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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. There arent that many participating members to warrant further fora and there are only a handful of threads active at any one time in WoT - i'd rather find em all in one place. As for new members, what would bring them in? There is nothing new on the horizon; K2 is a dead duck and NWN2 has been moved.
  2. Today's Rare is not the same one from the Goldeneye days, half the original Goldeneye team left and who knows what other chnges occurred since they stopped being an in house producer for Ninty. That might go some way to explaining the decline in quality. Its a shame though
  3. a handsome woman
  4. morena is too hot for bastila. basyila iss a trout in comparison
  5. Just saw it now - the poking was funny. p.s. I love Inara In the future space hookers will be lovely.
  6. the wookie fur is amazing, hoe did you do it?
  7. Seen the first three eps of Firefly and i like it, the show really grows on you. Now i can understand why you were all crazy about it. About WW i feel that the only route to surefire success would be to have a shower scene with WW and the amazonian women... ahem " and then later Superman and Batman show up and form the Justice League.
  8. Is there an awesome dark and brooding WW written by frank miller from which to draw influence?
  9. Is that an infra red thing on the front of the remote? If so that is lame and compunds Oerwinde's problem. With regards to the sensors i think they can be positioned anywhere so long as they are in front of the player I am guessing this (but at this stage i suppose, so is Nintendo)
  10. We should keep a comic thread but as far as finding out stuff googling or wiki is a better bet IMO - you'll get teh info faster than waiting for someone to reply here
  11. No Fionovar isnt real, he's just a modbot. He seems quite real but he doesnt pass teh turing test - all he talks about is gecklings and AoTS and 1010101111. Kaftan is actually a swedish ninja
  12. No Authority is actually Nur Ab Sal
  13. yeah dats what i said. Also it can be used in FPSs tilting the remote will control the aiming so it will be as sensittive as a mouse.
  15. USA= find out they arent free as they think Former soviet = The oppressed become free only to be oppressed by someone else
  16. Well i know now! Hmm you go to Japan a lot... you wouldn't by any chance have a copy would you?
  17. that thing wil be a battery whore. news headlines in 2006/07: Record number of women buy new Nintendo console
  18. Here comes Kaftan he may tel you about Lady Death and Vampirella, quintessential boobie comics EDIT: i just remembered, comic threads have existed prior to this one but they all got deleted due to tlak of boobies..... so i'll stop (.)(.)
  19. Hasn't marvel already got a Superman with Hyperion? I liked Supreme Power, at first because it had boobies but then because it was good.
  20. Infinitely more valid than any comtribution you made.
  21. pixies' spam > ><FISH'>
  22. ... On an unrelated note will it have a vibrating mode?
  23. Whats teh deal with the magnetic strip in dollar bills? Is that another way for the feds to keep track of you?
  24. Interesting to see how it works with the sensors as a golf club or sword or something. I assume there will be games that are suited specifically for the controller, taking advantage of and making full use of the one handedness. What bout third party and cross platform releases? I dont think it would work well for a beat em up... EDIT: I thought the next zelda was a cube release
  25. Don't PM me to ask what i think about kotor 3 you freak <_<
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