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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. -- yeah according to someone else.
  2. To keep the fish in line.
  3. Titanic - the last act was good i.e. when the ship hit the iceberg and started to sink good effects and filming conveyed panic and all that. The 2 or so hours leading up to it was a pointless dull romance story. I'm not against romance but when its crap and sappy it is annoying.
  4. Watched it, liked it. Good to see Simon Adebisi there! Katey Segal looks a lot better than she did in that sitcom. (If she was hired by Locke's dad to occupy him then damn... what an unlucky guy no wonder he is so desperate for the island to mean something) I dont think the beardy guy on the boat is the scientist (Dagrute? Dagritte?) based on appearance. It might be but there is no particular reason to think so. It would seem the tail section people have formed their own little clique and may have come across hostiles more often as they seem to be a lot more violent than Jack's crew. The hindu theme is continued from "dharma" when the doctor at the end of the film says "namaste" which is a hindu greeting/salutation. There may be some mileage in that or it maybe a red herring. This hanso thing - obviously deliberately vague just one of those things the studio makes because they know that being teh geeks we are we ill google stuff like that. But it does serve a purpose in that it may foreshadow what is to come and/or explain what is happening. The EM research may explain the plane crash. The life extension - Locke's walking. Mathematical forecasting - maybe someone is screwing with probability (scarlet witch style) to produce coincidences. I'd like to see what comes of the ET research. MAybe we can expext some guy from the 60's to wake up after a 40 year cryo nap. WHat the hell is Accelerated Remote Viewing Training? Anyway this could all be a red herring to throw us off. I dont mind so loong as it remains awesome TV :D (somebody at TV.com thinks it has jumped the shark already! )
  5. No to turkey!! and expanded members get out!!1
  6. Deep Blue Sea better than Jaws!?!?! cease and desist your waffling.
  7. PJ is NOT directing, the film will be made using his production company: WETA.
  8. what he said^ I shall qualify by saying i thought HALO was overrated and that game to film is alwyas rubbish
  9. Let us rejoice, for he has now become a man. MAZELTOV!!!
  10. They are awesome, its like a virtual Madame Tussaud's. I shall bookmark now and fap later.
  11. Not quite..... devil worshipping marilyn wannabe: Jayne Mansfield She had big boobies *sigh*
  12. Good job hildy! i thought it might be BS considering the news source.
  13. this kid is 13 or something and he's from the UK i think. if he hasn't done the work its prolly detention for him... hee hee
  14. Darth Schmarth is mostly likely to be in denial regarding any forum romance. (*sigh* which is a shame really.... :'( )
  15. haha! have fun going to the toilet alot! Try not to have a heart attack though.
  16. Barney - I Love You
  17. Darth Schmarth is the most likely to strike up a romance with Master Revan.
  18. example (what you get with tiscali) http://www.tiscali.co.uk/help/broadband/setup.html
  19. I currently have a (rented) cable modem and a separate wireless router (ethernet) set up at my home. However i am now looking to get broadband via ADSL. The problem is that all the ISPs offer only a crappy USB modem which will render my current router useless. I would very much like to keep the wireless network. Short of purchasing a new router or modem i was wondering whether there was a way round this problem. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  20. Has anyone seen Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers? Therein lies a novel solution to all o'y'all's affinity for sloth.
  21. Screw West Side Story!!! :angry: Romeo & Juliet all the way!!!
  22. Thats like a lame rip off of a DoA pic.
  23. Van Helsing, Hellboy, LXG, LoG Apocalypse, Matrix 2 and 3, Vanilla Sky.
  24. You have a highly inflated opinion.... of your ermm..... opinion. Try this place http://stahlforce.com/gallery/index.php?a=...gamma=2&lang=en lots of nice weird pics
  25. Half Baked
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