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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Yeah, my 360 was back in about 2 weeks. Unless you're like a mega nerd (aka llyranor or pixies), it's really not a big deal.
  2. Why do you feel the need to personally attack me? It's really uncalled for, I'm just pondering his choice. If you don't want to discuss it in civil manner, you don't have any obligation to post. Besides Volourn, you probably shouldn't be telling anyone that they "don't have all the facts"
  3. Rangers top prospect Alexie something or other died at 19 during a game in Russia.
  4. so i'm at a hockey tournement in boston atm. the drive should have been around 3 hours but with traffic it turned into around 6. Won our first game and now we get to get some sleep before the 1st of 2 games tommorow
  5. Good thing he isn't around anymore to see this. EDIT: OH SHI-
  6. Langenbrunner is the WORST choice for captain of the Devils. Give the C back to Elias.
  7. "Two Headed Boy" - Neutral Milk Hotel
  8. DEAD SPACE Comes out on Tuesday. Looks really scary. Should be fun.
  9. I thought it was pretty obvious that captains don't have to be producers
  10. Just bringing this back up again as the Rangers now have a captain. Chris Drury will be the captain this year. Seems like the best choice, I would have said Shannahan had he resigned but Drury is just as good (if not better)
  11. Ten Hammers was the sequel wasn't it? There was an original I think.
  12. Yeah, that or he realized no one cared about his opinions.
  13. I also miss that guy Yuusha who was around a few months ago. The idot who kept making all those political threads.
  14. My evidence is seven years as a teacher. Anyways, you can't read or write American either, Volo. owned! quick -- to the Goon Squad HQ!
  15. Me too. My life is a dark abyss.
  16. you're so dependent on him

  17. I've got it. Llyranor's right, the orignals were pretty linear in terms of where they wanted you to flank, but in this one it's a bit more difficult. They put in like 2 tank missions which are sort of annoying but they do provide a good break from the squad control missions.
  18. so you gonna get NHL or what?

  19. Eevee? More like Queeree!

  20. hay guise want 2 no if u can be smugglr in kotor2? Hahaha low blow man. Low blow! And I didn't say "hay" or "guise" I wish I could find the post of me telling you guys that I went skydiving when I was like 13 That was a lie.
  21. what? you chose Flareon! Charizard is awesome. And he would be a Charmander at first, who is the cutest pokemon ever.

  22. hay guise want 2 no if u can be smugglr in kotor2?
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