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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  2. Right... But your story was good. And Kirottu's was also. Meta was right about that opening line working, because it was all about the technique, so she wouldn't feel stalked. Oh, and to make it all about you, Pixies, I wanted to note that I finally got a broadband internet connection.
  3. Text-boxes nowadays are great for low-budget modules, but for game developers the standards are higher. Gamers today who pay want voice-overs, facial expressions, and scenery displayed graphically rather than textually. These things are all possible and will improve with time. On the other hand, text descriptions in games can tap into your imagination better than anything graphically can, much like a book. Maybe we are talking about two different branches here, rather than one branch growing into another.
  4. I was playing NWN for the first time when I realized something... Obsidian won't have to try too hard to make a better game...
  5. Haha, it thinks I'm a democrat!
  6. For sure such an evolution in RPG's is disappointing, and I wish the already successful companies such as Bioware would stop going for "safe bets", realize that people will buy their game simply because their name is on it, and make an epic, classic RPG. They are obligated to do so in my eyes. From my sig, Urquhart says some stuff pertaining to this kind of:
  7. Maevar, to me, the answer to your underlying question is that games cost a lot more than they used to. You note that these games need more creativity put into them, making each place in the game unique, but classical RPGs don't seem to make enough money to compensate for the time it takes to do those things. If you look at it in a positive light, game-developers like Bio made it easy for consumers to create more for the game after the game is made. Even if there is some generic junk going on, a company would not do so well if they spent all their time making unique places and gave nothing to tide over the community until their next game. I look at Advent: Rising as a game like that. Majesco said, "Let's make an adventure game with an awesome story and combat and every scene is epic." They failed money-wise, but I found the game to be an 8.5 to 9, so it wasn't a bad quality game... There may have been other factors there, but after you played through the game once or twice, there was nothing much more I could do to enjoy it. No multiplayer, no modules, no community. I hope RPG's have a bright future. I cringed when you repeatedly said, "I fear, I fear," because it got old; those fears were from worst-case scenarios and it seemed like you were generalizing all RPG's. As a sidenote: Advent was cool but had some cheesy, kid moments. Kind of like how Darque is.
  8. Suggestions... you mean, constructive suggestions? Because if that is what you mean, I have to stop typing now...
  9. In the PS3 game called "Assasin's Creed" the player will be able to do things to get certain citizens of the town to like him. Go out of your way to save a miner, a group of miners conveniently steps in front of the guards chasing you after you kill a mark. On the other hand, if you are a jerk to the townspeople, they'll point to the guards where you are hiding in the crowd. It sounds like it'll be a good game. But it is noteworthy in this thread because there is the concept that civilians can be affected by the player and consequently have effects on the player later. Edit: I just read that "Assasin's Creed" won't be PS3 exclusive. YAY for me!
  10. Haha. So I started reading this thread and decided to go to the first page to catch up, and I didn't realize that Warmyth was a necroposter until I saw EnderAndrew's posts. I looked at the date and it was two years ago, haha. But I don't understand why the Planescape franchise has to be dead... I know WOTC stopped it officially, but why would you need WOTC's permission? Do they own the franchise and are just being idiots by not letting anyone use it? Idiots. Necroposting...
  11. So do we have to wait until he does changes the topic, or is it open to anybody to change it from the time he didn't change it?...
  12. Report. You are good at those. Although, I don't remember you doing a narrative...
  13. Well, from what I have seen from Star Wars, becoming DS or LS depends on your choices and/or compromises. Take the classic example of Anakin: he gets angry a few times as a kid, but it is okay, nobody dies. He slaughters the sandpeople village, oh well, they are animals anyway; they killed his mom. Obi says to do stuff, but Anakin thinks he is better than all that anyway. Obi says to be careful of Palp, but Anakin assumes he is better than Obi, and that Obi is just jealous. Palp plays on the kid's emotions and gets him to kill Mace, then the jedi academy, and he has slowly but surely become a full-fledged DSer. Also, when one plays the game, one is made LS, DS, or even Grey, by doing or not doing things. Of course, the game has to be like that for role-playing purposes, but it goes along with the rest of SW. Though there can be DS auras I guess, it seems like each character in SW is a clean slate. Luke is Darth Vader's son, but he isn't bad, et cetera. Therefore, unless Brianna gets persuaded by a DS exile, it is hard for me to believe that she would end up DS.
  14. Hee hee. My friend couldn't get over that illogic! (He took his two daughters to see it, and frowned all the way through it.) They even had repair shops, but no people. That requires a child's perspective to suspend disbelief ... Meta, for a friend of yours to be like that does not surprise me at all. :Darque:
  15. But beyond my pathetic fixation with grammar, I had some good points that nobody felt compelled to refute. Why don't the handmaidens recognize Kreia as their mother if they honoured her by resembling her? I acknowledge that the darkside can make you look different/ugly, but not beyond recognition. Also, the developers would be irrational if they made you beat the game six times in order to hear Kreia say, "Why are you training my daughter?" And to you guys who were trying to generate euphemisms for "fliplife's" spelling, why does he have so many exclamation marks and question marks? That is excessive in any language. I am not trying to disparage Fliplife, but I want him to know that he has room for improvement in English. On the contrary, if I were judged likewise in his language (of which I probably know nothing), any criticism toward me would be expected and perhaps welcomed (if it was helpful).
  16. That's good to hear. I was just wondering what was going to happen, since you said you'd do it. If it didn't work out for you, I would've happily berated Eldar for ditching us.
  17. I assume you also come from a country where one speaks english as a second language? Because I would be glad to offer advice (I am not being sarcastic BTW): Use punctuation. Even one period at the end makes all the difference. I mean, your post is not even one sentence, yet it consists of 75 words. Good job with the parenthesis though. Perhaps you should calm down when you write the stuff? When I read it, you sound like an earnest, but highly-caffeinated guy. Again, the periods will make a big difference. After each thought, you might consider placing one. I know there are periods in other languages; in english there are periods too. I don't fully know how much knowledge of english you have, but you made a good effort and I understood it. Heck, it might be helpful if I exemplified what I am talking about:
  18. An english muffin topped with butter and imported Danish blackberry jam (all of which I got from Wal-Mart) :ph34r:
  19. No more phrases like "stealth". The picture speaks for itself... or should... If you go for the Sasuke one, ditch his normal mode picture and have the Kamehameha-Sasuke on the mid-left, and obscure everything but his right eye.
  20. SO...!?!?!?
  21. Which is precisely what you did with the campaign here! YOU DISHONOUR US (note the british spelling!)
  22. Hmm, you are an alt. But I like humouring alts. For starters, if you were real, I would advise you to learn how to spell correctly. If this were your first post, you would want to look good, and a typo in the topic title is pretty poor looking, as it says you don't care if other people's eyes hurt. Capital "u" instead of "you"? No. Also, there are too many exclamation marks and question marks. One is enough for each, and in the exclamation mark's case, maybe one is too much. Your "friend" would be a lying sack of green beans if what you said were true. Handmaiden knows who her mother was (not Kreia), and the main character in the game can talk to her about it in length. The handmaiden sisters supposedly honour their mother by taking on her appearance, but the Handmaiden chooses her father's... which I guess is more manly? Anyway, they would look like Kreia, but they don't. Moreover, the Obsidian Entertainment developers would be jerks if they made you beat the game six times just to hear that one thing, but they aren't really jerks from what I've seen... at least, not in that way... If you aren't an alt, you should follow some of the advise perhaps... and you probably don't know what an alt is... Just know that some people make other accounts to act stupid (which means my perception of your post was that it was...)
  23. It depends on you definition of pansy, but I may agree.
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