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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. https://imgur.com/a/pAXBSVb Graze sollte man hier doch besser mit leichte Treffer übersetzen. Streifschüsse klingt sehr seltsam bei einem Stab.
  2. I had to read this a few times before I was sure that I understand it. So it means: - First the game calculates the damage without penetration. - It calculates the multiplier for physical damage ( adding penetration modifier to all other modifiers ) and the multiplier for elemental damage separately. - The game multiplies both factors ( all modifiers including physical penetration * elemental penetration ) to determine lash damage. Result: Lets say you have a 20% lash - Without over or underpenetration you do 20% lash damage - with overpenetration for both physical and elemental damage you do more than 20% lash damage - With underpenetration for both physical and elemental damage you do less than 20% lash damage - If you have a raw lash and overpenetration you will do less than 20% lash damage - If you have a raw lash and underpenetration you will do more than 20% lash damage When I say more or less than 20%, I compare the physical damage done to the enemy with the elemental damage done to the enemy. I assume the game uses the same penetration value for physical and elemental damage. Is that correct? Thank you for finding out the formula. This thread will be lost soon, so we should write it somewhere where it can be found fast. The wiki would be good.
  3. Das ist wieder so ein Problem mit dem Variablen.. Entweder steht da Frost, Wucht, etc oder halt alle für alle Schadensarten... Hm, aber sollte da nicht Zersetzung eingesetzt werden? Vermutlich wirkt es nur für Fähigkeiten mit den Tags Verfall, Gift und Krankheit, aber nicht bei allen Sachen die Zersetzungsschaden machen. Wie gesagt, das ist nur meine Vermutung.
  4. https://imgur.com/a/BdmyjyV Auf Englisch ist das so schön einfach beschrieben. Auf deutsch ist ein langer Text der nur verwirrt.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/qOWkTvx Diese Rüstung ist sehr buggy. - Auf englisch schadet die Verzauberung nahen Feinden. Ich hoffe das stimmt. - Alleschaden sieht doof aus. Auch auf englisch klingt dieser Text etwas holprig, aber anscheinend kann man das kaum besser sagen.
  6. https://imgur.com/a/RgUyBKA I was fighting some fampyrs. They dominated some of my party members. I have a paladin with aegis of loyalty, so attacking them should cure them and most of the time it works. In this battle the fampyrs dominated Maia. When the last enemy is killed there remains a red circle around her, I cannot control her and the default atction when I click on her is attack. There is no dominated affliction on her and she does not attack us. She is a ranger/rogue with slippery mind if that matters.
  7. Das kam durch einer meiner Änderungen, doch leider ist das Problem nichtz so einfach... "{0]waffen" lautet der Eintrag. In 0 wird nun Nahkampf, Fernkampf und mindestens Zweihand eingesetzt, Also Nahkampwaffe usw.. Aber leider auch nichts... und dann ist das Waffen kleingeschrieben. Schreibe ich es gross heisst es dann NahkampfWaffen. Nehme ich wieder noch das Leerzeichen mit rein, da Nahkampf Waffen, Fernkampf Waffen usw. Was ist nun besser... Ich glaube das kann man dann so lassen wie es ist.
  8. https://imgur.com/a/xzeZtCn Aloth casts chain lightning on some nagas. The spell does additional fire damage on top of the lightning damage. I am a kind wayfarer/beckoner and I have the chant that gives additional fire damage to weapon attacks and shared devotion. Since Aloth does not have items that add fire damage, an earlier cast did not cause fire damage and I used shared devotion before Aloth casts again, I guess it is shared devotion. Is it intended that shared devotion adds fire damage to all kind of attacks, including spells?
  9. https://imgur.com/a/H1FBI1Z Au, das tut beim lesen weh. ist "+1 Priester Zauber der Stufe 2 wirken" besser?
  10. https://imgur.com/a/8Jsdxb3 Und wieder einmal die PoE1 Beschriftung mit Ausdauer. PS: Den Wortwitz des englischen Namens der Waffe wird man wohl kaum hinbekommen können. Wenigstens haben sie es nicht wörtlich übersetzt.
  11. I have entered the sandswept ruins. The game pauses, I see a black screen far away from my party ( fog of war) and there are several messages "Maia has discovered something hidden" (She has the highest perception value of my group). This happened already in other dungeons too. expected behaviour: You should not detect hidden things at the other end of the dungeon when you enter the dungeon. Edit: I have explored the dungeon. She has discoverd about 1/3 of the traps all over the dungeon. The discovered traps were clustered in several different places.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/pVuErJ5 ". . . , wenn ein Verbündeter bewusstlos wird" klingt besser. Bei vielen Effekten muss ich erst auf englisch umschalten um mir sicher zu sein, was gemeint ist. In diesem Fall habe ich mich lange gefragt, wer genau mit "der Verbündete" gemeint ist.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/it1UEAI I have the items and the money but I cannot enchant this weapon. There was a similar problem with Aloths sceptre, but later it worked. suggestion: - Please tell us which enchantments are exclusive. - Please tell us if another enchantment is required to do this enchantment.
  14. https://github.com/AurelioSilver/pillarsofeternity-2-german-patch/commit/1d3ce093cbfe440c52dbaf39e646d0672f506e54 Da hast du einen Schreibfehler eingebaut.
  15. I have voted "just right" In PoE1 they put some enemies all over the map just because they map would feel very empty otherwise. There were some map where you could do nothing but walk around and kil some enemies, not much story or quest related stuff. In PoE2 encounter design is much better. It makes sense that the enemies are at this place. There are fight were new enemies spawn all the time from different directions. Sometimes scripted events or the environment can give you an advantage or disadvantage. ( like sneak and blow up some barrels to kill some enemies right at the start. ) There are many situation were you can avoid combat all together or you just kill everything in your way, depending on your playstyle. So regarding how combat is structured, PoE2 is so much better than PoE1. I play on veteran and combat is much too easy ( I would expect this difficulty on easy mode, maybe even story time if they are below your level), but thats another question. I admit that I play games mostly for story and exploration, not for combat. I love PST and I quit IWD, not because it was too difficult but because I was bored from just fighting and little story. Never got a dungeon crawler after that.
  16. https://imgur.com/a/RA3e0dd Auf deutsch ist nicht klar, was mit Beurteilungs-Effekten gemeint ist. Auf englisch heißt die Verzauberung und der Name vom Effekt so, dass man erkennt dass sie zusammen gehören.
  17. https://imgur.com/a/ePqg7jg Bekommt man nun einen Intellekt Bonus oder nicht? Die Fähigkeit hat ein Upgrade bei dem man den besten int buff bekommt.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/3GJZr3u I see a ghost near the waterfall in the harbor of Neketaka but I cannot interact with it. There was a duell but both fighters survived. Following the questline I ended up killing all Berdattos in their house and getting the reward from the Valera family.
  19. https://imgur.com/a/7WnM8RK Beim Blick auf die Karte war ich verwirrt. "Command" heißt zwar "Befehl" und ich weis nicht wie man es besser machen könnte.
  20. https://imgur.com/a/ZRWOgIl I have finished the quest "blow the man down" peacefully. ( going to town with a pirate flag, getting ingredients via sneaking, manipulate the piano and start a party ). After killing him I can go everywhere and take everything and nobody cares. The guards have a symbol over their head but they do not care when I walk around.
  21. https://imgur.com/a/OGp6c22 Der ganze Text wird gesprochen. Auch das in der Mitte.
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