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Everything posted by Calax

  1. He was so sure it'd flop, that he bet Spielberg a cut of the profits from his film on it flopping.
  2. Which one? I liked the framing in 1, 2, and Brotherhood. Revelations was just terrible. I'm not familiar with how 3 works out, just how it ends. It's 3 It's literally you're Desmond and you're going to a vault, then something happens and you're just IN a new character, and not the one that has been hyped as the new assassin. So it feels like you're being tossed into the middle of an ongoing story without being able to read the first 2/3rds (not the Desmond stuff... the Memories stuff) So how bad is the flag-waving in this one? Normally I'd want to see the series to it's (temporary) conclusion but the setting and promotional material has me concerned. The parts I've played have been fairly neutral about that. Of course, we're still at the the stage before the revolution begins in my game.
  3. Getting bloody frustrated with my roomates "cold shoulder" routine where she doesn't even acknowledge me.
  4. Which one? I liked the framing in 1, 2, and Brotherhood. Revelations was just terrible. I'm not familiar with how 3 works out, just how it ends. It's 3 It's literally you're Desmond and you're going to a vault, then something happens and you're just IN a new character, and not the one that has been hyped as the new assassin. So it feels like you're being tossed into the middle of an ongoing story without being able to read the first 2/3rds (not the Desmond stuff... the Memories stuff)
  5. I suspect that they're going to be doing things through their "mature" studio rather than as a Disney specific product. It's content doesn't conform to the specific Disney vision, so that's the only way they'd be able to release it... unless they threw out a scrappy doo kid character that makes Anakin Skywalker look positively nuanced.
  6. Creed of the Assassins. Kind of annoying because they don't really seem to frame the story THAT well.
  7. The renegade interrupt is lopping his leg off with a fireaxe, sorry.
  8. Attempting to write a paper on a topic that I despise... but am supposed to like because my professor Grad Student says so. It's about the terror that is "Industrial Tourism" but I always have this nagging question of "How the hell does Mr. "I own the park" Ranger expect for the National Park Service to pay for his job if he has at best 100 people in his 30k acres... much less the upkeep on the park!?" Now I have to come up with a 2 page paper that has a similar rhetorical style... with the exact same gigantic hole in the logic.
  9. I think that the two party system is also reinforced by the news networks. People barely know that Libertarians exist enough to have their own presidential candidate, and even when people see it, they don't have the information they need to sort out what the Libertarians are saying they'd do as a president. In the media run debates, the candidates are chosen based on polling numbers, which nobody but the "Big 2" are even on. Thus you end up with the self reinforced 2 party system. I doubt Ross Perot could have made it to wedge himself between Clinton and Bush Sr. in 1992 in todays media tastic world.
  10. SimDoc! Press 1 to turn your head to the side and cough! Press 2 for the speculum! Press 3 to use the MRI machine and then have some curmudgeon's patient get worse because of you!
  11. Uh.. 4/20. Deepwater Horizon exploded, Hitler was born and Columbine. Nothing of major note in my birth year (Well, a Russian pianist got to play IN RUSSIA for the first time)
  12. I dont follow. Abortion is legal in this country for any reason up to whatever the gestation limit is. I dont know what the rest of your post is referencing. This republicans rationale for saying rape victims that become pregnant is god plan is only to say he feels all pregnancies are gods plan, regardless of what circumstances caused the pregnancy. It has nothing to do with rape and everything to do with him being pro-life. Yes and no. What I was referring to with the first part was that the pro-life crew, the moderate ones, will go with moms life, incest, or rape. With the Mothers Life being only a factor in so called "Late Term Abortions". I think a few states have made it so you can't abort during the last trimester. The rest of it was saying that on the fringe there are the republicans who view ANY pregnancy as being "Gods Work" or that it's the womens fault or whatever. This is the Colbert bit that I was referring to http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/420541/october-24-2012/richard-mourdock-s-rape-comment?xrs=share_copy
  13. Huh, I thought it was only if the pregnancy threatened the life of the mother. Well that's later term. I'm meaning if a girl gets knocked up by daddy's molestations or getting raped, they can get abortions in the first trimester. But this is also on the delightful spectrum of how conservative somebody really is, because on the far far far right you get people like King, and Cobert's "Team Rape" (see last nights episode for details) who think that rape is either caused by the woman, or there's such a thing as "Legitimate" Rape.
  14. Most republicans will allow a loophole for your abortions if it's in the situations of either incest or rape.
  15. Obama won by letting Romney magically transforming into the YES MAN! who says "Well I think that the President took the right course of action!" to everything, but has to dad "I would have done it BETTER!" Seriously, it seemed everyone of his major questions that he answered came off sounding either A)like he didn't have a complete grasp of what he's getting into, or B)that he would just have done what Obama had. Romney would have been a little tougher on Iran, would have been a little faster with sanctions, would have just done everything better. While the (Bias) feeling I got from Obama was that everything he'd done, had been done as fast as he could, and Romney's declarations of "I'd have made diplomacy faster!" ignore the real side of things where Obama had to suck up to various heads of state to get things done.
  16. A point I'd like to make. Obama still is wishing to close gitmo, but is being blocked by Congress and the states (who are of the NIMBY mindset in relation to the prisoners). He even said he wants to set up provisions to re-limit the power of the executive within the American system.
  17. Had a good night with friends last night, and learned that two of the least liked managers at my store (one because he thinks management is just a way to slack off, The other seems unable to properly work because she just wanders off from her station) are being shunted to the franchises "Siberia" in the WalMart store.
  18. If I had more energy right now, I'd argue that the point I made could be turned around and applied to Romney who is either tapdancing around the issues, or just flat out ignoring them because he doesn't want to frighten his base.
  19. Eh... There's plenty of women that don't believe in birth control or abortions. I shared a link earlier in this thread about a woman that moved to Canada and was originally repulsed by the idea that Canada's health insurance covers abortions. My own Mom doesn't believe in abortions (I think her reasoning is a bit silly, but she is religiously conservative). EDIT: Here it is again Thus why I said trouble rather than impossibility. I mean there are still things like "Taken in hand" and the "Quiverfull" sects but most women I have had contact with are proponents of the two things being discussed here. At least we haven't gotten to marriage as a form of gun control.
  20. Most women are cold and self serving. Why should I care about an issue(abortion), which for the most part is a result of their irresponsibility? I can't even understand why a man would make this his number one priority unless he's grasping at straws and has little else to vote on. Abortion is not the issue we are talking about per se, but just as a side note: the guy who wrote freakanomics had stated in one of his books that the reason that gang violence is dropping is because the children who would be joining the gangs because of the low income and parents who aren't around are instead being aborted. So that mom and dad are able to support the kids when they have them rather than just get screwed over by a single mistake. We are talking about equal pay for women, which Obama has made a part of his platform and has shown he supports with legislation. Not that it's his number one issue, which is mostly economic, but it is something he is trying to identify with. And not gonna lie, right now because of the fact you don't care about birth control or abortion, and are public about it, I would suggest that you are going to have trouble finding a girlfriend because not many people want to be with somebody who openly doesn't care for the issues that directly affect them. At least a few of my female friends are quite happy with Obama because they aren't spending 50ish bucks a month (ok, i dont know how much it actually costs off insurance) for their birth control because its covered by insurance under Obamacare.
  21. I'm fairly sure every woman will now smack you. Them getting paid equally, and having access to birth control that's covered by medical insurance, is generally considered a big thing.
  22. The way Romney has been tiptoeing around the issue, it feels like he's trying to say to his base that things will remain the way they are, while not loosing the women because he's not going to try to advocate for them. Obama has made the equal pay act (which makes it so that somebody can sue their employer if they're getting paid less for the same job no matter when they learn of it) one of his major things in the campaign, and Romney has tried to not even talk about it.
  23. not 72% difference between men and women... but women are paid 72% of what men get on average. Screwed up my english sorry.
  24. It should be pointed out that Romney created a meme last night in trying to dodge an equal pay question by giving an anecdote about "binders full of women!" My roommate was not pleased as he basically ignored the 72% pay difference between men and women, while Obama turned around and iterated his first bill signed into law was an equal pay act
  25. ... I don't like space sims... I like space combat, not free trading. Also Computer and Console is thataway
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