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Everything posted by Calax

  1. If that is Nolan North (I've actually no idea) why didn't he use his Heck voice ? Maybe because he already had a deadpool voice from Xmen Legends 2 and from Marvel Ultimate Alliance two (where real men watch cherry blossoms!)
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YJdRHW_vGc
  3. Apparently my store (4th busiest McD's in Iowa) managed to break a world record for McDonalds in serving 139 cars in one hour
  4. Witcher is on a "flash sale" at 60% off
  5. Basically maximizing certain specific stats or whatever in favor of others. So basically making something very specialized, compared to an all around character.
  6. FFS get he first one. The second is very very very over the top meh, and was part of what led to IW getting canned because they sabotaged the product. *clicks the store button* Space marine, Max Payne 3, tribes, all on the chopping block
  7. Went to adventureland (a little thing in Des Moines. Mixes a cut-rate six flags with a water park). And am now burned over my shoulders, face, arms, and hands. It hurts to lay down on the couch and snooze, or my bed... Wonder how working is going to be. Also lost my glasses in a wave pool and am now wearing a pair that's at least 4 years old
  8. What exactly do you mean by "spread my DNA"? I believe similar analogies would be something like Doing the dirty with as many girls like John Holmes Creating little Alexanders like Alexander the Great Spreading the love like the Vikings.... etc...etc...etc.... I think that's along the lines he was speaking...I would imagine that paints an even broader picture...if not... well...It's too graphic to really get into here...talk to someone about the birds and the bees...might help understand it a little... no Ghengis Kahn reference?
  9. Calax


    The GTR The Lambo I was talking about. And on the CCX top gear vid (the first one) skip to about 7 minutes. They have a list of various cars and times around their track. And the exact reason they put the spoiler on a moment later.
  10. that trailer was retro.
  11. Some of you will dismiss this entirely, but Right now the mists of pandas expansion is getting it pre patch tossed to the public, meaning tha'tll go into effect probably in sept oct........... And a month beyond would be the expansion release or so
  12. Calax


    With or without the top gear wing?
  13. Hopefully they remember to keep things from being to stale and iron out multiplayer issues
  14. Well, how much processing power is going to be needed to show 100k individual faces for morale levels in the larger battles? Unless they're going to do it with just the little unit banners being the faces etc. Also "VICTORY IS OU[[voice cracking]s!"
  15. So is all porn
  16. I personally am worried that they're pushing to far into the graphics fidelity for the game to play well on older systems. They're talking about armies having facial features and being easy to read their emotional state rather than just having a notification.
  17. The issue is that they had so many variables that most of your time would be spent making dozens upon dozens of cutscenes. But it'd probably be best just to have assets show up on the ground.
  18. I'm not saying that my personal metric of good or bad is what did them in. I'm saying that the products they produced didn't sell, and thus they weren't good in business sense. I mean the only thing from that list that they produce in the 6 years since the new console generation that got much coverage would be Prototype, and then they didn't have a single other product until this year with Prototype 2. I mean if you look at it, there was nothing to really keep them afloat. Particularly after Prototype 2's failure commercially.
  19. That assumes that something like COD would still hold enough water for them to get a good RoI. Probably what I'd do as an MS exec would be to spinning off Blizzard as it's own studio and making Acti a semi-exclusive publisher. Blizzard is almost entirely a PC company, so it'd be hard to enforce synergy with the other products in our lineup without heavily alienating my user base. Keep activision and make it so that most triple A titles were Xbox exclusive for 18 months and then let the rights drop, nobody is going to go out and buy a new console for a single game at this point in the cycle so no reason to enforce exclusives and if the rights could be profitable for the other systems, then we could do a quick port, and drag in users. Did I just make a business plan on an internet message board?
  20. Wasn't it always their intent to plan this out as a trilogy? There were hints way back when ME first came out that it was planned as a trilogy. It's just, judging by the end product, they hadn't sat down and actually said "this is the beginning, middle, and end of our piece", and only had the vaguest of plots planned out along the lines of "Reapers show up, reapers get defeated". Wasn't ME2 touted as the continuation of the Plot from mass effect, but in the end that plot was just an excuse to do character study pieces?
  21. Right now it seems like all that matters is that as long as peoples opinion continue to be re-inforced on their children, no matter how wrong they might be, people will be fine with our educational system. The right want a Pro-US, Pro Conservative (see the textbook controversy from a year ago or two), religious school system that says god made us how we are, and have the bible and 10 commandments in every classroom, with Joe McCarthy being taught as just being a tiny bit overzealous. The Left wants it to be a haven for students to learn. To the point where if a student decides he wants to slip off into the girls room with his girlfriend he can. And students will only take classes and learn things that they'd be very interested in... even if that's "advanced thugganomics" or "how to tag a moving object". Both rediculous strawmen? yes, but with the political discourse at the level it currently is, there's no way that either side will realize just how stupid they truely are.
  22. Running down the Space Pope in FFXIII
  23. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends 1992 NES The Terminator 1992 NES The Battle of Olympus 1993 Game Boy Mario is Missing! 1993 NES Pel
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