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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. https://imgur.com/a/AqCaXkP Wie heißt denn nun der Säbel? Selbst der Name Scor(e)deo ist in beiden texten anders.
  2. I have sided with the huana and blown up the RDC base, but my quest log still has the quest "The final maneuver" and asks me to speak with their leader. When I go to the area all soldiers there are hostile. I could not blow up the building without being seen by guards inside and I had to fight them. I have no more quests for the VTC. I did the animancy experiment and teleported myself to the temple. Then I returned to headquarters. There was the trail and the old director was removed. I did not finish the quest by talking to the new director because I wanted to join the huana. I have the quest "honor among thieves" for the principi, were captain Furrante wants to talk to me. I killed all slavers instead of helping them. Aelys ( spelling ?) was present when all faction leaders met after I return from my meeting with Eothas at the vulcano. Lets see what happens when I go there. expected behaviour: You should not have main quests for the RDC open after blowing up their base.
  3. engagement ist Angriffsbindung. Es wäre unsinnig einen Gegenstand einzubauen bei dem man nicht angreifen kann. Es heißt einfach nur das kein automatischer Angriff erfolgt wenn man selber sich vom Gegner weg bewegt oder wenn der Gegner sich von einem weg bewegt. Der Gegner kann immer noch mich angreifen und ich den Gegner.
  4. You said shattered pillars do not gain wounds from abilities: Does this only work for monk abilities or for all abilities, like using crippling strike with a monk/rogue? So no more spaming torments reach to perma stunn everything in front of you?
  5. This is strange: first players complain that the game is too easy ( it really was ) and now they complain that it is too hard. My thoughts: - The hardest difficulty level should be really hard, especially if there are several easier difficulties. Some players will find it easy in any case. - Some players have beaten the game with the latest patch on PotD, so it is definitely not impossible. - PoE2 gives you options to avoid combat or you can come back later to do a quest. - I think it is OK if you need some meta gaming to beat the game on the hardest difficulty. Nobody forces you to play PotD Trail of Iron on your first playthrough. ( The last patch changed a lot of things and made the game much harder, so it is almost like a new game ) - You should not underestimate what players can do. The devs said they did not expact that players get the ultimate achievement in PoE1, but some people made it anyway ( No, I am not one of them and I will never be )
  6. Yes, all passive abilities stack, all active abilities do not stack. Spells, potions, auras, stances and weapon modals count as active, so they do not stack. Rule of thumb: Things on the right side of the talent screen stack, everything else does not. ( there may be exceptions) The basic rule ( passives stack, actives not ) is nice and simple. But the game does a bad job telling us what counts as active and what as passive. suggestion: For everything that changes stats ( attributes, acc, defenses, power level, AR, penetration, maybe others ) add a tag if it counts as active or passive. If you give us the rule "passives stack, actives not" everyone can see what can work together and what gets suppressed then.
  7. Was passiert genau? Kann die Gruppe nicht angreifen oder kann sie keine Angriffsbindungen eingehen und selber nicht Angriffsgebunden werden? Ich glaube auf englisch heißt es: You cannot engage enemies and you cannot be engaged by enemies. ( sinngemäß, ich kann gerade nicht nachsehen. ) Ich glaube auch das es mehrere Stellen im Spiel gab wo steht "kann nicht angreifen" und gemeint ist "kann keine Angriffsbindung eingehen". Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was davon schon geändert wurde. Das war zum Beispiel bei (mindestens) einem Status Effekt so.
  8. Wegen Krake: In einem Teil von Fluch der Karibik ( ich glaube Teil 2, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ) diskutieren zwei Piraten wie es richtig heißt. Einer sagt das Wort kommt aus Skandinavien und da ist Kraken näher dran am Original, aber der andere sagt dass sie keine Skandinavier sind. Vielleicht findest du das bei youtube.
  9. https://imgur.com/a/BUQxjWT Es geht nicht um Angriffe, sondern um Angriffsbindungen. ( engagement auf englisch)
  10. https://imgur.com/a/bKZ6BDI - Beim ersten Mal lesen war ich völlig verwirrt, aber nach etwas Nachdenken könnte der Ratschlag vielleicht doch richtig sein. Ich bin mir nicht sicher. - Soll das vielleicht "gutes Zielen" heißen? Auch da war ich mir nicht sicher, was gemeint ist. Bei den Sachen bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es richtig ist oder nicht. Ich zumindest musste es ein paar mal lesen und nachdenken wie es auf englisch heißt um mir sicher zu sein, was es bedeutet.
  11. Was wurde denn alles für das Patch neu geschrieben? Ich habe das Patch nicht installiert, aber nach dem was ich von anderen gehört habe, haben sich nur einige Talente, Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände geändert. Und da die Zahlen Variablen sind sollte man am Text nichts ändern müssen, wenn etwas von 20% bonus auf 10% bonus geändert wurde.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/kOXxaNN I entered the fortress via the caves, then I killed all slavers inside. I went outside, killed the enemies on the walls and used the switch to drop the bridge. I saw the bridge opening. Then I went back and killed the enemies in the yard. Suddenly the bridge was up again but I could walk over it.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/AHJHV98 Kills ist ein Substantiv und kein Verb. Wie wäre es mit: "Tötet man einen Gegner mit Magrans Gunst erleiden Gegner in der Nähe Brandschaden
  14. https://imgur.com/a/Zmzx5BV Also, the first 2 enchantments give the same ability that the shield already has ( deflection up when health down)
  15. I play the game on veteran. After level 9 everything was very easy except fampyrs because they dominate you every second. My party is: watcher: kind wayfarer/beckoner Eder: fighter/rogue Aloth: single class wizard Takehu: single class druid Maia: ranger/rogue Maia and Eder get dominated every time they attack the fampyrs. All other chars got never dominated, no matter if they used weapon attacks or spells. My watcher did not have the chant against int afflictions then, so he was more busy attacking my party members ( aegis of loyalty) than attacking the enemy. Looks like fampyrs really hate rogues. Later I found an easy way for some encounters: When there is enough space on the map, deactivate AI, give Eder Modwyr+another weapon and send him in alone. He charges around to damage them (still playing version 1.02), then finish the rest with crippling strike and cleave stance. (normally my main char uses Modwyr) But in fights where I cannot keep the rest of party away, these fights are really annoying. - Is there a way to deal with fampyrs if you do not have a chanter with the int+res resistance chant? Even if you can give your chars an int inspiration, you cannot do it every 3 seconds over a whole encounter because some chars get dominated every time they attack a fampyr. - Is this a bug and did they fix it in version 1.1? It is normal that fampyrs use dominate spells, but I see no reason why you should be dominated every time you attack them.
  16. Looks like PotD is finally a challenge. Did they change Veteran too? I am still on my first playthrough. I am near the end and there were only 2 difficult fights: - The giant worm under Neketaka. I sailed straigt for the town, walked around a bit and then went down the elevator. It was me, Eder, Aloth and Takehu at lv7 with only the starting equipment and the stuff dropped by some trash enemies. - fampyrs, because they dominate you every time you hit them. Everything else, including fights that are supposed to be a boss, were pathetically easy. From what I read, I am very happy with most of the changes. Did somebody test if monks can still chain crit? Looks like they fixed it for fighter cleave stance.
  17. FIRE AND FURY I can see the fire part, does it mean he is a fury? PS: I know its Deadfire first, but what about Divinity second? http://everysecondcounts.eu/(comedians of many countries made videos why their country should be second after america)
  18. https://imgur.com/a/rI0X0kx - Man macht keinen Schaden am Stab, sondern man macht mehr Schaden mit dem Stab - "startet den Wirkungskreis direkten Schadens . . ." klingt doof
  19. Ich spiele noch immer Version 1.02. Kann es Probleme geben wenn ihr schon Sachen für Beta Version 1.1 geändert habt?
  20. I loaded a previous save and this time I defeated all of them without problems. Maybe it was a problem that I did not kill Nemok and all other enemies in that room.
  21. I am in the drowned barrows, fighting the naga Kaali and some cultists. She casts Concelhauts crushing doom on Eder. After the combat ends you can see the effect still on Eder, with a negative duration that gets bigger and bigger. On the right side of the image you can see the combat log. The screenshot was taken long after combat ended. Going to another area, going to main menu and reload and closing the game completely and restarting it did not solve the problem. screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/BaiyOUq savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ygzi40vmci0x813/Koamalu%20%28ba33a279-88dd-44a0-9c71-773187e7155b%29%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0
  22. https://imgur.com/a/fYHgqn8 The upper part of my cloak goes down and the lower part goes forward through the body of the one who wears it. It was like this for some chars, e.g. Eder ( the lowest char in this image ) but the effect disappeared after some time. It already happened in the beta but there I could not make a screenshot before the effect ended.
  23. https://imgur.com/a/kJllxuG - Sobald eine feindliche Wirkung endet . . . ( ich glaube es funktioniert bei jeder Wirkung ) - "knockdown attack" bezieht sich wahrscheinlich auf die Kämpfer Fähigkeit "knockdown", welche das Ziel unterbricht. (ich bin mir nicht sicher) Die deutsche Bezeichnung klingt so als würde es den Gegner sofort töten.
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