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Dark Moth

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Everything posted by Dark Moth

  1. KOTOR II actually contradicts the story told in the first one. In KOTOR I, it implies that the Mandalorians were defeated in a huge fleet battle above the skies of a planet (forget which one, might have been Malachor). They changed it in KOTOR II to the "mass shadow generator": a device that I think multiplied the planet's gravity so much that it crushed all life on it and imploded on itself. At least, that's what I think. Wonder how long it takes before this thread is moved.
  2. What that implied to me was that Revan "fell to the Darkside" to stir the Republic into action. He felt that they were too stagnant and wouldn't be able to gather their forces when this "real threat" came calling. To use an analogy, it's like trying to light a fire under a lazy athlete to get him to work. Or to poke a bear to get him angry. Revan "poked" the Republic into action and into preparation for the Real Sith. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe. But still, if he truly wanted to help it, he might have exposed the True Sith empire to them instead. Who knows, that might have gotten them acting. It's still hard to tell though, I admit. Damn you, Chris Avellone!
  3. Everyone on Ebon Hawk (drops what they are doing): YAY!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  4. Visas, definitely. One of the hottest KOTOR characters created (except for Bastila) and badass, to boot. Mira would have gotten my vote, but she calls me old all the time. HK-47 would have gotten my vote if he wasn't so &%@* condescending to me all the time. I liked him better in KOTOR I.
  5. Another thing I couldn't understand is the whole "he fell to the darkside because he had to" theme. Anyone who knows war knows that civil war always WEAKENS the nation that is fighting. If Revan truly wanted to strengthen the Republic, he would have shared his knowledge of the Star Forge to help them. Instead, he decides to conquer the Republic, which only weakened it. Now, if Revan wanted to build a new empire to conquer the true Sith empire out of his lust for power, that would have been more believable. But to fall to the darkside and fight the Republic just to save it doesn't make sense. Besides, the "falling to the darkside because he had to" theme makes it look like the lightside can't defeat the darkside, which is the opposite of what KOTOR I taught. If that were true, then would Jedi like Luke Skywalker, Yoda, or Mace Windu be so powerful? Definitely not. Don't forget, Mace Windu OWNED Darth Sidious in the lightsaber duel. (unless Sidious was holding back) But Yoda kicks ass, one way or another.
  6. Um, not to be repetitive or anything, but excellent work as usual. You know, you really don't do any Visas pics. Why so? Or have you just never really gotten around to it?
  7. She merely wanted people (Sith and Jedi) to have free will, instead of being pawns to the Force's power. Wars were fought and people/planets died as part of its 'balancing act.' Exile didn't need the Force to survive--that was her ideal for everyone. She didn't set out to kill the Jedi Masters; she just wanted them to see that her gray philosophy had been right all along. They could have helped preserve the galaxy, but they refused to listen again. She's not only tired of messing around with them, but they threatened Exile. No, not evil. Desperate maybe, and out of time. A 'seer' and a very sad hero, who used whichever alignment worked best to achieve her goal. She contrived situations to 'train' Exile to make up his own mind, instead of relying on notions of 'light' and 'dark'. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The force does not control you outright. It can influence, but not control. Destiny does not mean your future is written (Jolee Bindo said that himself). But to destory countless lives because of it is evil, regardless. Besides, being gray does not make you wise or powerful. Just look at Yoda. He was very lightside, yet was very wise and one of the most powerful Jedi to ever exist. Darth Sidious was very evil and one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time. I also would not call her a hero. She never really helped anyone except to further her own goals. Don't forget, she wanted to destroy the force mostly because she hated it. She was also hypocritical in the sense that she felt humans were pawns of the force, yet treated everyone around her as pawns. Oh, and by the way, just because you are not a Jedi or Sith does not make you grey. Light/Darkside is a description of YOU as a person, not who you follow. Nope. She was definitely EVIL.
  8. Too bad you couldn't do that.
  9. Hey there! I'm new to these forums, so be nice and don't let my avatar creep you out. I thought "Why not start out with a poll?" So here it is: Like many things in KOTOR II Kreia was pretty ambiguous. So in your opinion, was she neutral, evil, or good? Pretty straightforward, I think. For me, I would have to say she was evil, and here's why: Kreia, if you think about it, never really had a good motivation for anything she did. Practically all her actions were driven out of some personal ambition, and she would go to any length to succeed. For instance, she hated the force, so she would try to destroy it, regardless of how many lives would die or that the galaxy would be thrown into turmoil. (don't forget, the force affects more than force-sensitives.) She frowned on many lightside acts, such as helping out people in need. Come on, what if Jesus had set "You can't help the poor?" Sheesh. Not to mention the fact that she contradicts herself several times. <_< Most of the dialogue to gain influence with her was darkside. Probably the only lightside option to gain influence was on Korriban near the tombs. While she frowned upon killing random people, the real reason behind that was that it didn't benefit the character, not because she cared about the lives. In addition, she told you to think of your party members as dispensable. She had no value for their lives. Don't forget, evil is more than killing people. Manipulation, hatred, lies, and betrayel are all evil, and Kreia did all of this. While she trained your character, her real motivation was to get revenge on those who betrayed her (the Jedi and the Sith), and, of course, to destroy the force. But really, it was her own fault she was betrayed by both sides. Kreia used your character to further her own selfish ends. My vote would definitely be evil. So, there's my opinion. Feel free to respond!
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