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Everything posted by Jad'en

  1. He was also sliced and diced by Dooku more than once, both times owing to Anakin for his saviour
  2. Enter a true Force storm / Telekenisis
  3. While I, on the other hand, used them frequently... I don't think anything has to be sacrificed (except due to time limits) if enough effort is put into the development phase... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not one that generally likes cut game content, however we all know the current game system is being tested to its physical limits, and it shows (lock-ups and framerate drops). But i would rather a deeper story or to be more immersive all in all... Opinion, not popular belief but there we go *hint to dev's* more planets / workbench options
  4. " Okay, I didn't mean to serve as an example, but there you go... Cloris <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *cough* how do you think i feel *cough* All in all i am however having a good time, and to whoever called me a troglodyte due to naysaying... get a life yourself. There can be no improvement without critiscm... And no i am not the perfect example, i'm 16, im far from perfect and my net-iquette is far from perfect. However it is an opinion and last time i checked that is what forums are for, my mistake...
  5. I personally hardly ever used the workbenches other than for lightsaber customisation... In my eyes they could of sacrificed a few of the new additions for maybe another planet, which wasnt tied to the main plot?
  6. Both mace and Palpatine sensed Anakin approaching... Since Palpatine was clearly excellent at manipulation i have a feeling that he lost purposefully to turn Anakin fully. It makes more sense than Mace defeatng him. Also it ties in better with the story... Perhaps you werent paying as much attention as you should?
  7. Excuse me but if thats the way you see it then you dont know much about the Sith... If Dooku could of beaten Sidious in a Saber fight, then it wouldnt be Dooku calling him Master... And dont say it was because Sidious would of used Lightning on Dooku because we know that experienced Jedi can easily deflect / block it with a saber. *or in Yoda's case with his hands*
  8. Although he is right, making the game larger, and more diverse would be absoloutly great.... after all you do play a Jedi... your supposed to be a peacekeeper even during war / purges...
  9. Im glad your so optimistic And sorry about all the spelling and grammatical errors, however i didn't realise that i was going to be judged on it. I'm just looking from a business point of view, that if i were an investor, or a stakeholder in your project, i would not be inspired with confidence. Also to all those who were very nice to correct me thank you, you wasted at least 30 seconds worth of posting time arguing a lost cause and i hope that when this 'mod' comes out your very pleased with it
  10. What about in Episode II when Obi-Wan was on Geonosis? Remember the part when he snuck in and eavesdropped on Count Dooku and the droid people (don't know their names). Looked to me like he was employing stealth to gather intelligence. And how can you say they advertise presence? Why is it that in every movie they try to stay as modest as possible to avoid attracting attention? You could almost compare them to Special Forces. Some missions require SF personnel to dress up like indigenous personnel in a region, conduct their mission, and then slip out. If they did advertise their presence, they would be dead in a second. Same would go for the Jedi. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Theres a difference between knowing when its best to be in plain sight and when its not... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What baffles me is why Obi-Wan didn't just jump down and kill Count Dooku, along with the trade federation owners. Then the leadership would be crippled, and the Republic would have an advantage. He missed an opportunity to win the war. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes because sneaking up on a Jedi generally works out alright doesnt it <_< I could see the logic behind it if Dooku was a weak opponent, but a roomfull of delegates and a Sith Lord doesnt exactly seem like a smart fight to willingly enter to me?
  11. What about in Episode II when Obi-Wan was on Geonosis? Remember the part when he snuck in and eavesdropped on Count Dooku and the droid people (don't know their names). Looked to me like he was employing stealth to gather intelligence. And how can you say they advertise presence? Why is it that in every movie they try to stay as modest as possible to avoid attracting attention? You could almost compare them to Special Forces. Some missions require SF personnel to dress up like indigenous personnel in a region, conduct their mission, and then slip out. If they did advertise their presence, they would be dead in a second. Same would go for the Jedi. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Theres a difference between knowing when its best to be in plain sight and when its not... Oh yeah and quit being such an arrogant guy in your polls... in an honest poll do you really need 2 whole options about yourself (and not on topic at all) "Yeah! I can't wait to use it!!! [ 4 ] [14.81%] Hmm... I'm gonna have to think on this one. [ 4 ] [14.81%] HELL NO! Somebody ban this numbnut! [ 8 ] [29.63%] I wanna choke the living crap out of you... [ 11 ] "
  12. I loved reading about that... I can only begin to imagine the guys confusion
  13. What i find more amusing is the results of this pole... dude seems like you dont want to meet alot of the people on this forum in RL :D
  14. Im sure your doing great work. However ive lost alot of faith in your 'team' as there are countless spelling mistakes over your website, even on the main page =/ Sorry but thats just how i judge things
  15. Technology got lost in wars, things like personal sheild generators dos till exist, but not to the same extent. Think of the Star Wars time-frame as our own (as humanity). Romans had amazing technology... then when the empire collapsed it was mostly lost, and for around 400 years things were actually worse. Now change that 400 too 4000 and it seems that Star Wars makes sense again... Else thats how i see it =s
  16. Oh ho ho, step back we have the mis-informed, unrelenting megalomaniac on board <_< As far as im concerned if a "rumour" is printed as fact, then it is liable. As if it was printed as fact and there was no truth it it there would be lawsuits and heaven knows what after them, this information came from PC-Gamer (March edition). If you want more proof then you can research it yourself, i have not forced my knowledge upon you ive merely given a statement, its your perogative whether it believe it or not but personally from this mini conversation im inclined to believe your a lazy, arrogant child. /endrant
  17. Research it yourself you lazy forum whore <_< If i could be bothered i would scan the quote of my "facts", but as it is you can either take my word for it, or not
  18. FACT: George Lucas has stated that he is not making any more Star Wars Movies. FACT: ALL LucasFilm employee's are forced to sign a contract upon working at the company stating to not disclose any information / talk about Episodes 7-9... Make your own mind up?
  19. They do appear now, EU is constantly updating itself
  20. Nope they didnt, its explained in K1 that she just knew him as a decorated war veteran of the Mandalorian wars.
  21. Exact same way you use them on KotOR1... But on K2 you cannot see yourself typing them or see the console, so you have to be a really skilled typer
  22. Thats why his behaviour core was permanently wired so that he would regard all organics as "meatbags", causing Malak no end of stress
  23. Yup apparently he could live forever... however that didnt stop him ageing... i would be loathed to see that kinda wrinkles :|
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