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About DracoSpirit86

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. It always cracks me up when I see people state stuff like "till you get the gear off the most powerful creature in the game". Well there are plenty of +2 items extremely earlier. We are talking beginning Act 2 as soon as you get to DBay. You can purchase Might +2 items, extremely easy. And you can easily bull rush Act 2 and then back track to do all of the Act 1 side quests. Plus DBay has plenty of Dex Items +2 and +3 and +2 Int items. Plus the shawl from the light +3 perception. So you are getting "Gear" way earlier. Ok the +3 might ring is kind of late but +2 not a problem I was talking about the Herald Shield btw. With games like this, this always put really awesome gear right after it you no longer need it. Early accessed gear with stats ahead of the curve on the other hand are certainly worth building around.
  2. It always cracks me up when I see people state stuff like "till you get the gear off the most powerful creature in the game".
  3. I think removing gear is a bad idea.. because gear is a factor. So is growth and tactical options. Being good at killing a pair of puppies doesn't necessary mean your going to have easy time in the long run.
  4. It's ok! I just think it's funny people never want to see guns in medieval style fantasy, yet are fine with full-plate, dispute historically both seeing each other plenty.
  5. Funny fact 74: Gun's and platemail spent plenty of time with each other on the battlefield historically. I can't remember the exact dates, but gunpowder weapons in a medieval setting is more realist than most people like to think... even if early guns basically sucked!
  6. I might try a monk build then, stealthing into the keep wasn't too tricky, but the fight inside the main hall does seem unavoidable due to the statute.
  7. What kind of build are you using, I struggled in the castle bit with the shades?
  8. So it seems you got most of the deflection you need after 80, and getting a bit over 100 is likely all you will ever need with a bit of management. I just remember a tip from another game that killing your opponent faster than they can kill you is a valid tanking strategy, and it seems if you focus on dps after you hit the golden zone... you probably be a better tank overall.
  9. Tbh I think a party of one super tank and five glass cannons is asking for trouble, especially on iron man mode. Since all it takes is your tank to fail to stop one foe and you could end up with shattered glass >.<
  10. I'm trying to figure out a way to do a party of fighters with the solider weapons set up that are all the same you see Obviously I got to try and make them reasonably balanced in aggression/defense sides of things and since I want battle to go reasonably quickly I can't follow the traditional line of fighter thinking (max tank). 6 guys with greatswords and decent accuracy should let constant recovery and the odd potion keep me alive.. as long as my deflection is keeping the hits down to reasonable.
  11. So I was wondering what the big deflection milestone are, in general and by act for the versus difficulties? I seen a lot of just max it out at the expense of everything else, but I'm trying to figure out what kind of deflection scores you can get away on more complex builds, like say a more aggressive fighter setup, and which creatures are the ones to pull out the hatchet!
  12. Hits hard, hits fast and doing so with a pike.... should do well, just don't throw too much armor on and try to avoid getting in front of the tanks.
  13. Jack of all trade's tend to shine when you need someone to cover several bases in your party for versus reasons.
  14. Give it a few expansions. At the moment there mostly A and B routes for most of the classes, through I think the difference between the truly great builds and the average builds aren't too big... look how messed up the npc builds are.. and the game still very winnable with them!
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