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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Lord Malak was most displeased when he had learned you had escaped Taris alive! ...those guys you mean?
  2. I'm also easily entertain- oh hey look a paper clip!
  3. You do it in game. Scroll all the way over on your little action, command, thingy and then select a from and press 'A'.
  4. I find it boring to play as a Guardian...you just get 'to' powerful, and the game gets boring.
  5. I don't replay the games over and over. I played once as a DS male and once as a LS female, so I think I covered the game pretty well.
  6. Well then write your own stuff next time instead of stealing other people's..gosh! :D
  7. I always play as a female Exile. If I'm gonna look at someone's ass for an entire game...it might as well be a girl's.
  8. I was disapointed that we only got to see her a couple of times.
  9. For those of you who have downloaded it, is it all it's cracked up to be?
  10. I think that the DarkSide needs to be more tempting. When I play I want to feel like I am missing out on something huge by not falling to the darkside. No, instead we get Force Scream "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ha, now you are dead.
  11. Sorry I thought you were having a different problem.
  12. I still like Bastila as a mentor over Kriea any day. :D
  13. i was only kidding on that last one, juhani has no grandpa :D but she too had her side-quest <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm.. really.. disapointed.. HaHa
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