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Styur Voln

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Everything posted by Styur Voln

  1. I have to go LS. DS is morally wrong half the time and you hardly get anything out of being grey except being on the same alignment as Kreia (Arrrrggggghh!!!!!!) P.S. How many posts per day is it natural to do?
  2. WHY DOES EVERYONE APART FROM ME HATE G0-T0? Not surprised Mandalore's not had any votes, he's KotOR's best character, or Joleee, the old star. Atton and Carth are understandable, but Hanharr?? And the sith lords mostly rock. You seem to have forgotten to include the f**king b*tch Kreia-that's my favourable death. Oh yes, and i need to find the person who thought that HK shud die-and i also need a weapon that'll cause him the necassery pain-HK?? DEAD?? Are you insane? Basically, G0-T0's good, as are Mandallore, Jolee, Hanharr and the sith lords. HK must never die, but preserved in a throne of greatness, alongside Mandalore and IG-88. Kreia's a ***** and Atton's not great. But of course, these are only my opinions, and i am a psychopath. I have strong morals and stand by my opinions, but everyone has an opinion and im not here to disrespect that. And anyone who likes HK-47, i understand.
  3. THe only person i didnt use was Kreia-all the rest i like (except Disciple, as ive never seen him yet.) I like G0-T0 and Mandalore the most, while Handmaiden, Hanharr and HK-47 are my combating faves.
  4. If the black and white were added, a black saber wud b cool. White wud just be a rip-off of the great silver, cos the silver ligthsabers seem very white if you ask me. Viridian sabers are cool, as are gold and orange. I dont dislike any saber colours, they are all good.
  5. He's my avatar. He's in Episode 5 as the ugly assasin droid on Darth Vader's ship. Appaerently he was created, killed his creators two seconds after activation, then put his insanity into four identical drods. Boba Fett's killed three of them, but not the Bounty Hunter one which is the cool one. They are descendants of the MagnaGuards (IG-102, IG-88)
  6. Master Flurry-quick lightsaber attack leaving sliced Mandalorian on the ground.
  7. THe KotOR1 enclave has to be better for a couple of reasons. 1) It's a nice place, not some abandoned wreck anyone but a salvager would enter. 2) There's a lot of people there, all the jedi, all the NPCs etc. 3) The design's good, and the outside look is good.
  8. If DS, torturing victims wudve been good I think you should have had more creation opitons-maybe even across species (just zabrak, twi'lek-a Rodian, Ithorian or something wudnt b able to hav a relationship wiv Attonor Disciple/whichever giril goes after Male Exile (i dont actually know which one it is)
  9. What swoop?
  10. Hey. Ive not been round long-just been here a couple of days. Ive spent a lot of time looking at the different polls and such. Just read your script-that was really good! If you came up with that-thats genius! If you got it from somewhere, their either actual game makers/testers or theyre geniuses. I wudnt saythat the current ravager/2nd time telos is bad, but that one wudnt have benn at all bad. Tho Colonel Tobin wudve had to be cut.
  11. I just like the Star Wars univers as a whole-but a lot of the other things are good too. I can understand KotOR2 but what insane perosn said they regretted buying KotOR 1? I want anyoen who clicks that button put in an asylum-the firsdt KotOR is the best game ive ever played-including the GTAs.
  12. I say that Jekk Jekk Tarr with Mira (noit Hanharr-just do wookiee rage and they fall like ten-pins to your blade's power). Goto's yacht's hard too, and Malachor. Telos (not on surface) is the easiest by a long shot-spend most of the level hacking/tlking etc.
  13. Silver and Viridian are cool colours-but silver just edges it. Its not that star-warsy, but it still has a great kind or aura or some other fancy word. I just think it's good. Orange is cool too. There's not actually any dislikable colours-on KotOR1 i gave my character two (cheat) Malak's lightsabers, and he was as light as it gets. I dont think colour reflects the siding of a person, except in films and books-in games any side can have any colour i think.
  14. I think she's evil, but for the same reason i think Revan is evil (even if you redeem him/her)-she's a Sith. No Sith can be light, or neutral. She was powered by the force (i think), and she wanted to kill it-ridiculous.
  15. G0-T0 was my favourite character, apart from mandalore-they both were great characters. (Dont ask why, unless you're not expecting an answer) I liked Bao-Dur, Hanharr, HK and Mira too.
  16. Zez-Kai Ell doesnt seem bad-he admits the ocuncil could be wrong instead of speaking that the Jedi are ALWAYS right. I liked Kavar, Dorak, Zhar and Vandar too (mini-yoda..yay!) and you never get to see about Lonna Vash, but I HATE Vrook, cant stand him. Atris is also a gigantic a**hole
  17. I love IG-88! He looks so psychopathic, and what ive read about him-he makes HK-47 look like Jolee! I like G0-T0 second, then HK and T3. Who likes the remote? It doesnt speak or anything (i know IG-88 doesnt speak either-but WOW!-)all it makes me think of is 'remote'-and that doesnt seem to stand out as favourite droid.
  18. T3's got no votes yet? I'm surprised-wen i used to look as a guest he always seemed like a fan-favourite Anyway, yeah, i do like G0-T0, and I knew he'd get no votes apart from me (he's still not as cool as IG-88 tho-best character ever!)
  19. Ummmm...if ud looked properly ud've seen Mira/ Hanharr. Just to point out.
  20. My fave is between Mandalore and G0-T0, but, as everyone else seems to hate G0-T0, i put my vote on him. HK's great, as is T3, but a few of the characters (kreia , atton and visas (my life is yours. "Ok, lets kill you)) are not my favourites. Hanharrr and mira's good, and the other ones are ok.
  21. My favourite's Handmaiden, but only cos ive never been the Disciple and he looks like someone i know and would like to forget.
  22. Revan is the king! He's not such a Sith Lord in he games, but before, his robes are well cool. Sion and Malak kicked ass too, which is more than can be said about Nihilus :"> and Traya (moaning b***h!)
  23. My favourite person's got to be Canderous-he rocks! I like his war stories, but that's not why. I dont know why i like him so much. My 2nd is Zaalbar, then Carth.
  24. I play SWG and, while it seems rather far-fetched, im not gonna cry over the whole idea; Its more realistic than walking in on Revan talking to the Exile or something. Just get over it-SWG's on the verge of bustness (which, unlike almost everyone here, upsets me as I actually enjoy it), and they needed a decent idea that'd attract peopel-newbies and such, people who wud scream if they saw HK on the front of the game. All I ask is for Battlewookiee, Guildmaster, or some other guy to come here and stop this totally pointless debate. Get over it you pessimists.
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