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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Well he was last active earlier today... This message was brought to you by StalkCo
  2. I doubt that. Batman hates guns.
  3. Ha! as if a chimp would need to learn the pathetic combat of the weakling humans.
  4. Lies!
  5. Oh, oh! now i see! Schmarthie comes back the same day a mysterious alt bumps his thread? Pshaw! <_<
  6. We are going to run out of fuel!! :D yay! Wintery pseudo apocalypse, here i come! Also - buying stuff online tend sto be cheaper than in the high street. Even online counterparts offer products cheaper than their RL avatars.
  7. Welcome alt, may we have fun figuring out your identity. btw Mus? is Mahdi a dune reference?
  8. Hmm you can usually take a break between high school and university. So long as you spend that time constructively, universities often see it as favourable.
  9. Doom - Slightly above mediocre Aliens clone.. with zombies. The FPS sequence wasn't as silly as I thought it would be, it made sense. Best bit: Rosamund Pike's tight top.
  10. The soul leaves the body. Thus rendering the body an empty husk to be discarded.
  11. Do not turn form your own kind Gabrielle. Think of it, you could wallow in each others cynicism....
  12. whats low about "pimping" cars?
  13. So why is the life gem disgusting? By being reduced to its component molecules the deceased no longer retains any vestige of its former self. Its just carbon. Y'all are wussies
  14. How you feel about the racism depends if you're a target. While i am not surprised by racism i do not play online games so am not familiar with the type of stuff that goes on. I suppose some of you are jaded or accept teh behaviour as a matter of fact but i know that my gaming experience would be ruined if i were to hear racist remarks. I know that in real life i have an instant gut reaction. Some insults are more emotive and carry more baggage than others.
  15. Ooh Catherine Bell is totally hot!! (w00t) thx for giving me a new name to google, Vashanti!!
  16. Revolution is nothing but hot air at the moment, hot air eschewing from your bung hole.
  17. don't worry Mus? i make that mistake all the time.
  18. Makes you stupid? Or allows you to express your stupidity unashamedly and openly.
  19. Fort Minor, the whole album.
  20. Superfly. Despite its B-movie quality it was very entertaining. The language, the scenery and especially the music was good.
  21. It won't bomb, it has the money to push it.
  22. In the article there was also the case of a little kid who was being called names and he had no inciteful name.
  23. Hades is in a happy mood today!
  24. Well, I didn't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nor did i, but then again all i had was a Sega Master System when i started out gaming; games were prohibitively expensive when i was a wee lad; gaming instead of playing outside was still very much frowned upon. This kid has a huge potential library of ROMs to play and a plethora of junk snack food on which to gorge. The odds are stacked against him.
  25. Apparently people spout racist remarks with impunity on Live. read: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1514305/2...?headlines=true I don't have an Xbox bor have i ever played on Live. To those that do play on Live: what are your experiences? This kind of stuff is disheartening but honestly i am not surprised. <_<
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