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Everything posted by Lancer

  1. I personally agree.. I just don't know how many people like Nartwak there are that would whine about "interface" issues due to the lack of a keyboard. It is possible that they would be a small minority.. who knows? I personally would have no problem playing an occidental RPG with a controller, unfortunately for others it would be. Just don't know how many of those "others" there are and whether or not the numbers would be significant enough to justify making said RPGs compatible with keyboards.
  2. If you pre-order a PS4 now, you will get those light guns at half price.. Otherwise, they come at the normal rate.
  3. Well, the thing I was trying to relate in with the cost is that it's tough to assume that someone is willing to buy the keyboard just to play your game. As you said, because it's not standard, developers can't assume it's there. If they do, they're likely limiting their market. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who said anything about using the keyboard to play just a *single* game? If (When, let's be optimistic) the occidental RPG becomes a sizeable market on consoles, and people just can't use a controller because of "interface" issues, the keyboard "problem" would have to be addressed.
  4. Now, you are just being silly. They can be made adaptable to them. And how much does a keyboard cost like 20 bucks? lol Here is a link for our skeptical friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're the one being silly. Nartwark's point that console's don't come with CDs is a very valid one. Especially seeing as that $20 price tag suddenly makes an $80 game a $100 game. Besides, you should be happy....the Pirates! remake made it on to the XBOX. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Huh? Who is talking about CDs here. You mean keyboards? Sorry but $20 for a keyboard is chump change for all the games you want on a console. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whoops, I meant keyboard. Chump change? In your opinion perhaps. This argument doesn't fly with the DVD argument, and it won't fly for keyboards either. There has to be a large variety of games to effectively take advantage of it before it will become a popular purchasing decision. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The point isn't that the cost is notional. The point (you were right, Nartwak) is that it is not assumed for the developers. It is not part of the default control system. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So you are assuming it will *never* ever be part of the default control system or at least a feasible alternate in the not too distant future? If there is need for it (meaning a lot of occidental RPGs on consoles some time down the line), they will find a way to make it part of the default control system. I agree that as of this moment the need isn't great (occidental RPGs aren't exactly popular on consoles yet) but that is not to say that things won't change in the near future as more and more PC developers go to consoles and the market for such games expands.... The fact that you can get USB keyboards for current consoles is just a sign of things to come...Unless of course people stop whining about having to use a controller....
  5. Yes, together with all the other variations of black music. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's disturbing.. Being this is the 21st century....
  6. SS2 came first <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Umm... That is what predecessor means...
  7. Now, you are just being silly. They can be made adaptable to them. And how much does a keyboard cost like 20 bucks? lol Here is a link for our skeptical friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're the one being silly. Nartwark's point that console's don't come with CDs is a very valid one. Especially seeing as that $20 price tag suddenly makes an $80 game a $100 game. Besides, you should be happy....the Pirates! remake made it on to the XBOX. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Huh? Who is talking about CDs here. You mean keyboards? Sorry but $20 for a keyboard is chump change for all the games you want on a console.
  8. I agree. Roleplayer continue your imbecilic crusade. I am through with this thread.
  9. The matter has been settled in that you finally translated your obscure post from page 1. It is done. Now apparently you think the matter isn't settled because you want to continue with personal attacks, but I refuse to partake in that. You could carry on all you want though with that if it makes you feel better, chap. Get a clue, man. And if I need to show you where you assumed I was homosexual (when I am not), you need to check your memory. You didn't actually "state" it, but you implied it. I'll let you mull over that for a while..
  10. SPECIAL style? I wouldn't mind another system similar to that. Jeff Vogel's Avernum games uses a character creation/progression system very much inspired by SPECIAL. I wouldn't mind a mondern version of that.
  11. I have no problem with level-based progression nor do I have a problem with the progression in Daggerfall, Morrowind, or the PnP game Cyberpunk 2020. Just as long as there is a good amount and variety of both combat-based and non-combat based skills EDIT: And as for Roleplayer's insistence to continue the meaningless argument after the matter has been settled. Grow up.
  12. Is this the part I should point out who started sounding immature by assuming others were homosexual, or the assumption that other people that didn't agree with you didn't because they didn't read the exchange.. Just because we didn't agree with you? Ooops. This sounds like a very different point from this: Wonderful, It took 4 pages of endless bickering for you to finally explain yourself. So what you really meant to say was that combat-related skills tend to be the most important ones in RPGs. ok. I am on the same page now. Was all that really necessary? Now, wouldn't it have been easier to have explained this back in page 1, rather than putting us all through this senseless roller coaster ride?
  13. I am glad that you can find humor in my post, Roleplayer. Really mature. For someone who writes so eloquently, you sure resort to childish bickering when people start disagreeing with you. EDIT: As for "RPG" character progression seeming that they only improve combat-related skills... That is just total nonsense, to tell you the truth. Unless you are specifically speaking about action RPGs, in which case that point would hold a certain kernel of truth. But for most other PC RPGs, that statement is just a red herring.
  14. I like you Roleplayer.. I really do.. But I do get the impression especially from this thread that you are more than just a little *proud.*
  15. I'm sure any impartial third party who were to read this entire exchange would think the same thing.
  16. Give this girl a keg!
  17. Some people just think too highly of themselves to believe they can ever be wrong.. " oh well...
  18. Now you are actually being more sensible. Stating that Americans don't listen to enough foreign music is a totally different point to claiming that the "dominant music scene in the US is rap." Somehow you wanted to make the correlation that... "If Americans don't like to listen to music from other countries, then that must be because they only listen to rap!" I can concur that Americans (in general) don't listen to *a lot* of international music but I don't agree with saying that rap is the dominant music scene in the US. There really isn't any one dominant music scene in the US.
  19. You opened up a can of whoop A$$ on 'dem Codex bums!
  20. Because they are a bunch of beligerent asses. They have a very narrow view on what makes a game a good CRPG and will verbally attack, spam, send disgusting images, and threaten anyone who challenges their opinions. At least that is my experience with them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll keep that in mind. Ex member?
  21. Because they are a bunch of beligerent ****. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There is that guy with the Deathclaw avatar that seems pretty condescending and insulting. Are most of the posters just confrontational?
  22. Ok. Your "tend to rely" clause just merely states how character progression tends to focus on increasing stats and abilities. There is nothing here about skills and how they specifically tend to rely on combat. These are two different points altogether. If you meant to say that instead, it wasn't communicated effectively. Now the following is where the hang-up is: I think the bolded leaves no room for mis-interpretation. And there is nothing about "tending to rely" anything here.. Especially when you add in the word "ONLY" there, it makes it an absolute statement. But I agree with moose, you should be somewhat more willing to clarify your points... especially if people obviously think what you have to say is important enough that they have voluntarily decided to take time to participate in your thread. In fact my taking time to write this shows that I am still interested in the subject of this thread. We could have just ignored your post altogether. It is your thread after all and obviously you want people to comprehend your points so that they may be able to respond with useful feedback... How can they do that if you are unwilling to clarify your points when prompted? EDIT: You tend to write very well, Roleplayer, and I always enjoy reading your posts since you always seem to make useful contributions to the forum (unlike some other spamming forumites " ) and have something thought-provoking to say usually.. but you can't be perfect all the time.
  23. eat your neighbors'!
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