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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I don't have to agree with everything someone says to agree with some things they say.
  2. I'm glad these articles are coming out. I was starting to think I was more crazy than usual for seeing something positive in GamerGate.
  3. But bitching on online outlets that nobody of importance reads is how you fight injustice, isn't it?
  4. That game was so insenitive to illiterate people.
  5. The Force Gets Tested For Dark Sides
  6. This thread hasn't needed serious moderating in months. I'm proud of you guys.
  7. Koreans! I knew someone who moved there to teach English. Everyone hates him there and he's been depressed ever since.
  8. I didn't really mean anything by it, I was just making a joke, but if you want to get into it: It's always my opinion that two wrongs don't make a right and it feels rude to me for someone to go "your problems don't matter because other people have bigger problems so you should appreciate what you have*" and I felt that was what was happening in this case since HoonDing didn't give enough information to make a value judgement. Even if you read into it, the only thing I can read from his post is a feeling of disappointment in his country which is an emotional response to how a country compares to hopes and expectations which would make this another case of you jumping in and shaming someone for what their emotional response is. Here's an example of why I think that argument is rude and dishonest at its very core, and this is one from my personal experience. One of my friends in primary school was a kid who got beaten by his dad on a regular basis, and the way he internalized that problem as being "okay" is because his dad would berate him to say that child soldiers in war torn, third world countries had it better and that he should appreciate the better life his dad had made for him and he bought into that. Does that seem better to you? Because this is pretty analogous to the argument you're making. Everybody knows third world countries have it bad. It requires no pointing out. But it doesn't cancel out other problems and it isn't some kind of "blindness" of privelege. Pretending a smaller problem isn't something that needs to be solved or something you can feel disappointed or disillusioned by because bigger problems exist is fundamentally wrong, because all problems are problems and a person can only look through a filter of their own experiences and goals. Another hypothetical that I'm just making up: What if HoonDing said he hates his country because, oh, I don't know, his dad is dying and he just found out that the treatment that could have saved him isn't covered by his insurance and costs a fortune because his country has privatized health care. You just told him he's just blind to the problems of others because he's priveleged. That seem like a good thing? So yes, I think it's a pretty unreasonable comment in this case. You don't have any information to go on and just marginalised someone else's problems and opinion. You just jumped in there with it, unprovoked. And let's not even get into the offensive implications that the term blindness carries in the first place.
  9. That redhead is pretty cute but I'm concerned about the "what's in a name" factor considering the word nasty is right there.
  10. Did you really just tell someone to check their privelege in the current atmosphere? That's going to go over well. I salute your bravery.
  11. Yeah, you're right. I misread. Sorry. KingOfPol released that Facebook post that was obviously a fraud.
  12. No, that was Oliver Campbell. Question. Who's the e-mail goal of the day? I went through the tag but I didn't see it. Ironically, leadership has made the tag degenerate into madness.
  13. I liked it better when "leader of GamerGate" was an injoke.
  14. I may be biased because all the things I enjoyed in the book? We've had them.
  15. New trailer for the last Hobbit movie. As someone who enjoyed the first two... this one looks so boring.
  16. It's the sound of I'm Rubber You're Glue. It bounces, then sticks. BOING THWIPP. It's Alums criticism bouncing off of Keyrock and sticking right back to him. Yeah, I'm 12.
  17. The sound of that post... it's BOING THWIPP.
  18. "A woman is horribly murdered and there might be a link to someone who could possibly be a member of an amorphous mass of thousands of anonymous members of a message board that is obviously on my side because it absolutely hates and censors the seperate amorphous mass of thousands of members, anonymous or otherwise, that I consistently accuse of sending death threats to me when none of the facts support that accusation since the only recorded instance of this came from a brazilian games journalist, games journalists being another group that is obviously on my side... poor me!"
  19. Harry Potter memoribilia has convinced me I have a dirty mind.
  20. She was a columnist indeed, and as far as I can tell she criticized Giant Bomb when they hired two men saying that they should have hired women, and was subsequently ridiculed en masse by Giant Bomb readers and couldn't take it, so she left. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  21. Not making a literally who statement here, but I'm actually asking literally, who? Who is Samantha Allen? I have absolutely no idea who she is or why she keeps being brought up in regards to #GamerGate. Brianna Wu said #GamerGate chased her off, but as far as I can tell she left way back in June.
  22. See? Told you. It's no point to distance yourself from harassment because they will just push you back into association with it. I've also been accused of buying into conspiracy theories. Here's all I have to say about that:
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