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Everything posted by Lancer

  1. A hilarious and unbelievably fun sport racing game on the Genesis, was "Road Rash".. You can beat up fellow bike riders with a variety of weapons!
  2. You know, this makes me wonder why there aren't more devs/publishers vowing for PC-only releases. More cash (ALOT) for the devs. More cash for the publisher (small, but still) and more cash for the store (minor too)... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not necessarily so. 12% of say $20M in returns is approximately $3M.. Which is more for the developer than say 20% of only $5M (only $1M) in returns. And console games tend to have a far larger market than PC games.
  3. To be realistic, you have to include the costs of marketing and distribution. Considering that Jade Empire had television advertising, I'd guess that the total was between $15M and $20M. Edmonton has a much lower cost of living compared to Southern California, which helps with the overall development price, but it's still probably pretty high. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And if your estimates are true, Jade Empire was not financially successful as these costs are larger than the $14M in sales that Draikin posted recently.
  4. Why are there so many haters?
  5. Now that you invoked the "legendary RPG" status.. Here are some RPGs I would grant that status to and that every PC gamer should try a hand at if they consider themselves a gamer: 1) Ultima series (particularly VII parts I and II) 2) Planescape: Torment 3) The BG series (especially the original BG) 4) Fallout I and II (play the first before the second!) 5) Daggerfall 6) Wasteland 7) Knights of the Old Republic (a modern game destined to be a classic) Honorable mentions: The Gold Box games, Wizardry, Might and Magic, Bard's Tale and a slew of others...
  6. That's because you don't have any rhythym. Country sux. Instead of a thread about TrueNeutral's inane vendetta against rap, I should start a thread about why country sucks soooooo bad. Soooooo bad.
  7. Darth Threadkiller on the move again!
  8. Well.. man.. Ask her if she is available this weekend and if she is tell her that you would like to take her out and play pool, watch a movie (or whatever her interests are)...
  9. Dude.. Just do it.. The worst that can happen is that she's already taken.
  10. Super Dodgeball
  11. It'd be interesting to see just how long this thread lasts
  12. LOLOLOLIPOP!!!!!!!!!
  13. Yeah.. Pretty much
  14. My perfect girlfiend would be someone who enjoys having intelligent conversations, argu--, I mean discussions, loves RPGs, and has a voluptuous figure (not thin) with a big top, bottom and small in between
  15. That'd be my worst nightmare.. (w00t) I wouldn't be able to play my game anymore
  16. Did you like playing with the joystick?
  17. No problem
  18. "Avernum" is the first in the award-winning Avernum series of shareware games bought through the indie company, "Spiderweb Software." Graphics suck by today's standards, but the gameplay and story are very, very good. http://www.avernum.com/avernum/index.html They are also the makers of the equally superb "Geneforge" series.
  19. I finished "Avernum" two weeks ago.. Tried out "Freedom Force" a bit last night until I realized I had no more time for at least a month to play any more computer games.. Plan on playing through "System Shock 2" over the spring break.
  20. I have never played Tekken before. I don't know. Is there martial arts in the game? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sure does. It was another fighting game back in the days of the Playstation one (at least the original was). It was distinct in appearance with its cubic-looking 3D fighters.
  21. I'd be reluctant to call a sport any game where it is encouraged to kill your opponent.. lol.. i.e Mortal Kombat , Tekken..etc I don't think people usually *die* in sports.. lol.. usually. Bloodsport sounds good though
  22. Tekken ain't a sports game... It's a fighting game! EDIT: BTW, GOOOOO Super Street Fighter II! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fighting is a form of sport And if you don't believe me, I'm sure my cousin's foot (which is connected to his third degree blackbelt body) could convince you otherwise :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I do believe that martial arts is a sport, but fighting games are not generally lumped into the sports genre.
  23. Fighting games *could* be considered a branch of sports games, but for all practical purposes the industry prefers to keep the two genres distinct.
  24. Until I see actual figures such as "number of units sold" everything is pure speculation. I remain skeptical.
  25. I second Super Tecmo Bowl <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Technically, you third it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quit splitting hairs.. lol
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