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Everything posted by Knights&Darths

  1. good one. but you see, i've got a brain myself, and i agree with her. you're talking about overconfidence, i really don't think that's the case, but we cannot all drown in stagnation and aphaty overthinking "what if i'm wrong". not so fast, don't forget Revan is from the unknown regions (he may, just may because it is just rumors Kreia speaks of, know more that anyone the magnitude of the sith treath) and the Star Forge was the key of Revan's triumph, a quick utter and cautios victory (till Malak of course, then back again). many dialogs reveal that Revan never intended to use the SF for long, what made you think he fell all of a sudden?
  2. i disagree, a total lightsider would never do something really evil for a greater good (if they did, then that would just be a major example of jedi hypocrisy), a total darksider would be disgusted to indulge in goodhearted behaviour, even if it meant to unlock a source of greater strength, because all they'd see in such acts is weakness. i'm saying that you don't have to be the dark lord of the sith or the most back-acking jedi master to be a greysider, the strength of the neutral path is having no limitations, which is source of greater wisdom and knowledge, of greater power (because knowing both ways also means to know the weaknesses and strengths of each). something the greatest of the sith teaching could do nothing against you talking about the new jedi order there, the teachings of the darkside (to understand them you have to know them) were something strongly forbidden and seen as source of corruption and doom to fall. also, Yoda failed with Palps as i recall, and Anakin destroyed him, and as you said there's no shortcuts, you can't just jump from total darksider (Vader) to super lightsider, like ds Revan after saying no to Bastila, he really was something in the middle. Revan and Kreia and of course the Exile and many others actually proved to overpower the extremes we're talking about. and who said that? it was meant as controlling temptations and safely use power indicriminately, and wisely nontheless. i don't think so, the republic will be stronger for it, and a new jedi order will rise, but the old one had to be wiped out, since it is well known that one jedi at the right place and moment can turn the tide of a confict, and in doing so, doom to failure all of Revan's efforts. all things in time, as i said, it is my belief that this will take some time. still, Carth and Bastila were told to keep the republic strong, now that the echos of Malachor have been silenced they will have a chance. Candy also was left with a mission, so were the Exile's apprentices
  3. i hope not, better to make out of her what Revan was in k2, let the Handmaiden say of visions and discovered truth, but never show her.
  4. though sweet he has the charisma of a cannok, he's uncool, and yes i would've loved to see ds Atton turn him into spare chemicals
  5. quite the contrary, being grey doesn't mean you can do whatever pleases you. it doesn't take that, it needs not be a 270 degrees journey. yes, we saw it in Vrook especially by cutting off from the force the only hope for the galaxy he would have been responsable for the death of all life. to tie yourself to one extreme in the force, light or dark, it is just a means of blinding you to everything else, and that is weakness. had he/she not, the galaxy would have fallen, there was no real choice, Revan just did what needed to be done to save it, or at least to hope. war is war, Revan tried to leave the republic as intact as possible but then that jedi ambush gave Malak the chance to ruin everything - for a time.
  6. exactly, they realize that good and evil depend strongly on our point of view, and that both are necessary to gain wisdom and greater knowledge and understanding of the force as well as knowledge of the self, which is the major lack in those who fall when inevitably faced with a test. like Kreia would say - "Turning away from that which tempts you or causes you fear is not strength. Facing it is."
  7. why can't the darkside be controlled? grey jedi do it all the time, and even if you're not jedi (i mean force-sensitive) you have to go through that as well, always. being good or evil isn't about the force, it's about who you are. the universe is so that things must have an opposite, there is no light without dark, as there'd be no sith without the jedi, walking the grey path is facing that truth, facing that hoping to forever be in the light is actually making room for the dark. the old jedi order standed in the way of growth for the Republic, in doing so they made it weak, no matter what the price this was a threat to be ended, so that the Republic may start taking its own challenges, solving its own problems, test its forces in battle. if there'd been a jedi to settle things on the planets destroyed by the sith, there wouldn't be the need for the Republic to get up and work on it using its own resources and stabilizing new trade routes. this need not sound like a pro-war way to think, but as a means to get self-sufficient and ready for self-defense. in any event i don't think we're gonna see the Exile, or Revan, for some time. the Republic and the mandalorians still need time to grow, and there may be other offsprings of the jcwar as Kavar suggested, also the new jedi order has still to be born.
  8. He might have been able to redeem Vader... the Force had other plans though, and what is done is done. back to Traya, i agree with Lord Satasn, Palps was more manipulative, Traya only brought truth in the eyes of those who couldn't see it for themselves, she is "but a mirror whose only purpose is to show you what your own eyes cannot yet see". personally i see greatness in that more than anything else.
  9. there are those who think so, yes, that's most certanly not my case though, it would give you the creeps knowing how many times i played k1&k2, i was only saying that not everyone is a
  10. Yoda should have gone to spank Anakin, i'm sure he at least would have found something more to say other than "i'm with the republic, i'll do what i must, draw your lightsaber"
  11. yes, there's people out there who don't play the same game a hundred times thus they don't go through it like a blade
  12. i totally agree (i see i was again unclear), still many things (not everything) do no longer suit with the rest of the story and can be really confusing and birth worthless discussions full of theories built upon something that does no longer exist, that has been arranged differently, or that has been found to conflict with other facts.
  13. yes but there's a lot of stuff in there that got cut for the most various reasons, you can't say if that actually made it into the final game, that's no proof, don't know if i'm being clear. there's a lot of stuff i bumped into and said "whoa" or "huh?" but most of them were dropped.
  14. well Revan was no sith lord but he certainly gave an impressive imitation of one, he/she didn't fail however
  15. Kreia, old school grey jedi master and sith lord
  16. that wasn't much help there are many cut things in there, a dlg file maybe?
  17. that was Dxun however, when i said "where" i intended the source (please), if i'm not asking too much.
  18. they're not the only one to say that the battle also took place in orbit, so what?
  19. i think the problem is that with all the new upgrades you can do too much damage, foes go down too quickly, another big problem is that in k2 there are more character levels, it makes it difficult to balance difficulty over the whole game (maybe 20th was fine after all), they need to work on that.
  20. well she is kinda stern mother, reminds me of a cold mother superior actually especially that robe both grey, old and sharp like a trandoshan sword, that would be one funny dialog
  21. ok you lost me there Malak turned Bastila showing her how liberating was the power of hate, she was already on the edge as i recall. Revan did not bother torturing anyone (i wonder what influence could he gain on jedi by torturing them, "It is a far greater victory to make another see through your eyes")
  22. don't bother me with details i do i'm sure you remember Kreia speaking of those tecniques, they were all about influence, the Exile's way as well Kreia- Ah, but to make officers turn on their own people, to bomb innocent worlds to make pacts... strong influence, indeed. And where did these Sith teachings come from? And why did Revan embrace them so strongly? So many questions... Kreia- Revan knew the power of such places... and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others... of Jedi, promising them power, and turning them to the dark side. siphoning their will and making them believe in his cause, that's the way they were turned, they were teachings Revan learned in Trayus Accademy as we are led to believe, in the Exile they were something stronger and innate.
  23. lol wasn't it supposed to be the nice princess imprisoned in the high tower by the old queen? jokes apart, there is no mention of Revan ever taking jedi prisoners, you don't turn a jedi to the dark side with torture or detention, it must be willingly, there is mention in many occasions that he had murdered those who eventually would not see it his way. Traya started keeping Revan's work up and running only after the war, before then we have no elements to say she had any authority or desire to do what Revan did not (taking prisoners).
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