe so too, but its not sure. You can't prove that. "If Exile had not stopped him then someone else would have done it." Umm... no
  3. Getting those comics would become expensive for me. Besides, I am not that interested in Zayne Carrick. All I care in those comics is the plot (since I suspect that Zayne becomes Nihilus and I want to know if it is true) and I can read that from wookiepedia.
  4. Legacy sucks I read what happens in these comics from wookiepedia
  5. Thanks Volo, I was going to say one word: Kreia. You explained it and in other ways that answer could mostly be mine too.
  6. Well, for me it was not let down, and not to many others either. To be honest though for the first few hours after finishing the book I really, really hated it. But after that I slowly started to accept it.. and after some time I started to like it, very much actually. Well, SK himself said that "he too wasn't too happy with the ending, but it was the right ending." or something like that. Besides, it is the journey that matters. *shudder* We shouldn't be so... greedy when the ending came. SK - that damn bastard - gave us choice in Coda. Great choice, since he surely knew that no one would stop reading, even after his warning Fanbase seems to split. 50 % hates the ending, 40 % loves it, 10 % thinks that "it's ok". Or so it was. Nowadays I think that is purely 50-50, or 40-50-10 Sorry OT Being in Sophie's world wouldn't be bad either
  7. Are you kidding? Roland didn't exactly lead the charmed life. Sure, you'd be really good at shooting things, but still! Everyone you love getting killed one way or another, getting your fingers bitten off by lobstrosities, catching your mom in the act of adultery -- there's never a happy ending in his world. And did you read the last book, when Roland finally reaches the top of his fabled Tower? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stupid question, I am hc Tower junkie so yes, I have read the last one. Actually I like the ending. It was only possible ending, one true ending. Besides, Yeah, that's why I especially mentioned W&G instead of whole series. Until the Demon moon's time (or whatever it was with Chariyo Tree) his life wasn't yet "so bad". But on other hand being Roland would be true curse. Heck, but I am too much fanboy to mind that...for a beginning. Besides, Roland is frickin' cool Being Jonathan Squirrel on other hand wouldn't be bad either
  8. I would not mind being some lazy hobbit (or myself in Shire if I am myself and not one of the characters) from LotR. After Saruman and his gang is destroyed and peace restored to Shire in end of RotK of course Any Lovecraft novel. You're not going to stay alive and if you do, you became half or totally mad Although this question depends heavily on few things: Am I in book as myself, or as one of it character. And if I am one of its characters, can I choose it or is it totally random. Anyway I would not go in single one of the Lovecraft works. In all those cases I am screwed However, if I get to choose who I would be being Roland Deschain from Dark Tower would seriously kick some ass. Especially if I can be young Roland from Wizard & Glass ^_^
  9. Hahaha! When you confuse yourself with game character
  10. Umm... It is the Xbox version. How are you going to write those cheat on Xbox? <_<
  11. Ah, my bad Thanks to these sambots I am starting to hate -smiley
  12. They don't look cyrillic letters I mean doesn't you Russians cyrillic alphabet like Greeks and others?
  13. I thought that'll happen no matter what is the gender/aligment
  14. That's their problem. I really doubt that finishing current storyline with Revan/Exile/True Sith etc. takes more than one game.
  15. I just want Kotor's storyline to be finished. Then I can finally leave SW behind. After that IP
  16. :lol: :lol: Nihilus was just build over Malak's model
  17. Thinking how awesome Hyperion was (and wanting Fall of Hyperion in my hand ASAP, even though I've heard it is not good as Hyperion) and listening Media Vita in Morte Sumus.
  18. PRequels are there to make money for GL
  19. What annoys me with K2 is that it is "pseudodeep".
  20. "The Exile's Jedi Masters spoke well of his skill in battle before the Mandalorian wars. So there is evidence there, that he was already displaying his talent before the Mando wars and well before Malachor 5. His force bond in on itself, made him more than an average force user." Still nothing special. I remember Malak saying same kind of things to other members of that vision. "Secondly, the Exile force bonding is his "own" strength. It's his force talent, much like Bastila's battle meditation or Anakin's affinity to the force. The difference here, is that there is an overt reason why the Exile isn't like everyone else, as opposed to an author merely writing that "he's powerful and has prodigious talent." It actually have no use until Malachor V. As weapon I mean.
  21. Xard


    Who is that guy that is affected? But the fact that henchies stay dead is awesome I can use goody-goody paladin as cannon fodder for my evil mastermind and sacrifice him/her when time is right Damnit, if I would not leave for Crete tomorow I would install NWN again and start playing
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