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Everything posted by k1rage

  1. When you rally behind people like #killallmen Eric of course society is going to loathe you. Your claimed monopoly on suffering is quite frankly bigioted and disgusting to me. thank you for stating that all transgender people are not extremest nutbags, when will people realize that censorship is wrong
  2. thank god the modding community can help fix obsidian's cowardice
  3. I feel that humor should in most cases be uncensored why? because its humor and not meant to be taken seriously
  4. I really hope this is not true if it indeed is this is a shameful display on the part of obsidian
  5. I remember when Direct2Drive went under or rather got purchased gamefly treated the D2D customers like dirt. I lost at least 5 games that I paid good money for
  6. Ok, sure, Apple knew they had competition and acted accordingly. Having enough market share allowed them to negotiate successfully. This is entirely about DRM. If you choose Steam when Gog is an option you are telling Steam, loud and clear, that the features are more important to you than DRM. That's fine, maybe the features are more important to you and nobody is calling you a bad person for doing that (or, at least, I'm not). If Gog improves their service and keeps out DRM, it will be a no brainer to choose Gog. Likewise, if Steam starts feeling the competition from Gog (or someone else) they will most likely drop the DRM and they will become the obvious choice if they still have an advantage in their feature set. That's a reason to choose Gog when there is an option even though they aren't as far along with their feature set. Obviously, YMMV and you should do whatever works for you. For me, DRM needs to die ASAP and throwing money at something means it never dies. The major issue for me is that steam has sooooo many steam exclusive games so even if you want to go with GoG you cant as long as that remains true steam will be the go to network simply because there is no choice for many games
  7. ok ive got to agree there greenlight/early access can be a bit shady but its not like you have to buy and of the unfinished junk
  8. wait dont you need steam to play nearly half the major PC releases now days? why the hate?
  9. Im curious as to why you hate steam so much care to elaborate, personally I dont buy from GoG simply because my credit card cant be used on foreign websites, I actually like GoG a lot
  10. You mean... back when bugs were permanent and nothing ever got fixed? Actually I do, too. It meant people were a lot more careful about what they released, and bugs tended to be hard to find. oh you could get patches back then I once contacted a company about bugs and the mailed me a set of 3.5 floppy disks with a patch lol
  11. I miss the days when there was just one version of the game
  12. I would have preferred the had voice acting for everything, save me from having to read lol
  13. your right I dont feel "bad" per say (at least no worse than I always do) but I do feel that non steam folks got shafted
  14. it seems the GoG and Origin folks will have to wait a few more days for the patch https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75170-patch-103-is-live-on-steam/
  15. ive seen games release in much, much worse states, anyone remember fallout new Vegas, or the most recent Sim city, or Empire total war lol compared to those this game is a clean as can be lol
  16. For me its kinda living up to the hype, so far that is It has that dark, sinister feel that many games go for but most fail at
  17. Yeah the world is kinda stunning, I feel like my party is traversing a beautiful painting as they walk across some maps lol
  18. I actually agree with the OP. The last game I played that was this style was NWN2 and on easy its face roll mode, and to me thats what easy should be of course that being said im still getting used to the game mechanics, where as I basically know D&D 3.5 by heart lol
  19. I decide I want to play as a Cipher and a Godlike but which of the four godlike is best for playing a Cipher? I can see how the death,fire, and moon powers could all be useful Nature seem kinda meh Also how detrimental is it not to be able to wear hats? and can you "gimp" a character or is it relatively forgiving with how you build your character?
  20. The modding possibilities of this game do have me very excited
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