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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I just saw The Avengers, and all I can say is Attached was a really long Prometheus trailer, which pisses me off because ever since the first teaser I've been attempting to stay completely spoiler free. Also, the cut they showed only had one post-credits scene, the one with . Can anyone describe the other one for me?
  2. The Open Beta weekend is what convinced me. I wasn't even that interested before, but I had so much fun with the beta weekend that I preordered it the moment it ended.
  3. Is that a spoiler? I thought we knew that since BlizzCon. : / With the and all. Better edit my posts.
  4. I was going to reply with: but then I saw it was you so I'm going to go for instead.
  5. Really? Still? I figured the startup bugs would be ironed out by now. Now I don't feel so bad that my copy hasn't arrived yet.
  6. It's probably not true. See, the thing is, Blizzard fans in general are the whiniest people on the planet. I assume most of these got disconnected once when everyone was trying to get on at the same time, then proceeded to bitch about it to every nearest outlet they can find. Even if it true, however, Metacritic is for REVIEWS, not bug reports.
  7. Store had a preorder special. Quarter off the price, and I bought copies for other people as gifts. That added up to quite a bit cheaper. I'm a broke student who just had to buy a new laptop because the old one literally broke into two pieces.
  8. I can't even pick up my copy until tomorrow afternoon!
  9. Have a larf. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/diablo-iii/user-reviews Choice quotes: "truly awful game obvios wow ripoff 0/10 pls dont copy other games pls" "Shame on you Blizzard for making me spend my money." "story stinks with misogyny. Satan is a woman?" "I waited 37 years for this!?" "worse than the holocaust" "the game is unbeatable because of error 37" (error 37 is a server error, it means you can't log in) And my personal favourite: "Guys, don't buy this. You can't play as Diablo"
  10. Yeah, take your important stance on true faith in video games! You go girl!
  11. That's prehistory, though. History is from the point that humans started writing **** down, basically. (Grossly simplified, but yeah.) I still agree. Anything pre-human is interesting to me somehow, while human history bores me. Too much of it focuses entirely on humans sending other humans to kill the humans that live on that there piece of land so they can have it for their own. If I want more of that I'll just move to the middle east.
  12. What I don't even... You know what those "suits" will do if a game they financed and published doesn't sell? They stop giving money to the game developers to make new games, that's what. Boycotting because of DRM is pointless - you're eventually just hurting the thing you love, and publishers won't stop using DRM anyway. I think people here are assuming that their reasoning for piracy is also the same as other people's. I hear people here complaining about DRM or online activation or whatever, sure, fine, you have your reasons. Faulty reasons, but at least you've done some basic thinking. But guess what, you're one of about three or four people who care about that. Everyone else just wants their stuff for free. Those people are why there is DRM on every game, and they're making sure your issues exist. Being pro-piracy because of something directly caused by piracy is moronic at best and vile and criminal at worst.
  13. So... it's a period piece version of Castle?
  14. I have the same, except I never read the books. It's more of a case of everyone around me being so constantly enthralled and enthousiastic about this show that it could never live up to my expectations of it. Better to just let the files sit there while the commotion dies down.
  15. Having played all classes now, the Wizard was definitely the most dull.
  16. So far I've played through it with the Monk, Wizard and the Witch Doctor. The Monk was a total cakewalk, seems much more powerful than the other two. The Wizard was boring, but the Witch Doctor was a lot of fun and he had a lot of character, as well as great skills. I find just throwing spiders everywhere takes care of just about anything.
  17. Blizz launches are notorious for these things. They fix 'em pretty fast, though. Anyway, managed to get in and played through it.... It was a bit of a disappointment, actually. And I didn't have high hopes to begin with, so there was plenty of oppertunity to exceed my expectations. What bothered me the most was that the experience didn't seem polished at all - after StarCraft II's awesome in-engine cinematics, dumb as they may have been when you get down to the meat of it, the storytelling in this was an enormous step back and the voice acting was simply atrocious. Another big snag is that this is the normal mode, not the easiest mode, yet as someone who admits to having been terrible at Diablo I found this a cakewalk already. Not a good sign. It also didn't really feel like Diablo at all. It reminded me of a game named "Silver" that I played years ago more than Diablo. And what is with the latest Blizzard games starting out with reenactments of the previous ones? I've already hunted down King Leoric, just like I already defended Mar Sara from a Zerg invasion. Why take a step back instead of continuing where you left off?
  18. I'm having the same problem as you, Monte.
  19. Blarghagh


    Been hearing a lot of that "Owl City" guy on the radio. Made me nostalgic for the people he took most of his sound from.
  20. Happy Birthday. Visit grandparents, or similar. That always makes me feel better about my age.
  21. Perhaps that's why I didn't like it as much as most of my companions. I'm not much of a drinker - I used to be, but alchohol poisoning will ruin such a thing for you pretty fast.
  22. Ugh, I absolutely despised Berlin both times I spent longer than a few days there. It's okay for a day or two, then you run out of things to do and the rampant tourist consumerism based environment makes all the WWII based history and remembrance seem vaguely celebratory and far too profitable, as if people are grateful for the many atrocities because it pays their bills now. It's enough to leave a sour taste in the mouth of any rational thinking person. And it doesn't help that the poorer neighbourhoods are practically ghettos for arabic people. When the local McDonalds has windows that are marked publicly as bulletproof glass, you know something must be wrong. EDIT: Of course, seeing your new post about actually being there when the wall went down, it may have been different for you and hold fond memories. I've been there a couple of times in the last seven years, perhaps it has changed. All I really saw when I went there was the seedy underbelly. They have a nice zoo, though.
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