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Everything posted by sterrius

  1. specially if you remember they don´t replenished their numbers, not even in W3 not even in WoW so every single Night Elf you kill have at least 10000 years. At least 9 of them fighting or training to fight. when you think like that and add they are faster and stronger than humans (not orc level strong but still) and you find hard to believe for them to ever lose a fight outside of luck or magic trick . I do like night elfs, but blizzard did killed a lot of immersion if you start to think about how they lose wars and are still alive after tons of losses. at least warhammer does make elfs more easy to believe. A group of Swordmasters of Hoeth, that trained centurys in the use of swords is not a group of elfs you want to face in meele. They will cut anything in their path that is not helped by magic like a Chaos Chosen. A normal human swordman don´t stand a chance, not even if you bring 5 times their numbers. Always fun to do some of those battles on the warhammer: total war ^^.
  2. Oh and about Dungeon and Dragon elves. On Second Edition they lived 1000+ years. Pretty much immortal like tolkien elves, they just said after 1000 years a elf became bored and went on a journey to never return. On third edition elves got the age knife and reduced to around 500 years. On fourth edition 300+ years. Don´t know now on the 5º edition. this explain why some elves on D&D changed a lot from the 80´s to today. On witcher. There is only one elf know to have 650 years (Auberon Muircetach, Killed by Alderon, the one that appears on Witcher III). On Witcher you can clearly see the difference beetween the white hunt (a old elf society where they think themselves superior and with tons of knowledge) vs Geralth Dimension Elfs that are too busy dying young while they fight in a world that is killing them little by little. On Dragon Age Elves live no longer than Humans. Some Elves where immortal by using magic but that age is long gone. Warhammer:Fantasy Elfs live 1000 years and they do think themselves superior to everyone else, and they do have reasons to believe that. In fact they do have quite a share of the top 10 most powerful beings in that universe. Specially if you count all 3 of them. (High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves). They did lost a war to the dwarfs ^^. (That live 350 years and you are only a proper warrior for them once you reach 100+ years alive and become a longbeard). Warcraft Elves. Night elves -> Pretty much immortal. They lost their immortality but they have projects to regain it and will likely have a sucess before the first of them meet a natural death. High elves + blood elves = 2500 to 3000 years. Draenei = 27000 years (someone smoked a lot to come up with such a long lifespan).
  3. to be fair Pillars 1 and 2 happens in very turbulent parts of the world with little influence from elves. So its way more easy for them to be young, impulsive and other qualitys and defects that comes with people that are colonists or adventurers. If all you do is farming no matter if you live 50 or 500 years, outside of your field you will know close to nothing, specially with villages and citys that live isolated outside of eventual caravan or two to replenish complex tools. I do expect when we go to the empire or meet a organization led by elves of the empire for them to be old with a more rigid political structure, but at same time they can´t be that ageless stone we see on Tolkien or even on some Forgotten realms kingdom simple because they share the empire with humans and must adapt to how humans behave, think and act.
  4. sometimes i think insight is so needed for this game that i would recommend the devs to put it inside perception and remove it for something else. Diplomacy winning over bluff/intimidation is normal and more about how you're going to play. (Hero? Villain? Crazy? etc).
  5. The real question is how to get most of party assist. If you spent 4 points on all 4 companions you get a total of 16 points = +6 party assist bonus. this equal 5-7 skills (from 9 passives and all actives) depending on the caracter and if you multiclass him or not. Also there is berath blessing. If you get 2 classes with pretty different skills you can get a pretty big bonus as those +2 apply to all skills your classes have. (for a total of +20 free skills points). and finally. Remember rest + permanent + temporary items. You can get +1 to +5 points in most skills allowing you to breach those really high checks as long you know where they are or don´t mind a reload. With a bit of planning you can have a +6 party assist + 3 watcher skill (multiclass + Berath) for 9 skillpoints on 10 skills. (of 16 total) put a +3 buffs from items. (So you dont have to run to rest). And you have +12 on those skills. Still far from some skills like diplomacy. But more than enough for other skills like religion.
  6. Well decided to go. Team 1 Eder , Xoti, Aloth , Maia Rua Team 2 Eder, Tekehu, Pallegina, Serafen
  7. So the Xoti demanding to choose beetween her and pallegine was a bug? because of posts around talking about that i trought it would also happen with other characters.
  8. Kind embarrasing to ask being a very basic thing but i don´t have much time to keep testing this, so here goes nothing ^^. What party you guys use to go with Tekehu? With 7 companions i was trying to make Eden a permanent character and make 2 groups with the other 6 (so i could use everyone), but finding this kind hard because of the like/dislike system. I know Aloth can´t stand to stay 5m with him. Maia rua and him are opposites on the political area. And pallegina and him are opposites on the religion area just like xoti, This leaves me only eder, xoti and serafen. But if i use those 3 the other group will have 0 healers as Xoti is the only priest in my run. (im running a crusader). So here is the real question. Does Pallegina / Maia Rua tolerate Tekehu enough to not go to the "Me or him!" Scenario or i really have to use him with xoti and serafen?
  9. giving a few more points to single class (Just a few) and stronger lv8-9 skills would be enough to make single class balanced to multi. (Plus getting things sooner). Everytime i have to decide about multi/single, specially with companions is if the lv8 and 9 is worth giving up all those extra combos and skills i can get going multi. Most of the time unfortunaly going lv8 and 9 is not worth it. Too few skills that make a real difference there outside of casters. One classic example is the warrior. Does the lv8 and 9 warrior levels really shine against everything, lets say, a paladin can give if your aim is tanking? Not even close.
  10. im quite happy with aloth as a single mage. So many spells to get that i feel going multiclass only limits him. (And i dont go many casters in my party so i rather have him casting spells instead of shooting or hitting someone). i think the problem is more the priest class Also some other classes do have a lv or two where they get rather weak and they too deserve some love there to make all levels interesting.
  11. You can get the achivement file from someone that aready unlocked everything and place it on the same place where you find the savegames. (Achievements folder). There is a topic in this forum where a few players have given their files for this, but i don´t remember now as i found it by sheer luck. But i strongly recommend only going for the stats + Skill mostly for conversation purposes. (In fact even the stats one can be ignored if you go for a caster/ranged main character). Otherwise the game gets crazy easy. Also maybe the +5000k gold for some free respecs if you're not yet sure about what to do with your characters. EDIT: Found it https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98642-blessing-of-berath-achievements-file/ There is one file there with 30+ points. Enough for almost everything. PS: The stats boost don´t show on character creation. PS2: The skill boost only starts after you create the character so remember you have +2 when placing your lv1 points.
  12. POE1 at launch was playable but surely needed a ton of patches. I waited until patch 1.3 to actually play from start to end but the game really was "without major issues" and starting to add things only after patch 1.4 or 1.5 don´t really remember. played last month again to play WM1 and 2 and yeah, game feels the same on 3.07 but its also very different.
  13. If the budget was 14 million and only need 500k sales im pretty safe to bet this game by years end will be turning a profit. Maybe closer to 750k copies when the game start going to 25-50% discount and a last low budget market campaing when the first DLC comes out. Its not a MP game so low cost on servers/support outside of patches that are going together with DLC´s. (And that is a lot of times already included in the total cost as making a game today without making at least 3-5 patchs is out of question, even EA level of support give this). Amnesia developers had a very good interview some years ago saying that even years after release their game is still giving them some money every month. Not a fortune but also not something to ignore either and that the crazy discounts helped them keep this little profit coming. Deadfire is that kind of game. A ton of people might not be buying now but they surely have deadfire on "Wish to buy". (i have 3 of those in my friend list right now and its not a big one). As they run out of rpg´s they will buy it sooner or later. About pillars III. Too soon to tell, they need to analyse why deadfire 2 is not coming out on top and how many of those factors can be blamed on the game itself and how many of those factors can be fixed. Its very unlikely the genre or the universe is at fault here. There is a playerbase wishing this kind of game and the universe is rich enough and full of areas people still wish to explore. and to finish up. Steam is far from being the only sale plataform today. So 150k+ on steam + 75k on gog + 25-50k on other plataforms surely will make the game reach to 500k+ sooner rather than later.
  14. With a 400% goal on the crownfunding i could say Pillars II: Deadfire was a sucess from day 1. While 4M is below what this game likely costed (Specially fully voiced), i also doubt that deadfire total cost reached very far from 10-15 Million dollars. (if it reached this point at all). So even with a low sale number they will make a profit. Also sales are not "wasted" hosting MP servers or something like that. As a full single player game monthly sales goes to patchs and profit. So you can´t think only on first month sales but also on the long run with this game. What this can likely influence is the DLC policy. If the sales are low the DLC´s will likely not pay themselves and the next pillars will be more like POE1. With the game being more closed and a DLC being just a extra if the game is a sucess. Also likely DLC2 and 3 will be small as they can get to save money. We need to remember that while making games today cost a lot. Pillars is far far away from a GTA V and being a AAA game. Its the reason those games where reborn this decade, they are "cheap" to make compared to a full 3D game + Engine.
  15. for me the idea of launching 3 DLC´s on one year was not a super big move from marketing perspective. Im not even pass the second city and im already thinking about waiting everything on december, and i even paused a litle before buying this week. (I decided to go for it because of the obsidian edition and because i want a pillars III in the far future ). i bet with a good number of players is waiting all 3 DLC´s before buying or even playing the game. (Im not a super fan of replaying a rpg again and again, i do wait some months/years before going again and i sure im not alone). Just like i don´t even played White March 1 until WM2 was launched. its nice to know what is coming for your game but it can also backfire.
  16. With low fortitude it was easy for them to strike a hit/critical on stun going from the usual 2-4s to deadly 5+s. While spending 2 talentes to counter stuns is kind of a overkill it did fixed the problem for good. Paralyse i usually use 1 per combat, on White march a lot of combats have too many to be over in 20s. That usually left me being paralysed specially with my group formation that used the devil and the ghosts really loved to target her. on this run i went with my main group instead of playing around.
  17. i fixed my problem. I did spent a good time restarting and also making a respec to make sure everyone had Body Control + Bear Endurance to make sure they always had top fortitude vs paralyse and stun. On top of that i was luck to find 3 fenswalkers, 2 on my warriors and the third on my priest. Also made a copy of the tempered helm covering +2 members for a total of 5 members close to immune to stun + paralyse. So now my warrior from 90-100 fort vs stun/paralyse have 144 now. (138 at lv13, moment i posted topic). And the others around 120. With this i fixed the stunlock problem that was the main issue i was having. Also i stopped trying to equip everyone and started to use my inventory as a "bank" so everyone going to the bench had to give up its rings, boots and helmet. Boring micro but it does help a ton and i spend less time dying or resting this way. Im still trying to make my 2h barbarian really viable (At least compared to my other classes) as there is little hope for her low Deflection, but outside of that im good now and close to finish the game . but it did too hours and hours searching the forum and wiki for metaknowledge like boerer said. Without that PoTD + Scaling is very very hard to impossible. im even taking out the dragons kind of easy now . (got adra and alpine, 2 left). Should not take long for me to finish the game. Anyway thx .
  18. Im going a run of pillars 1 so i can jump to pillars 2 and also remember the story. I met the scaling on WM and ACT3 but im not really finding the game much fun after the scale. (Im on lv11 now). Im meeting enemys with a Acc of 110 vs will or For and this is a crazy value that i can´t see how to make my warriors or paladin to meet those requirements and try to resist on their own. Specially vs stun as there is only 1 single target spell that stop this. im not a super fan of scrolls and potions, sure, using them in one hard battle is ok and desirable, but having to use them for every single time i meet a enemy magic caster its too much for my taste as the battles become less of a challenge and more of a boss fight. Specially as durance and other casters don´t have a infinite amount of spells and every battle i use most of them, forcing me to rest and return to the city multiple times to clear a dungeon. (And thinking of going with little to no spells becomes impossible, specially with WM heroes). so im doing something wrong or the game really wishes me to spam scrolls, potions, spells every battle that have a Mage with confuse/dominate/stun ?
  19. As of now, 11/04/2015. Only 0.1% of the Steam datapool finished the game in POD. 0.2% using Expert mode. 0.1% iron mode. 3.3% finished the game! The problem with Difficulty in a CRPG is that its hard until you find the loops in the system, that good spell or combination of characters that wipe the floor with most encounters, and you can´t balance a game thinking in the min-max characters. I spended 55 hours to master a party good enough to turn POD from almost impossible to easy 90% of the time! On Hard i would have spended less time, but still dozens of hours. For me the game is far from easy. The difficulty is fine. Some encounters can be a little harder, others a little easier, but in general the game gives you enough challenges to make sure you first character without knowing anything from the game will have a good challenge and will be hard to finish with him. Most people here restarted one, twice. I restarted 8 times until i ended the game with + 15-3-15-15-15-15 ranger. Baldurs gate was also a game that could be a walk in the park if you spended 5 minutes rolling dice to get a semi-god attributes. When the normal would be making a char with 75 to 85 points. (D&D 2E master guide recommend 75, but the game is balanced for a 80-85 build). Any CRPG that can be finished on Solo. With 1 character when you can get 6. Will have loopholes and will be easy. Maybe they need a Nightmare mode where you can only win if you Min-max and use everything. POD was kind of supossed to be that difficulty, but only giving a 20-30% buff and some more mobs is not enough . (But some encounters in POD will make you sweat, not going to talk about them now but i lost count how many times i reloaded to win some fights).
  20. Hylea. While any hollowborn with perhaps 5+ years is beyond any hope, the hollowborns with days to few months or years of life are not yet "broken". Most will be beyond salvation, a good number will have damages that only animancy can help a little, but you still have a group of hollowborns too young to be a broken vessel, those can be saved and had their fate in the hands of the Watcher. Hylea never lied most would be beyond repair or help. Only that those still alive deserved the chance. In the end, like people already said, no option is perfect, all of them have huge consequences and tons of grey ink.
  21. hmm nice to know you can improve more. Surely going to need those extra . I was thinking of getting to 120-130 without buffs, reason i said almost the max. (im also not 18 resolve and 18 perception, just 17 on both already with +2 items). And yes, it was out of combat, should be lacking one or two buffs there!
  22. Every weapon is kind of balanced now. Depends what you want and the class. Durance for instance gets +10 accuracy with arquebus. Kind of suicide not going arquebus with him. My ranger use arbalest. Sagani i went arbalest but you can stay with the hunting bow as long you get the DT penetration talent and save yourself wasting 1 talent. I think i would avoid only crossbows. Too slow to keep up with the bows and too little dmg to keep up with guns and arbalests.
  23. barbarian for two hand. Paladins, fighters and chypers can also use them with different levels of sucess. Priests are also not a bad choice, but depends on your god! (i think one god give +10 accuracy with one specific 2h Weapons like magran that give +10 to arquebus). The only 2h i find " useless " is the GreatSword and only because its secondary dmg is pierce, the same as the stoc, if i want slash i go for the poleaxe. Extended range have lots of uses and poleaxe crush/slash is also a good combination against some enemys. So if you go stock (pierce) + Poleaxe (Crush/slash) should be the normal weapons of choice from anyone going close meele 2H Like anyone going extended reach will also have a secondary weapon to counter a high DT, most likely Pike + Staff. Morning starts are also very ok if you go for a interrupt build. I can see a paladin with morning star doing fine, or a warrior. They both have 1 talent to spend on that +15% interrupt chance and uses for a high perception. Its also the only build that have a use for greatswords as a secondary weapon. And i like that different builds have different uses for 2h weapons.
  24. In POD just to give some people idea. This is my lv9 tank in POD dif. As you can see she have some very high DT and Defenses. She can improve all saves for +20 for 15s. its almost the maximum deflection you can get in the game. I can give +5 for a deflection ring, a little more from stats but thats it. 100-110 is kind of how high you can go. The only moment i stop getting hit a lot is the moment i use that skill! Some accuracys in POD. Adra beetle - 61 (30-46) Bear - 73 Dargul - 55 (18-27) Drake - 85 (27-43 dmg) Ogre 80 (40-60dmg) Skeleton mage 53 (dmg depends on the spell also it will target your saves, not deflection) I think this is enough to make the point. In Pod no matter how high you can go, the NPC´s will have enough to hit or even critical hit you And the numbers also make them ususally sorrounded by 6 or more enemys. When i get deflection in my mage or ranger its not to avoid getting hit, its to avoid getting a critical so i can try to disengage. (Also i just ignored any armor on them until i found some exceptional light armor). So the best my warrior can do is survive until his health reach 0 or until im finally able to kill the enemy before that happens. I use 2 warriors because i found out in POD. I wanted to use other class as offtank but quickly found out i cant as they would consume all my priest spells and time with heals instead of doing dps and saving the spells for tough fights. Sometimes i even wanted a 3º offtank but my ranger bear can deal with it most of the time. Also No matter how many DT you have. 20% of the damage will pass! But as you can see, in POD even the chyper OP said would get a lot of dmg. About dmg hugin. Is more or less the same as hard, but because of the high accuracy they critical hit you! So if a spell have a 50dmg with critical its 100 dmg.
  25. The differente from a DEX 3 to a DEX 15 (For example) is 36% in atack speed. Not 20%. Plus you go heavy armor for more -40 to -50% Atack Speed where a ranged chyper will use just light armor. (i use a -20% armor). Also you will have a useless Reflex no matter how much you buff it as you have a -14 from stats. If one spell with reflex save hit you its not impossible for the enemy to critical hit you. Ok build for hard, but i would not go that route on a POD dif. Learned the hard way a very low save can kill you there.
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