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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. He won't be winning any medals this year...Guess that makes him a luger. Too soon?
  2. Went to a party this evening, hung out with some of the better people I know and saw a friend who's back from college this weekend. There were a few guitars laying around so we jammed for a while too. Oh, and at the party someone managed to put their hand through a glass window. They went to the hospital and got a few stitches. Pretty fun night overall.
  3. cry more about being trolled. thats one of things you repeat too! anway, mass effect 2 > mass effect 1. that's all that matters. the 1st was a good game, the second is a great one. there is a difference between "dumbed down" and trimming off the stuff that isn't needed (like 20 weapons of the same kind in your inventory).
  4. Holy crap I couldn't remember posting this and then I looked at the date. 4 years ago. I hate myself.
  5. another outstanding argument from everyone's best friend...
  6. SATs = a joke all strategy, not to mention you can take them as many times as you want. they are a horrible measure of intellect IMO you shouldn't be worried unless you didn't prepare for them. the only excuse for not doing well is not putting in the effort to get a good score. I'm worried because i need to beat my archrival... which I didn't... So I'm retaking it... "archrival"? how old are you buddy
  7. Well you clearly didn't have to prepare. I did, took an a half-hour SAT course three times a week and got a 2250 (my second time at least). The courses brought my score up from a 2100 to a 2250 so I'd say they were worth it.
  9. Interesting but not necessary to know that to get your team through. Common sense will get your team through the mission. Does anyone really think Miranda is capable of the biotic bubble? OBVIOUSLY you are supposed to use a master of biotics. Does anyone really pick someone like Grunt to lead the team? OBVIOUSLY he is to reckless to command a squad. Mordin was the (for me) obvious choice to lead the team BACK to the ship...They would clearly face minimal combat as we had cleared out everything on the way there...And he is of no real combat use.
  10. SATs = a joke all strategy, not to mention you can take them as many times as you want. they are a horrible measure of intellect IMO you shouldn't be worried unless you didn't prepare for them. the only excuse for not doing well is not putting in the effort to get a good score.
  11. They're survival depends on the leader of the other squad also though.
  12. You're a spectre and can do whatever you want to complete your mission
  13. I am beginning to think you just make up these awesome stories I hope so too. The idea that I meet people at random who buy me beer while telling me fascinating stories is just weird. Then again Shyrke's life could be an MTV show
  14. I am beginning to think you just make up these awesome stories
  15. I haven't gone more two/three weeks without playing since I was around 10. 8 years of the same thing gets pretty boring. I guess that's why so many marriages fail
  16. I think that happened with that Ender kid too. Congrats Krook, you going to play Ice Hockey in college? I don't know actually. Rutgers is Division I and I don't know if I could make that as a Freshman. The other schools I was considering were all club teams/Division III and I probably could have made those teams pretty easily. I'm kind of looking forward to a break from hockey though
  17. Errmm... Unless I'm mistaken (and I'm not), Princeton's in Jersey... Congrats, though... Wasn't really including private schools, but thanks for the heads up Collegeboard
  18. Just got my acceptance letter to Rutgers University. It's probably the best school in New Jersey (or TCNJ) so I'm pretty stoked. In a few months I'll be the second Obsid kid to grow up on this forum and then leave it and never talk to anyone again (cough, thepixiesrock, cough)
  19. Nah, the biotics are WAY more entertaining in ME2. Hands down. You must be using a sucky biotic character because Charge and Shockwave (when fully maxed out) rule.
  20. If anyone is looking for a way to get everyone out alive here's what I did: (by the way, I did everyone's loyalty missions, not sure if that has something to do with it) First part:
  21. HA! Good Fun! Yeah, the second team leader does make a difference I think.
  22. I got everyone out. I sent Mordin
  23. Just finished the final mission. Legion is by far my favorite character in the game. Managed to get everyone to survive the suicide mission. The final boss was lame . but great game none the less.
  24. I don't feel like reading the whole thread, but does this thing have a webcam of any kind? Coupled with Skype or iChat that could be a selling point (video conferencing on the go with this thing would be great)
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