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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. About loot random or not: Why not both. ) There is some named loot which people care about, and it is nice knowing that always can go for that boss and it will drop epic warhammer. It is good to know that there is warhammer with +1 engagement which could suit chanter tank. Exeptional Staff is not epic loot, it is generic, something i could craft, so having the staff or similar armor is all fine, and doesnt matter. And honestly i do not focus enought on loot to remember where drops generic stuff. However, it would be very annoying if named loot was totally random. Since that would undermine building. I could have this idea of dual axe wielding dwarf fighter, but then... no good axes whole game! And loot from fallen enemies just fits better than weapons from Amazon.
  2. You can go fighter for either tank or some damage medium armor character. Overall Soldier set is better for 2h warrior, due to strong greatswords, and better ranged weapon for 2h. Pikes are also interesting weapon choice. But Adventurer is ok, and maybe you dont need "best". You can use rifle (Arquebuses) without any related talent, as backup weapon or for opening shot it could be, however for fighter there will be some lose (due to Weapon Mastery) so yeah soldier is just better. 6 Talents total Fighter 2H spec is 5 talents. 6th you will get late in game so it will be vanity talent (and you will notice what you lack) I like talent ganting 3rd weapon slot on melee, since being able to switch to 1h+ shield in hard moments is better than dieying. You dont have to to decide on armor at any giving point, could swap, or keep backup armor in inventory. Heavy Plate is very convinient. But maybe you could go lower. Rogue or Barbarian deal more dps with 2h than fighter. But fighters live longer. As long as you do not play PotD play what feels right and cool for you.
  3. None. I do not think that we miss subtypes, or that they will bring anything to game. What we need: + More abilities to choose from (especially for martial classes) + More talents + More high end named weapons + Better crafting (more enchantments) + Barbarian NPC + More important Stronghold + More fleshed out companion stories, possible with some benefit (free talent or epic loot) + Godlike PC being notice by NPC and story and world. (My Head is on fire dude, someone bring water please) Ofcourse what p2.0 brings is very cool. Just there is so long way to go before vanity things. You dont need subtypes if there is enought abilities/talents so you can make your own subtype. Subtypes are even worse, since it will end that you have this cool idea for your class, but to do that you will need talents from two different arbitrary subtypes, since someone thought it would be good split (it is not). Better let players make their own subtypes with versalite character creation.
  4. Not sure how viable is that, but better that than nothing: http://steamspy.com/
  5. If you like you can do 2H rogue. However, rogues gain massive damage bonus from abilities, so they want more attack speed, which favours 2 weapon style. Dual sabre rogue is just as good as any other. Also going Ruffian Weapon Focus include also Pistol for range. Ruffian even include Stilletos if you want to switch to fast weapon. If you havent played yet, very early in the game you could get Fighter Companion with a mixed stats (could be build as either tank, or dps). Rogue NPC will be somewhere deeper in the game. Armor is very useful. ;-) There is no armor specing, so you can try different kind of armors and switch to other. If going dps, you can start with chainmail and then try lighter and lighter. Small mobs hit for 10-20 dmg, bigger for 30-40 damage.
  6. Maybe something like this: MoonMoon Godlike - for aoe heals Bleak Walker - for Black Path, but anything with aoe on kill or 2/encounter would be ok. Kind Wayferers could also be good. Stats: M18, Con 11, Dex 12, Per 12, Int 15, Res 10 (including racial, origin) Might so high since we do not have dmg boost on our own, and it benefits our healing. Con could be always substitute with Dex and Armor. Weapon: 2H for kill steals, flames of devotion and DT breaking. Abilities: Flames of Devotion, Zelous Focus, Lay of Hands, Inspire Trymph, Revive, Coordinate Attacks, Sworn Enemy (lv 13?) Talents: Standard 2H package + Your Paladin Order Talent, Problem with Paladins is that they do not have offensive abilities, so the best we can do it to pick support abilities, and standard dps package talents. There is more fun to play than effective.
  7. Not everyone. I switched for Pellegia. Since Eder had too much survivability for my taste, and i want to switch for that outside effects of Paladin. Also if you dont play a defender yourself when you first meet him, good front line is what you need (with Aloth and some dps PC) so tank is most logical option. There was no companion respec so far. And for Eder that high Might and lack of resolve is pushing to more dps character. That is side note, unrelated with general fighter utility.
  8. It is tricky, since everyone has own paradigm, and expectacions what fighters should be. And we dont know how Devs view it. To add another aproach: Fighter is a master of weapon and armour, with knack for smart fighting over rage fighting. They prefer medium and heavy armors. The advantage is that could spec in all kind of weapons, sword and board, 2wf, 2h, and even range. However prefer bigger weapons than stilleto or hunting bow. Can autoattack or use tactical manuveres for battlefield control. Light warrior is more like rogues or melee ciphers. Rage warrior are barbarians. And commander seems to be taken by Paladins. But it is just expectacion so everyone has own. As long as devs have a couple of styles in mind for class and support it with stuff it is ok.
  9. Trading "low cost" for effectivness is also balancing. You just claim that low cost is an advantage. Saying that there are classes for beginners and for experienced is very twisted logic, since that would mean that any of these group have only access to 6 classes. Can i also get the info which other class is also "low maintainence"? Probably not. Also for difficulty purpose there are difficulty levels, and there could be more difficulty specs. So if someone playes "bad" wizard can just tune down difficulty. Ufortunetly you cant switch difficulty up to get this high maintainence Fighter. As long as there is no devs comments "Yes we think of fighters as tutorial class" You can;t say what is intended. Playing active character is prize itself. Some people just like clicking. Or play activly. It gives illusion of skills, like when you check enemy DT and use right spell, or place right defense CC on top of bunch of enemies, or summon behind enemy lines for antipatic field, or kite behind the corner. Feels good. Active and responsive is a important source of fun in video games. Everyone is "powergaming". If want big warrior with even bigger sword for body block and dps will try Barbarian and Fighter, then pick what suits better that style. Presented builds have in common that they are more generic talents than class talents, abilities. Every class can pick: Weapon Focus, Vulnerable Attack, Savage Attack, Two Weapon Style, extra weapon slot. As well as everyone can pick good weapon, and use scrolls, or get 20 M. Also why there couldnt be option to pick something else in place of critical defense or unbroken? Why Accuracy Barrage is not on list of good offensive fighter abilities? Why Weapon Mastery is worse than Two Handed Style? If someone has Priest in party and some CC monkey Critical Defense and Unbroken could be skip. I would happy skip that for that Shatter Armor talent or useful Barrage.
  10. Just thinking... if now Con 3 is totally fine, isnt in 2.0 con 6 totally fine? Which could be wrong due to general rise in accuracy, and more hits overall.
  11. I like that PoE dont go for something like: "Paragon (give all your gold to the poor) vs Renegate (Kill everyone, and also make it painful)" but more Belovent vs Cruel vs Rational... The best morality system in games is not telling player if choose wisely, just bring consequences (or not). Back to topic: Why i do not miss any particular race it would be fun to see some Adrafolks or Obsidianfolks. The characters which are like humanoids stones, alive statues. I just think it is cool visually and as concept, no particular society behind it. However that could be done with some Godlike subtype, or with Sculpture Animant. They could bind soul to statue on throne, binding it into movable statue is just one step more, and power of aniation is unlimited. That would fall into category "Forgoten and mysterious race, which nobody hear of, aka circus runaway". Probably not good idea.
  12. Shields are not exacly free deflection, since it drops accuracy, and deals less dps than 2h or 2wf. It is fun if i have 3 weapon slot, and could rotate over range, dps, defensive. But that requires race or talent, so still not free. Of course slightl nerfing of shield is a option to consider, and it is quite resonable. I doubt defender nerf is something everyone was waiting for. It could be done in fallowing months after expansion and it would be better. More feedback, possibly less work. This -5 deflection does not fit fighters, since fighters do not benefit from being hit. -X deflection is ok for Barbarians (for rage) or for Monks, but not for fighter. Maybe for some godlike built (fire, nature) but that is too specific. Beside that -5 deflection (Wary) Defender could be nerfed if devs feel it is necessery. Also if Devs want to push some other fighter archetype, like single target dps, or tactical combat master there need to be more talents to support that, and some of current could be made better (accurate baragge is not really apealing). It is rather pointless to argue "Paladins are supposed to be better tanks than fighters!" since it is childsplay. However, it would be better if every class has a couple of archetypes which devs knows about and support with design. And unspecified number of gimmick builds which are possible with sick combos (they will just exist). So setting "One of Fighter archetype is >>tank<< front fighter with high defences" is good design. Setting "Fighter is not supposed to be tank, but supported archetypes are..." is also good design. Unfortunetly, aproach "Fighters are class when you can pick neutral talents, get good gear and use scrolls" is bad design. Since the same can be done with other classes, but better. It is all about design, and premise "what we want from that class other than taking party slot?" There is also the option that nerf is not that bad, and Fighters could be still in parties, and we are complaining too much. It just could be done better, not just change the shade of "bad".
  13. I like scripted companions, and even if all their offer are short talks, simple task, and some comments during play that is nice enought. I see the upgrade over mercenaries. Having more talk lines, and some bigger story connected with companions would be improvment if possible. And it would be nice if companions could learn some unique abilities if we did their quest. That would change fact "i can do the same but better". It would be nice if we could help Eder start some Eothas temple (maybe even switch him into Paladin since why not) , or if Pellegia could find her purpose as godness choosen. But that takes time. Maybe there is no chance for that without changing everything. But there is some hope for future companions (there is no rule that they could not repeat class) to be more connected with plot.
  14. It is sad nerf. Draining/Lifesteal is Holy Grail of every martial character. Best enhancement ever. So it drops in easy location? What is a problem here? Does it really hurt so much that you can get something nice early? There is pleanty of weapons which are good but are relativly easy to get. Like helmet in Eothas Temple, Roderick Greatsword, Hold Wall. Are there plans to nerf them all? Also when i first played game, even on normal, this spider queen wasnt easy. ;-( And it is much cooler to have this weapon you looted from early boss, than "Meh, every cool weapon you get from merchants at the end of game anyway".
  15. Is your priest solo or in a party? And there's no reason you can't have high values in all three, unless you are against min-maxing. Party. I dont like mini max in my play. It is funny, but seeing this 3s make me feel this character is less organic. However having 8s and 9s is ok. I do not mind minimax for others if they like it. But then what really could be cut. Con, well even having -10% is not that bad. So 8 is ok. Per, with incoming changes, debuffs are nice, also Priest autoattack resonable often. Resolve, concentration sounds usefull for caster. But probably isnt.
  16. So there is a big nerf to Defender Fighter coming, but it is not topic about it. Lets asume that devs want to push Fighters to be more than meatshields, and be usefull in combat. However, there is little builds of DPS fighters, and i hardly see reason to build one, since for bruiser there is Barbarian and Mon, for DPS Rogue, for utylity Paladin/Chanter. And if we want it all there is always Druid/Cipher/Wizard. Being tought is nice, but dosnt help much if you dont do much. So far the best things to say about Fighters is that hey offer "blunt and passive gameplay" (quote), and they always "can pick neutral talents and learn Lore skill" (also quote). So the question is: what need to happen to DPS Fighter be a viable party member? What new items, abilities, talents should aprear? Which existing talents, abilities need to be changed? Of course there is a big challenge how to even balance with 4 time per encounter slicken bunch of enemies prone. But the hope is that fighters could combine some tactical debuffs, and normal attack dmg in one ability, and have it avaiable 2 times per encounter. Existing talents/abilities: Disciplined Barrage - Is just soo weak. Accuracy is not big problem for FIghters, and if is, there is more than enought ways to buff accuracy or debuff enemies deflection, all this in longer duracion and as aoe. Could be +20 Acc, +30% attack speed, 20 sec, 1/encounter. It is barrage after all. New talents, abilities: Shatter - Powerful Strike which tears enemy armor into pieces. Reduce DT for -10 for 30 sec. 2/encounter. Also deals normal dmg. Pommel Strike - You forgot to stick them with pointy end, but they are stunned now so its ok. Normal attack.Stuns for 10 sec, 2/encounter. Under the plate - Fighter is master of armors and knows every weakness. Gain passive 3 DT reduction with all attacks. Higher Ground - What falls down shall never raise again. Against prone targets fighter gets +50% dmg bonus. Passive. For synergy with knock out, and also some weapons, and other classes. Synergy builds are fun. Shake it Off - Could be used always as long as fighter is alive. Instantly ends all negative status. Like stuns, paralyze, blidness. 2/encounter. Neutral Talents (all classes) Weapon Precision: WeaponType - You learn how to use your favorite weapon type in most deadly way. Gan +0,25 critical multiplier in your favorite weapon type. That could be better as neutral talent since we can't exacly say that critcals fit better fighters than barbarians, or rogues, or rangers. End there could be much more. Much more is needed. So this topic is often for other suggestions. Some may look like overpowered from level 1 perspective, but in comparison to end game caster it is just what needs to be done to bring some fun, and at least click something. EDIT: Disciplined Barrage is more widely viewed as lucklaster. There is more need for offensive Fighter class abilities than talents, since as talents you can always pick neutrals, and for abilities you do not have choice.
  17. It looks like a joke. Haha. +5 to defenses items are quite popular, and then you have ring, and sometimes items with sole +5/+10 to Ref. So this one is almost useless. It is not important. But it is a shade, since it could be done better, like having bonus for deflection when disengaging, or big bonus to aoe defense (there is code piece for Rangers ability).
  18. That are some good points which make me think. Most of my important Priest casting are Buffs/Debuffs. So int is super important. And there is selection of heal spells in various power. Need more healing, take next tier. So yeah, Dex may be more important than Might. Maybe just split Int 18 Dex 14 M 13 + whatever comes from race/origin.
  19. If the devs ever decide that its time to level up engine i think that path of Divinty Original Sin is more interesting. Combining status effects for new results, destructable surrounding, movable objects, and more interactive background that is some serious magic. 3D in third person way have a problem that it leaves less space for tactical aproach if you use it. Imagine Mass Effect with 6 party members. Madness. And having big party is super cool, since we can pick classes/characters which are not only needed but just fun. In DA:O i was anyway using a lot sudo isometric view. But animations, especially finisher animation is something which draws my attencion. But it is better to leave devs do their work. And if that is not enought even on this forum is enought ideas which would take pleanty of time to introduce, while not changing what the game is.
  20. It would be nice if there ware more merchants in our super upgraded Strongholds. Every generic good, supply, ingredient should be avaiable in out base of operations. There is no value in need to travel to one city for scrolls, and to other for potions. Watching reload screens is really MMO like experience. Just make some smart script to stock refresh each week, and good selection upgrade/expand with some critical levels. There could be merchants like: Chief with food and ingreediens, inventor with traps, gardener with potions and natural ingrediens, the halfing lady could provide stones as well, blacksmith could sell all kinds of weapons in fine and exeptional quality when the time comes, scribe could provide scrolls. The generic merchant could sometimes have more rare items to sale (like superior weapon or some fun item, rare ingredient, helmet +1). All this merchants could chittychat in some funny way. And have some task for PC. Like Cook having cookbook stolen by Xuirps, and Blacksmith reading about epic armor. Giving us more reason to explore Endless Paths.
  21. Cipher Wood Elf is popular. Cipher have talents which increase dmg from any weapon (including firearms). Also Cipher baseattacks more than other casters, and dealing more dmg in autoattack helps cipher casting. Magran (Godness) Priest could pick talent with +10 Acc to Arqueburst. However there is scripted companion Magran Priest very early in the game, so making another is optional.
  22. 1. Depends if you like more CC or Blast. Might, Intelect > Dex> Resolve>Con, Perc However in 2.0 importance of Perc will jump up, so better not split it. Sample split 1.06: M 17 Con 8 Dex 12 Per 8 Int 18 Resolve 12. 2.0 ready split: M 15 Con 10 Dex 12 Per 12 Int 16 Res 10 Pick whatever race/origin sounds cool for you. Stats are not that important. Having 2 more or less in choosen stat is not that important. 2. I ended with leather armor (15%). SInce there is always some random dmg going on, like arrows or lost enemy or aoe. Dead wizard deals 0 dps. At the very begining you may use heavier armor since its harder to control/body block enemies. All armors have same enchancements options. Also you do not specialize in armor type. 3. Sceptres/Rods are good since they combine all type of threshold types (slash, pierce, crush). You can even pick Weapon Focus Noble to spec both and Blast to make them aoe. Wizards do not have anything special to buff firearms, but you can use them if you like. 4. Weapon Focus Raffian, Gunner, Penetrating Shot, Marksman. This is for Firearms. Blast, Penetrating Blast, Favorite element Talent (fire and corrosive is nice), extra spell use especially for level 1 and 2 which could be used per encounter. More classic wizard. 5. You need one party member with mechanic. Could be PC. Lore have more dialogue options but that is not big deal. 6. Wizard, Druid, Cipher, Priest, Paladin, Chanter. Last two as meatshields.
  23. Rather not DnD ripoffs. So no Drows. The poll lacks option "The race rooster is ok, focus on other things, or buff some subraces". Which is closes to my point of view. No half folks. Only Halfings are good. We have Godlike, and i think they could be done better. Maybe more godlikes types, for each of god? Maybe playing godlike could be more noticable among NPC? Or some special quests for godlikes "Find your purpose"? Or some godlike specific talents to make natural ability stronger or add something more in theme? LIke Fire Godlike being able to cast firefan at will, or nature godlike could root enemies at will. Or make stat different. It is weird that Elven Moonfolk has same stat bonus as Anuma Nature. It could be done better. Like stat bonus is a mix of body type and godlike type. For example Firegodlike are quick to action so +1 to dex, but Death Godlike take their sweet time so +1 Resolve. Current Godlikes are like very cool idea without fallowup. Subraces are cool, as long as there is place in the lore. And there will be enought exposicion for them. More skins and hairstyles portrait is ok. I do not think more races is the most needed feature at this point. Maybe in PoE 2. Visit foreign lands, meet interesting folks, slay them and take their stuff. That is what adventurer life is.
  24. I was thinking to keep things simple. If life gives you lemmons dont take it, but make lemon granades from them, and throw it back in life face. So we use Mechanic to craft granades, with standard requirment of a bit higher mechanic than trap level (it is harder to make granade than disable trap). Or we can buy some in our local dealer. And then there is a talent to increase range for throwing granades from 4m to 8m. And all trap related talents also works for granades in some way, like +40% effectivness for traps and +20% on granades, or +10 ACC for both. Basic granade should probably be -5ACC thing. Avarage casting time. Throwing granades does not require skill or talent. Technology level I am used to game settings mixing magic, technology, and medieval fantasy. So pistols, dragons, golems, artificial inteligence, suspicious magic devices running on souls is all ok. Even frost traps are cool. Keep up good work.
  25. But it would be lieing to customer, which may be normal practice in US, but could cause legal problem in other parts of the world, or ceo sepuku in Japan. Let devs do their things. Complain about bugs, inba, stupid AI, and lack of content <- normal things to coplain about. They have the idea of big expansion, which is nice since that means more coherentive story, bigger and more epic. Also larger location which do not feel empty. Good stuff. They divided it into 2 parts, so players can get something now (2 new companions woot). Not to mention that having money now allows to create bigger things. Also good.
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