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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. Not long i reckon. It's the world at large that sucks... <_<
  2. Yes but what does have to do with us commenting on it? It's not like they are going to get offended by words they'll never hear...
  3. Nay. You see, roleplaying doesn't just imply a good number of options, but rather, wheter those options are worth even pursuing. I don't want roleplaying, i want a meaningful roleplaying experience...
  4. Rusty Snakes on a ****... [EDIT] P E N I S is not a dirty word, goddamn filters...
  5. Rolep-playing my ass. 'Ho look, i can't control my party members, like in real life, ho soo realistic, this is great roleplaying, wheeee'. By that standard, Oblivion it's the pinnacle of a roleplaying experience. How about this: the minimal (if any) roleplaying benefict of having non-controllable NPCs was completely overshadowed by the total and utter destruction of gameplay.
  6. Cheer up, NPCs AI is still there, you can still have your ****ty NWN 1 experience in full if you want...
  7. Controllable NPCs = Winner!
  8. The Crow - Biggest piece of crap i've ever seen. Aweful in almost every aspect, and this is supposed to be a cult classic?
  9. Just watched that again. This guy has balls of steel...
  10. What the hell, i was going to show this to a friend, but the link doesn't work anymore.
  11. I think he kept it up pretty well, all considering. It does lose steam once he starts picking on the various members in the crowd though, and the final video wasn't that funny. The first 15 minutes or so were pure hilarity though...
  12. You could get accastumed in using Windows with only your keyboard if you wanted to, what does that prove?
  13. Bleh, after going through half the Dune series i have about enough of precience of any kind. Time Travel wins...
  14. On the note society hasn't put a burden of shame on introverts? Or perhaps you come from a planet where being a loner isn't looked down upon? Pray tell, by all means. Frankly, i'm not sure how can you call that pretentious if it rings true to the experience of the author as well as that of others, myself included. Who gives a **** if it's sounds arrogant? **** extroverts, i can't even go through a decent job interview this days without having to fake outgoing orientations. Job give me work to do and i'll do it for christ sake. Failings my ass...
  15. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch :cool:
  16. From the first comment of that preview: "Sounds like the game I wanted Oblivion to be" Define irony now. Dark Messiah defenatly looks like one of the most interesting FPS in a long while. I'm defenatly curious about this one...
  17. Only if you are a graphic whore, and if you were, you'd propably be buying a 2000$ HDTV system for your console, as well. Nice for movies i guess. Truth is that you can buy a new PC right now for something like 800$ and play pretty much anything on the market if you wanted to. I really don't have a problem with consoles in general, i don't like them, but that's me. My beef is with the Xbox. Limiting PC games just to pander to that infernal device feels me with grief...
  18. I have some experience with games that have been hindranced and sometimes severly handicapped because of the Xbox, which in itself is enough to make me sneer at those devices...
  19. Ho, i skipped his last comment. My bad...
  20. I don't hate them, but my room mate can't get enough of this band and after a while they just started to annoy me. Maybe it's the fake inspirational sound and the video game keyboard music that bugs me. They are not bad though, i've heard worst...
  21. Symphonic Metal? Give me a brake...
  22. Facile Star Wars compliments are my forte...
  23. ^ You guys can't be serious, right? Ho wait, Star Wars fans, that about explains it...
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