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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Relatively sure no one on the Penguins is playing well.
  2. Well, I live in a 3 story town-house of sorts, pretty sturdy as it's mostly brick minus the garage. Probably would destroy the bottom set of stairs and hang in the living room/kitchen which is on the second story. Good lookout position would be the a large window to allow us to see most of whats going on outside. If worst came to worst we could move up to the third story. Food would be super simple because there is a minit-mart right across the street from me. Weapons would be scarce but I'm pretty sure we have like 2 axes, and a bunch of other sharps stuff in the garage. We have a pick up truck that would be good for get-aways I suppose. The number one thing to remember is to gather food, get upstairs, and destroy the staircase behind you.
  3. We really gotta try out the GTA 4 co-op missions eventually.
  4. ok guys make that 4 nights
  5. I won't buy it for PC because the 360 version is superior.
  6. am i an alcoholic if i get wasted threee gnights in a row
  7. someone hold me oh and then explain whats going on
  8. They make games for the PS3?
  9. Diary, My friend is really sad all the time, I don't know how to help Sincerely, Krookie
  10. Autosaves are wonderful and all, except they only come before/after a mission. Like this one time, I was in my apartment walking to my bed to save and Roman called me and sent me on a mission, and I couldn't save because I was now on a mission. I had just bought a crap load of guns/ammo/armor too, so I didn't want to just shut the console off cause then I'd have to go all the way back to the gun store the next time I played. It's not a huge deal, it's just something annoying that makes some parts of the game really tedious.
  11. Did you ever feel for like a split second you were watching a Youtube video? Cause I did. Nope, but now that you mention it, I suddenly lose all interest in watching the movie again. :'( Maybe the fact that I was watching it on a laptop had something to do with it.
  12. I just don't see what's particularly special about it. Maybe I'm being bitter because I was expecting something so much more than what I got. A lot of the reviews said the city felt "alive", I don't really feel that way. I don't think it feels any more alive than Crackdown did. Crackdown's main missions were ridiculously repetitive, but they were fun because you could play them with a friend. GTA really missed the mark when they decided not to allow people to play the campaign with their friends. My main problem with the shooting is how sometimes there will be a guy shooting you in the face with his Uzi, and you pull the left trigger and the crosshair jumps to some other guy on the other side of the room who's not even shooting at you yet. Maybe I just suck at driving games, but for a game that focuses so much on driving, they should have made it more accessible. Save system is what is killing the game for me right now. Let me save whenever I want and I'll be happy, I don't see how this would take anything away from the game.
  13. Repetitive missions: Drive here. Pick up item/person. Drive item/person here. Kill enemies. Receive money. Driving controls: It really isn't so much the controls, it's just that the cars skid and slide all over the place. Shooting: Just because it's an improvement doesn't make it good, the auto-aim is off at times. Save system: Again, just because they improved from the other games doesn't mean its any good. Checkpoints are a must for games like this, I mean, I had to do all the pointless driving halfway across the city to get to the bank and then load all those bank robbery cutscenes like 4 times. 7.5/10 The driving is perfect. But you agree with everything else I said?
  14. Repetitive missions: Drive here. Pick up item/person. Drive item/person here. Kill enemies. Receive money. Driving controls: It really isn't so much the controls, it's just that the cars skid and slide all over the place. Shooting: Just because it's an improvement doesn't make it good, the auto-aim is off at times. Save system: Again, just because they improved from the other games doesn't mean its any good. Checkpoints are a must for games like this, I mean, I had to do all the pointless driving halfway across the city to get to the bank and then load all those bank robbery cutscenes like 4 times. 7.5/10
  15. I've also come to the conclusion that the save system sucks. Before I was playing, and I had played for a half hour or so and was going out with friends. So I go to my safehouse and as I'm approaching the bed the phone rings and Roman sends me on a mission. Then the game wouldn't let me save because I was in the middle of a mission. I just shut the game off and left. This game gets a 7.5/10 -Repetitive missions -Mediocre driving controls -Worse shooting controls -Bad save system
  16. Hey all, Krookie here. Still playing GTA 4, atm. I've been driving this damn cab around trying to beat the bank robbery mission for like an hour. I hate how there are no checkpoints during missions.
  17. Did you ever feel for like a split second you were watching a Youtube video? Cause I did.
  18. So guys I'm still playing G.T.A. F.O.U.R. and I was wondering if anyone knew some cheat codes!
  19. Well, I was wearing these brown loafers but I had to change to black when I picked out a new suit to rob a bank in.
  20. Oh hey guys I'm still playing GTA 4 in case anyone was wondering.
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