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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. No I'm not comparing it. I said Obsidian put a text fix (a non-issue) above all the bugs and balance issues. Why? Because a member of a delicate minority was offended? That situation alone is worth 1000 words about Obsidian , their employees and work philosophy. Even if I adore PoE to bits, and I do. here is a company findings its feet after almost collapsing, in a time when (for better AND worse) political correctness is a huge issue. It makes perfect sense. Companies the world over tackle this problem every day, and not just in gaming but every walk of life. Especially the way twitter trolls work, in fact I dont discount some people were offended but I fail to believe to the mass outrage was done by people truly believing in what they were doing, more just using twitter and social media sadly for the lol's. Likewise I think the 'OMG the game has been censored, they are worse company ever' people in every possible forum are just silly, just a different side of that same social media monster. It says way more about their need to be outraged from <insert whatever reason they demn worthy here> than the event itself. IF the censorship was fundamentally part of the game and required a massive change of focus THEN this outrage would be portionate to the response. Bro im only saying they should have let it blow over, and meanwhile work of the patches. This whole PR nightmare did 3 things, 1) delayed patch deployment for a day or two, be sure of it, 2) overloaded their servers for a week, 3) given rise to more twitter trolls targeting Obsidian they should have let it blow over
  2. Actually Obsidian themselves said the text couldn't be renamed due to codding. So they needed to make a new one and find a place for it. But w/e I see what you mean. The real issue is how much time and energy they lost on PR-ing this nightmare vs LGTB SWJs. Firedorn said it himself that he changed the whole thing because they politely asked him to , so that Obsidian wouldn't lose their heads any more in this marketing tripe
  3. No I'm not comparing it. I said Obsidian put a text fix (a non-issue) above all the bugs and balance issues. Why? Because a member of a delicate minority was offended? That situation alone is worth 1000 words about Obsidian , their employees and work philosophy. Even if I adore PoE to bits, and I do.
  4. Frankly I'd say that's overreacting some bit but w/e. I think PoE is a fantastic game. And I'm willing to disregard ALL the bugs.... I just don't get it , how they couldn't make these 11 classes and 13 races more polished and mutually proportionate . That's my biggest gripe with the game. That Firedorn memorial thing was a shame, but its their shame not mine. I'm not a backer. Maybe I'd be more upset about that If I was one
  5. Why don't you type down, now, all the conditions in PoE and their effects? You do realize that this is the Internet, on a forum, with access to google and Wikipedia, and you have given no time limit of any sort on my response? Regardless, my point was not that I have everything about PoE memorized. My point is that just because you suck at manipulating and understanding the combat mechanic does not mean it's over engineered. It's there if you want to take advantage if it; if you don't have the intelligence, attention span, or motivation then you don't have to. Ok look. the combat is not a problem here. I may not like it 100%, its a matter of taste. I will grow fond of it. Doesnt matter. Balance and bugs are problems. non-issues like Firedorn memorial certainly are not. Do you get my drift? They aren't assigning priorities as they should. EDIT: And combat in PoE *is* over-engineered. No one said that's a bad thing. Its rather a matter of taste. For example I love getting hemorrhoids while playing Temple of Elemental Evil and Wizardry 8.
  6. 4 Million isn't a whole lot in an industry where the budget of major titles is in the triple digit range of Millions Duuuuude.. Raising 4 Million of other people's money, up front , in 1 month, is huuuuge
  7. Well how unfortunate. But that's their problem. So what are you saying? They need 1 million dollars per month ? 18 months = 18 million dollars? Come on. They had plenty of money, plenty of time, and plenty of industry professionals to do this better.
  8. Why don't you type down, now, all the conditions in PoE and their effects?
  9. No I don't mind, Tom Seleck Eliminating the RPG trinity of tank/dps/healer i.e. no party restrictions. Now you pretty much need gimmicks to play this game. It feels like playing a MMO. Balance between professions. Case a, you take Cipher/Chanter/Druid/Fighter and faceroll the game on hard, case b, taking Monk/Rogue/Ranger/Barbarian gives you cancer. Over-engineered the combat mechanic. This wasn't a promise but w/e. There is a dozen combat conditions, each boasting 4-5 effects no one can memorize. Making every stat important, I'm happy to say this was fulfilled. Now intelligence matters for my Barbarian , while Might can be important for a Wizard. + half of the spells are inferior and have a low impact on most combat situations + at least one game breaking situation i.e. crash that cannot be avoided unless tampering with the game files (Raedric's Hold). Consider yourself lucky if you haven't run into it + serious glitches like the Sanitarium (everyone goes hostile, NPCs frozen mid animation, unavoidable reputation loss in the biggest ingame town) etc. etc.
  10.  Wait just a second there. Obsidian raised how much, 4 Million dollars? Up front? And had plenty of time to do it. And has some of the most brilliant minds in the industry like Tim Cain, Feargus Uruqheart, Chris Avellone?? Get real.
  11. Why it would not be well thought out excuse? I only made a suggestion for the future. Sorry sweetie but a full 3D environment is never gonna happen for PoE or such isometric RPGs that are meant to succeed IE games. The idea here is a stylish, detailed 2D background, always have been. It just isn't realistic
  12. I got a black screen there that crashes the game, so I had to manually edit my savegame files to continue. Don't ask. There is also the Sanitarium glitch which comes damn close to game-breaking and ruins your reputation completely in the biggest town. That's unfortunate considering you need reputation in Defiance bay for at least two things - Eder's companion quest and the premium weapons/amor at the Dozen. But no, its more important to remove non-issues from the game because some transvestite demanded so on twitter. Go Josh and Obsidian. EDIT: Not to mention the huge discrepancy between classes. You either take cipher/chanter/druid/fighter and faceroll the game on hard, or you get rogue/monk/ranger/barbarian and get cancer. Also, the efficiency gap between spells is serious. Some spells are near-useless while specific spells are pretty much required to beat certain mobs.
  13. Radial menu is a brilliant design, mind you. Worked pretty well in Planescape Torment and Neverwinter Nights (where it was opaque, even better).
  14. There's another staircase down to level 2. What you are referring to are the stairs BACK UP from an unknown level below
  15. As much as I love this game (flowers about to grow out my arse) I'm starting to dislike sawyer. Mainly for the fallen promises and indulging irrelevant hipsters over non-issues, instead of fixing spell/class balance and game-breaking bugs. I'm so glad I didn't back this game on Kickstarter.
  16. Can you talk with the statue? Outside of sanitarium city guards aren't hostile I presume?
  17. I have the same problem albeit it went a little differently. 1) I go to the kid in North ward (Uscgrim) and I talk with his soul/whatever 2) conversation ends, purple light shoots out of him into the closest flesh golem, and chains to 2 more down the halfway 3) fight starts with the flesh creatures and ward patients (gram, ilmeman etc. ), uscgrim is dead 4) I proceed to the big room with patients and wights attack me instead 5) I go down the south hallway to Azo and choose to kill him 6) I go back to the mess hall (where the wights where) and now there are bugged NPCs (stuck mid animation) 7) kill some more flesh golems 8 )go back to the section with the Valirian animancer and 2 other animancer NPCs (they are NOT hostile) 9) go back up the stairs and everyone is hostile in the Sanitarium (guards, backer NPCs etc.). Ruins my reputation in the city Do we have a solution?
  18. :D There was quite a several funny and awkward situations like that :D
  19. yup.... many isometric RPGs have it
  20. Also , the traps that trigger on the player are often devastating. The ones you use on your enemies are mediocre at best. I don't mind that, just let us use more than one per encounter.
  21. Not worthless maybe, but overall have a low impact in most fights because you can use only 1.
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