Actually that leadership part is part of that Kaelyn ending I already posted. Something like she was too idealistic or too braze in her defiance of gods and that ultimately drove many of her followers away... I might take screencap later
But now I'm in dilemma - who should I kick out of the party, Safiya, Gann or Kaelyn.
I don't want to kick Kaelyn out because if I have her and OoM in party I get plenty of bluff checks for fooling poor Kaelyn and if I succeed in them I gain plenty of influence with both of them (and I only have 12 influence with Kaelyn right now)
Safiya on other hand is great wizard and has more spells than my PC, natural considering I have 4 as fighter and 1 as rogue in addition to my wizard/EK levels.
With Gann I have 53 influence but the main reason I'd rather have him with me is that he is only sorceress type character in my party and if I learned something from my last playthrough as Spirit Shaman it is that they are powerful. And great healers as well
Currently I have Safiya out of my party. I guess I shall change her/Gann/Kaelyn, depending on place where I am going to. In Academy I'll naturally take Safiya, in Sunken City Gann etc.
Is there many chances to gain influence with Kaelyn in Sunken City? If not, I shall kick her out of the party for that time. Now I'm heading in Ashenwood. Who should I not take with me? Thoughts?
OoM shall be always with me, it's just too cool ^__^