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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. he's lazy -- can't change my opinion on that, however the fact that owen nolan got a 2 year deal and they wouldn't give Jagr a 3 year deal does show how retarded the rangers are.
  2. To be honest, I probably watched more of Jagr than you did this season. Living in the New York area I have access to every Ranger game.
  3. mine is the cover of an album called Deja Entendu (french for "already heard", i think) by a band called Brand New. edit: or at least that's the avatar that shows in my profile, even though I updated I still have this Jonathan Cheechoo avatar.
  4. nick and llyranor, you guys wanna play some halo tonight?
  5. He's the last one to the defensive zone every game, every shift. He doesn't hustle unless the puck is within 10 feet of him, doesn't make him a bad player but he definetly isn't playing like he was when he was younger (because he's 35 now --- which could be why they didn't give him the 3 year contract if he isn't showing any desire to play defense).
  6. "Is are replacement?" what? Anyway, sucks for the Rangers as Jagr was their most talented player, but they sure didn't lose any leadership (Jagr was probably one of the laziest captains in the league, or at least in his last season). At least you still have Gomez (that you stole from my Devils), who will probably have a better season next year, even without Jagr.
  7. Nope. Sure they do! Or maybe that's just here in the States.
  8. Main quest is entertaining but short All the sidequests suck for the most part as most of them are; 1. fly to planet (which are all the same, just a different landscape skin) 2. clear out generic bunker of enemy 3. reach target (example: boss, item, hostage) 4. shoot or converse your way out of nasty situation 5. return to ship it's all good fun the first few times but it gets stale pretty quickly. The main storyline quests are worth a play though as the story is pretty interesting.
  9. Yesterday I got drunk and watched the fireworks in a friends backyard. Is it wrong to want to stay 16 forever?
  10. Yeah but PC gaming is dead so I'd really only bother with 360 games.
  11. Bouncing between CoD4 (with IRL friends!) and Halo 3 with Nick and Llyranor. we need a new co-op game that isn't some crappy arcade game.
  12. Yeah so my hockey team won our semi-final game and we advance to the championship tomorrow. come watch me play obsid!
  13. Does your Live not work or something? You haven't been on in a while. We could use a fourth guy for Team Slayer when Wip isn't on
  14. Nick kicked me after I TKd him
  15. Well you could play as the opposite sex/alignment to get the different endings to sidequests/planets. Also you could sex up another party member
  16. Am I a racist for thinking it stood for Big Black Woman?
  17. Ha. Most call them six year olds. Anyhow, they're some big multi-clan thing mostly dominant in Halo 2 & 3. I don't personally care for them, and I wondered if anyone had something to say since I figured they're probably well known enough. Whatever. You really thought we would know what you were talking about by saying a three letter acronym followed by "thoughts?"
  18. Or at least somewhat worried.
  19. Who the hell are you talking about
  20. I still don't get what you're asking. What is KSI?
  21. First two games had a fair amount of replay value, what with different tactics.
  22. yeah that game is gonna be awesome.
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