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Everything posted by Jumjalum

  1. Valve have either shot themselves in the foot with the whole Steam thing, or they've ushered in a new age of unweildy and restrictive gaming. One of the things I liked about Half-Life was that you didnt need a CD to run it and it loaded fast, something which benefitted the online community immeasurably. They even took out the loading screens. HL2 really takes too long to load.
  2. Hey congratulations! PC Gamer is probably the biggest UK PC games magazine so you should get some serious audience figures for this.
  3. Did you read my joke? It's a classic.
  4. Maybe try OpenOffice? It's free and is supposedly great. I don't know if it's compatible with Works format but I know it's great with MSOffice compatability. It's a 45MB download. http://www.openoffice.org/
  5. Yes very much so, they have the pride of place of my DVD collection and 44.99 is a lot cheaper than I paid for the 3 (although I got statuettes with the first 2 and the third will be signed by Christopher Lee). Whether the EEs are better than the theatrical versions is up for debate but the added stuff is a must for anyone who knows the books well.
  6. http://progressive2.stream.aol.com/newline...dCut_300_dl.mov or for a larger version http://progressive2.stream.aol.com/newline...dCut_700_dl.mov Right-click and save as... Looks pretty good, I especially look forward to the Saruman and Mordor scenes. Btw this is a brand new 7 minute trailer, not the old one.
  7. Has anyone seen this film? Its an ultraviolent version of Lord of the Flies with a class of Japanese kids taken out of a dystopian society and placed on an island with the challenge of being the last one alive by the end of 3 days. They are all given unique weapons and basically spend the film killing each other in blood-soaked ways and reflecting on their lives. I didn't understand some of what was going on, thats not unusual for my attention-challenged self, but I would highly recommend giving this film a watch. Beat Takeshi stars as their teacher, who I only know from the show Takeshi's castle although I've heard he's made some excellent gangster films.
  8. Nobody drives automatics where I come from, I've seen the inside of maybe 2 or 3 automatics in my whole life. Btw nice car JE, they must be paying you well at Midway. *feels jealous*
  9. How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker was getting for Christmas? He felt his presents!
  10. I like 'em, never seen any machinima before but have heard about it. Keep us posted on future installments, will you?
  11. Heidi Klum is a babe, is she still with that middle-aged business guy?
  12. I work in IT support.
  13. Mylo - Destroy Rock & Roll
  14. Thats too much effort :thumbsdown:
  15. These emoticons are essential for any self-respecting forum, please include them.
  16. Blanka vs Chun Li
  17. Thanks very much, I'll try them out
  18. I have an mpg file that I want to play but its not supported by Windows Media Player, Quicktime or DivX, so how do I find out what codecs I need to play this file?
  19. I wonder if I'm the only one that picked that movie reference. Anyways, I like being grumpy and yelling at people. Hitting my keyboard and swearing would be my second favourite past time. Oh yeah. I got it too, although its fungus not fungi he says in the movie. Yes, I am sad. I like cinema, reading, computers and gaming, drinking and DJing.
  20. They just added a bit of personality to the boards I guess.
  21. They were stock pictures you'd put up in certain situations, like there was a picture of a roman forum for the 'Wrong Forum' image and a troll one for the err.. trolls. This was all on the old BIS forums before Interplay swallowed them up and then died.
  22. The old BISIMGs were funny and useful, I hope they are resurrected for Obsidian on these boards.
  23. Q. How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker was getting for Christmas? A. He felt his presents.
  24. Prowling on the terrain, swinging a reflective halberd, cometh Jumjalum! And he gives a vengeful howl: "I'm going to pound you beyond the end of time, then steal your lederhosen!"
  25. There's a button on the PST interface that locks the camera to your character btw. Methinks this may be the factor thats letting you move freely now.
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