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About Evange

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    (4) Theurgist

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  1. Hi all, I decided to post my build after reading through various threads. The information provided by @Boeroer was especially helpful! Dual Mortar Monk Blessings: +2 Attributes/+2 Skills/5000 Starting Gold/Possibly Fine Equipment Race: Human Class: Vanilla Monk (I tried Helwalker initially but was too squishy for my taste) Faction: Principi Culture/Background: Old Vailia/Merchant Skill Focus: Athletics & Stealth (Active)/Metaphysics & Diplomacy (Passives) Party: Eder (Kind Wayfarer) Main Tank - Althletics and Metaphysics, Serafen (Soulblade/Barb) Off Tank Willbreaker - Athletics and History/Survival, Maia (Scout) Mechanics/Explosive and Metaphysics, Tekehu (Druid) Alchemy and Arcana/Insight Base Stats 12 Might 10 Constitution 18 Dexterity 18 Perception 16 Intellect 6 Resolve Abilities: PL I - Lesser Wounds, Swift Strikes PL II - Dance of Death, Long Stride, Two Weapon Style PL III - Lightning Strikes, Stunning Blow, Soul Mirror, Combat Focus, Bear's Fortitude PL IV - Duality of Mortal Presence, Thunderous Blows, Enduring Dance PL V - The Long Pain, Stunning Surge, Tough, Uncanny Luck PL VI - Turning Wheel, Flagellant’s Path, Improved Critical PL VII - Dichotomous Soul, IoP PL VIII - Resonant Touch, Launching Kick, Razor’s Edge PL IX - WotW, Prestige, Imagined Pain Gear: Weapon Proficiencies - Blunderbusses, Fists, Large shield Pet: Loki - bigger AoE again Weapons: Dual Mortars! Armor: Gipon Prudensco Helm: Acina’s Tricorn - Shootist passive Amulet: Bone Settler’s Torc - +2 Intellect Rings: Ring of Overseeing & Ring of the Marksman - Bigger AoE and more Pen Cloak: Stalking Cloak - stun from Stealthed attacks Gloves: Mortification Bindings - +2 extra class resource for more Stunning Blows! Belt: Upright Captains Belt - for afflictions resistance Boots: Bounding Boots - Leap for repositioning
  2. I just finished Deadfire last night and my total time was 92 hours (i had FS and BoW) compared to 259 hours in PoE1 (WM1 & 2). Deadfire's main quest is simply too short. They should have started with the Watcher receiving an invitation from the huana queen to deadfire THEN Eothas destroying Caed Nua while they are away. I feel like I'm playing from the middle of a story though I can understand why Obsidian did this as one of the main complaint of PoE1 was that the plot felt bloated.
  3. PoE2 ended on a cliffhanger so it will really suck if there isn't a part 3 to tie up all the loose ends. However i do agree with you that cRPG is really a niche genre and with Deadfire abysmal sales the future looks bleak. I remembered reading somewhere that Josh is taking a break from the PoE series too.
  4. OP may not be active on this board anymore but would like to thank him for this build! Been having a blast with this build (sad that the game is ending so soon though) but I did swap out the armor for Miscreant’s Leather as it was taking too long to cast my spells.
  5. ship combat were intended to be a tangential mini-game, sorta like kotor swoop racing or pazak. the disconnect is natural and arguable intentional. as xar-monty mentions, you may skip ship combat entirely, which is possible in part 'cause o' the fact such encounters is non-essential. that said, particular for a potd and/or solo run, ship combat, while repetitive, is offering the best early-game 1007 and xp opportunity. is difficult for us to not exhaust ship combat opportunities o' named captains for a potd game as avoidance feels a bit like voluntarily handicapping our self. HA! Good Fun! ps following threads have useful ship combat insights https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/107827-need-help-with-ship-battles/?p=2130159 https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/107286-avoiding-instant-death-on-ship/?p=2123453 Thank you so much!
  6. Just landed in Neketaka and glad to be enjoying it as much as PoE 1! The ship combat is kinda tedious though and feels disconnected from the game. I mean what are the rest of my party members doing when enemies are throwing cannonballs at us?
  7. Running in full screen borderless (Windowed) mode with Vsync disabled and FPS limit set to 60 seemed to have fixed the issue for me. Though the mem leak is still there. This usually happens after extended hours of play. Nothing much you can do except to quit and restart the game.
  8. Is this build still viable on the latest patch? I'm looking for a lightning themed build and this seems to really fit the bill!
  9. The main thing that PoE lacks as compared to BG series is the companions. The companions in PoE have such boring and shallow quests. And so few companions! Zahua was the only one interesting to me. Dopey monk lulz.
  10. Scaling adds higher levelled mobs. More mobs are due to higher difficulty.
  11. I like high PER purely for RP reasons. Makes my MC look smart combined with the high INT. Hah!
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