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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. -50 points to Julianw for showing compassion - a sign of weakness. :angry:
  2. Couldn't find the clip from Di's link (thanks anyway), while googling i found this interesting piece. http://www.advocate.com/exclusive_detail_ektid24133.asp EDIT: i've seen the review (more like a whimsical summary) now all i have to do is watch the film.
  3. His review was on a tv show so unless there's a transcript or recording we don't have much to go on. Even so what was reported as being said was innocuous with respect to perception of homosexuality.
  4. Only I can give or take that many points*. To be fair Lucius since you threw somewhat of a tantrum about T.O.M.B.S. you aren't sanctioned to assign or take away points no matter how much it may be deserved in this case. *not really Edit: Mothman, its not the fact that you use emoticons, its the horribly condescending manner in which you use them.
  5. so.. basically you are waffling?
  6. Homer: I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!
  7. Yeah, loads of countries had nukes or were developing before the NPT. The problem is new countries acquiring them since the treaty.
  8. So Fio's butt cures exploding sinusitis?
  9. The Episode 1 theme is The Droid Invasion, the EP 3 theme where anakin marches to the temple is actually a different piece, its from Ep 2 - The Arena.
  10. Exactly, **** and nice guys (and gals) trancend all cultures, nationalities and creeds. However, the proportions may hold significance.
  11. It doesnt have Kotor 3 or k3 in the title.
  12. No, because it might be considered bigotry.
  13. I think it might be 3, as NWN 2 winds down they most probably have another project lined up. Project Pennsylvania or Georgia. I shouldnt have pointed out that possibility.
  14. Yeah i was just pointing out that I was right and I can see into the future. That and probably a need to have the last word and feel like i was part of it since this all went on while i was asleep. btw, old man?!??! i am only 3 years older than you!
  15. That map is very detailed... i can see my house! :ph34r:
  16. !3th gen? from my meagre grasp of vampire stuff doesnt that mean he is like a really thin blood?
  17. They won't read it, at all.
  18. Are there novels based on this stuff?
  19. Project New Jersey eh? Drawing snow white style dwarves hmmm? all rendered in the gorgeous U3 engine huh? I'm on to you Menze.....
  20. Metallica - fade to black
  21. Survivor: Eye Of The Tiger.
  22. Good thing that Sucks thread is closed. I'd add you to it Mister. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What i do in my own time is my business young older than me lady!
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