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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Thanks man. It's all stress related we think. He's been out of a job for 6 months now, and we've moved into my grandfathers place (more for convenience than financial reasons) but he's still gotta worry about my college tuition and my sister's. Not to mention my mom death, which was probably where he started going down hill a little. That is a lot of stress. Is he getting regular checkups? Nope, he thinks he has himself all figured out but after this episode today I think he's gonna start taking things more seriously. He's getting old. His sleep schedule is more f**ked than mine is. 2 hours of sleep at 55 years old is enough to make some one fall over after getting up to fast.
  2. Thanks man. It's all stress related we think. He's been out of a job for 6 months now, and we've moved into my grandfathers place (more for convenience than financial reasons) but he's still gotta worry about my college tuition and my sister's. Not to mention my mom death, which was probably where he started going down hill a little.
  3. Dad had a bit of an episode driving me up to college orientation today. Said he felt to tired to drive and when we pulled over on the highway to switch he fell, luckily I was already on the drivers side and scooped him up off the road. Had timing been different he could have been hit by a car but luckily everything is alright.
  4. It's a shame he died, would have been cool for you two to meet up
  5. anyone have any good Terran strat for multiplayer? I get my ass handed to me every game.
  6. been getting destroyed pvp because people know so many little exploits that will completly crush you before the game even really begins.
  7. sc2 download has about 6 hours remaining...yay.
  8. Question: at anytime was this game going to be sold for $20? someone told me that a while back and I was like "oh **** yes I will get SC2" but now I'm like, "uhhhhhh $60, no thanks."
  9. Been having some very vivid lucid dreams lately. Maybe seeing Inception helped, I had only done it sparingly before, but now it seems to happen almost every time I fall asleep.
  10. No... just the acura. My toyotas handle took a year. I don't understand how you did this..Why do you pull so hard on them?
  11. That's exactly why one should never draw unless they really need to (id est his/her life is in danger or someone else's life is in danger). So, yes, I see what you're saying and I understand where you're coming from. A knife, when used for defense, is not that different from any other lethal hold-out weapon and should be treated accordingly. But from what you said in your post, in the area you live in, your life never really would be in danger.
  12. How many miles on it Calax?
  13. I understand the collection thing but do you live in like, a rough neighborhood or something that would make carrying knives in your pocket necessary?
  14. Krookie


    He's an idiot. But if it violates the salary cap, it makes sense for them not to pass it.
  15. Krookie


    After the press conference today I'm pretty sure we'll still have Kovy when the season starts. But this is a pain in the ass for sure.
  16. Krookie


    do not want...
  17. Krookie


    That is an insane contract. I guess they are trying to get around the salary cap? I'm guessing he won't be playing from age 39-44 for half a million a season, but if I'm wrong, you folks can call me on it in 12 years. As a Devils fan this was the best news I've ever heard. Kovy stepping in is going to be huge. He can play point on the PP with Paul Martin out in Pittsburg (right?). I can't wait for the season to start
  18. I say straight shot it - or invest in a very small u-haul, so you can transport your stuff back their and have plenty of room for sleeping in the car
  19. I was too busy noticing the heating system that the recliner just installed. BACK ON TOPIC SOMEONE FIND CALAX A COUCH TO SLEEP ON! internet friends unite!
  20. couches come with air conditioning now? when did I miss this sitting revolution?!
  21. If you're settling for sleeping on a couch just sleep in your car man.
  22. Mourned the death of two bottles of wine.
  23. Because the government uses Steam to send out brain-control rays. Before that it was the black helicopters. I am sorry for your children.
  24. Wait, why won't you have Steam on your computer? It seems like a pretty quick fix to me - to just download Steam
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