Found this while skimming.
You show me your's I'll show you mine:
My budget
Your New Budget
Budget Totals
Old budget was $3748.1268 billion
($2673 billion in spending, $1075.1268 billion in tax expenditures and cuts).
New budget is $3534.59 billion
($2614.3 billion in spending, $920.29 billion in tax expenditures and cuts).
You have cut the deficit by $213.54 billion.
Your new deficit is $187.46 billion.
$409.52 billion: Military Spending
$112.54 billion: Iraq and Afghanistan Operations
$122.22 billion: Military Retirement
$27.37 billion: International affairs
$30.47 billion: Science, Space and Technology
$33.09 billion: Natural Resources and Environment
$26.45 billion: Agriculture
$6.32 billion: Commerce and Housing Loan Programs
$73.87 billion: Transportation
$22.56 billion: Community & regional development
$80.09 billion: Education
$47.81 billion: Training, labor and unemployment
$255.16 billion: Non-Medicare Health
$428.68 billion: Medicare
$78.74 billion: Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded)
$221.3 billion: Aid to Low-Income Families
$25.91 billion: General Family Support
$381.37 billion: Social security
$44.32 billion: Administration of justice
$16.26 billion: General government administration
$211.08 billion: Net interest
Tax Expenditures and Tax Cuts
$94.8 billion: 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts
$44.54 billion: Corporate Tax Breaks
$85.97 billion: Personal Business & Investment Benefits
$201.7 billion: Pension & Retirement Deductions
$165.26 billion: Health Insurance Tax Benefits
$156.38 billion: Housing tax benefits
$171.64 billion: Other individual deductions and exemptions
Spending ($2614.3 billion: cut $58.69 billion)
Military Spending ($409.52 billion: cut $36.58 billion)
$85.26 billion ..... Military personnel
Cut $21.3 bil. from base of $106.572 bil.(-20%)
$168.98 billion .... Operation and maintenance
Increased $15.36 bil. from base of $153.619 bil.( 10%)
$48.5 billion ...... Procurement
Cut $32.33 bil. from base of $80.836 bil.(-40%)
$68.13 billion ..... Research, development, test and evaluation (No Change)
$14.53 billion ..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other
Cut $1.61 bil. from base of $16.145 bil.(-10%)
$21.59 billion ..... Atomic Energy Defense Activities
Increased $3.6 bil. from base of $17.990 bil.( 20%)
$2.53 billion ...... Defense Related activities
Cut $0.27 bil. from base of $2.814 bil.(-10%)
Iraq and Afghanistan Operations ($112.54 billion)
$105 billion ....... Military Operations (No Change)
$7.54 billion ...... Reconstruction aid
Increased $0.69 bil. from base of $6.851 bil.( 10%)
Military Retirement ($122.22 billion: increased $6.74 billion)
$36.75 billion ..... Military retirement
Cut $4.07 bil. from base of $40.832 bil.(-10%)
$39.97 billion ..... Income security for veterans
Increased $3.63 bil. from base of $36.338 bil.( 10%)
$3.56 billion ...... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation
Increased $0.32 bil. from base of $3.236 bil.( 10%)
$41.22 billion ..... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military
Increased $6.87 bil. from base of $34.353 bil.( 20%)
$0.72 billion ...... Housing and other veterans benefits and services (No Change)
International affairs ($27.37 billion: cut $4.21 billion)
$10.4 billion ...... International development and humanitarian assistance
Cut $2.59 bil. from base of $12.996 bil.(-20%)
$8.52 billion ...... International military aid
Cut $0.94 bil. from base of $9.466 bil.(-10%)
$7.18 billion ...... Conduct of foreign affairs
Cut $0.78 bil. from base of $7.974 bil.(-10%)
$1.27 billion ...... Foreign information and exchange activities
Increased $0.12 bil. from base of $1.154 bil.( 10%)
General science, space, and technology ($30.47 billion: increased $6.5 billion)
$7.3 billion ....... National Science Foundation programs
Increased $1.68 bil. from base of $5.618 bil.( 30%)
$3.79 billion ...... Department of Energy general science programs
Increased $0.35 bil. from base of $3.444 bil.( 10%)
$19.38 billion ..... Space flight, research, and supporting activities
Increased $4.47 bil. from base of $14.905 bil.( 30%)
Non-Defense Energy Spending ($3.16 billion: increased $1.04 billion)
$0.73 billion ...... Energy supply (No Change)
$2.07 billion ...... Energy conservation and preparedness
Increased $1.04 bil. from base of $1.034 bil.( 100%)
$0.36 billion ...... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation (No Change)
Natural resources and environment ($33.09 billion: increased $1.93 billion)
$5.45 billion ...... Water resources (No Change)
$9.98 billion ...... Conservation and land management
Increased $0.91 bil. from base of $9.070 bil.( 10%)
$3.12 billion ...... Recreational & Park resources (No Change)
$8.42 billion ...... Pollution control and abatement (No Change)
$6.12 billion ...... Other natural resources
Increased $1.02 bil. from base of $5.101 bil.( 20%)
Agriculture ($26.45 billion)
$21.73 billion ..... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance (No Change)
$4.72 billion ...... Agricultural research and services
Increased $0.43 bil. from base of $4.288 bil.( 10%)
Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($6.32 billion)
$-4.28 billion ..... Federal Housing Loan Programs (No Change)
$1.96 billion ...... Postal service
Cut $0.2 bil. from base of $2.174 bil.(-10%)
$-0.86 billion ..... Deposit insurance
Increased $0.11 bil. from base of $-.966 bil.(-10%)
$7.96 billion ...... Universal service fund (No Change)
$1.54 billion ...... Other advancement of commerce
Cut $0.38 bil. from base of $1.931 bil.(-20%)
Transportation ($73.87 billion: increased $3.2 billion)
$40.16 billion ..... Highways and highway safety
Increased $3.65 bil. from base of $36.512 bil.( 10%)
$11.06 billion ..... Mass transit
Increased $2.55 bil. from base of $8.506 bil.( 30%)
$0.55 billion ...... Railroads
Cut $0.05 bil. from base of $.607 bil.(-10%)
$17.26 billion ..... Air Transportion (No Change)
$4.42 billion ...... Water transportation
Cut $2.94 bil. from base of $7.368 bil.(-40%)
$0.42 billion ...... Other transportation (No Change)
Community and regional development ($22.56 billion: increased $3.46 billion)
$5 billion ......... Community development
Cut $1.24 bil. from base of $6.252 bil.(-20%)
$2.57 billion ...... Area and regional development
Cut $0.28 bil. from base of $2.855 bil.(-10%)
$14.99 billion ..... Disaster relief and insurance
Increased $5 bil. from base of $9.990 bil.( 50%)
Education ($80.09 billion: increased $16.02 billion)
$50.14 billion ..... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education
Increased $11.57 bil. from base of $38.572 bil.( 30%)
$26.72 billion ..... Higher education
Increased $4.45 bil. from base of $22.269 bil.( 20%)
$3.23 billion ...... Research and general education (No Change)
Training, labor and unemployment ($47.81 billion)
$6.88 billion ...... Training and employment (No Change)
$1.6 billion ....... Labor law, statistics, and other administration (No Change)
$39.33 billion ..... Unemployment compensation (No Change)
Non-Medicare Health Spending ($255.16 billion: increased $1.84 billion)
$192.72 billion .... Medicaid grants (No Change)
$6.23 billion ...... State Children's Health Insurance (No Change)
$2.86 billion ...... Indian health
Cut $0.3 bil. from base of $3.174 bil.(-10%)
$3.24 billion ...... Substance abuse and mental health services (No Change)
$4.7 billion ....... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism (No Change)
$32.3 billion ...... Health research and training
Increased $2.94 bil. from base of $29.362 bil.( 10%)
$3.31 billion ...... Food safety and occupational health and safety
Increased $0.3 bil. from base of $3.007 bil.( 10%)
$9.8 billion ....... Other health care services
Cut $1.08 bil. from base of $10.886 bil.(-10%)
Medicare ($428.68 billion: increased $82.93 billion)
$219.31 billion .... Hospital insurance (HI)
Increased $36.55 bil. from base of $182.758 bil.( 20%)
$138.17 billion .... Supplementary medical insurance (SMI)
Increased $23.03 bil. from base of $115.138 bil.( 20%)
$70.04 billion ..... Prescription drug benefit
Increased $23.35 bil. from base of $46.695 bil.( 50%)
$1.16 billion ...... Health care fraud (No Change)
Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($78.74 billion: increased $6.71 billion)
$4.89 billion ...... Civilian retirement and disability insurance (No Change)
$64.05 billion ..... Federal employee retirement and disability
Increased $5.83 bil. from base of $58.223 bil.( 10%)
$9.8 billion ....... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits
Increased $0.89 bil. from base of $8.912 bil.( 10%)
Aid to Low-Income Families ($221.3 billion: increased $14.53 billion)
$42.29 billion ..... Housing assistance
Increased $3.84 bil. from base of $38.448 bil.( 10%)
$41.34 billion ..... Food stamps
Increased $3.76 bil. from base of $37.581 bil.( 10%)
$21.23 billion ..... Other nutrition programs (WIC, school lunches)
Increased $1.93 bil. from base of $19.296 bil.( 10%)
$38.66 billion ..... Supplemental security income (SSI) (No Change)
$16.39 billion ..... Family support payments (TANF)
Cut $1.81 bil. from base of $18.209 bil.(-10%)
$40.86 billion ..... Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Increased $6.81 bil. from base of $34.051 bil.( 20%)
$13.15 billion ..... Child tax credit (No Change)
$4.8 billion ....... Child care funds (No Change)
$2.58 billion ...... Other aid to low-income families (No Change)
General Family Support ($25.91 billion)
$6.56 billion ...... Foster care and adoption assistance (No Change)
$3.21 billion ...... Child support and family support programs
Increased $0.29 bil. from base of $2.921 bil.( 10%)
$16.14 billion ..... Social and family services (No Change)
Social security ($381.37 billion: cut $163.44 billion)
$318.08 billion .... Old-age and survivors insurance(OASI)
Cut $136.31 bil. from base of $454.400 bil.(-30%)
$63.29 billion ..... Disability insurance (DI)
Cut $27.12 bil. from base of $90.421 bil.(-30%)
Administration of justice ($44.32 billion: increased $1.22 billion)
$12.49 billion ..... Federal law enforcement
Increased $1.14 bil. from base of $11.351 bil.( 10%)
$10.46 billion ..... Border security and immigration (No Change)
$8.73 billion ...... Federal litigation and judicial activities
Cut $2.17 bil. from base of $10.914 bil.(-20%)
$8 billion ......... Federal prison system
Increased $1.84 bil. from base of $6.156 bil.( 30%)
$4.64 billion ...... Criminal justice assistance
Increased $0.42 bil. from base of $4.222 bil.( 10%)
General government administration ($16.26 billion: cut $1.48 billion)
$2.2 billion ....... Legislative functions
Cut $1.46 bil. from base of $3.671 bil.(-40%)
$0.8 billion ....... Executive office programs
Cut $0.33 bil. from base of $1.140 bil.(-30%)
$9.8 billion ....... IRS & other fiscal opertations (No Change)
$3.46 billion ...... Other general government
Increased $0.31 bil. from base of $3.145 bil.( 10%)
Net_interest_long ($211.08 billion)
$211.08 billion .... Net Interest (No Change)
Undistributed offsetting receipts and allowance ($-43.99 billion)
$-43.99 billion .... Undistributed offsetting receipts and allowance (No Change)
Tax Expenditures and Tax Cuts ($920.29 billion: cut $154.83 billion)
2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts ($94.8 billion: cut $200.08 billion)
$0 billion ......... Benefits for Richest 1% of Taxpayers
Cut $116.95 bil. from base of $116.9562 bil.(-100%)
$0 billion ......... Benefits for Next Richest 4%
Cut $28.86 bil. from base of $28.8708 bil.(-100%)
$0 billion ......... Benefits for Next Richest 15%
Cut $58.91 bil. from base of $58.92 bil.(-100%)
$43.6 billion ...... Benefits for Next 20% of Taxpayers (No Change)
$51.2 billion ...... Benefits for Bottom 60% of Taxpayers
Increased $4.65 bil. from base of $46.546 bil.( 10%)
Corporate Tax Breaks ($44.54 billion: cut $15.81 billion)
$15.74 billion ..... Untaxed Foreign Profits (No Change)
$11.84 billion ..... R&D Tax Breaks
Increased $1.97 bil. from base of $9.870 bil.( 20%)
$4.05 billion ...... Energy, Mining and Timber Tax Breaks (No Change)
$12.91 billion ..... Tax Free Bonds
Increased $2.98 bil. from base of $9.930 bil.( 30%)
$0 billion ......... Other Corporate Tax Breaks
Cut $20.76 bil. from base of $20.770 bil.(-100%)
Personal Business & Investment Benefits ($85.97 billion)
$27.34 billion ..... Lower tax rates on capital gains (excluding housing)
Cut $3.03 bil. from base of $30.380 bil.(-10%)
$28.76 billion ..... Step-up basis of capital gains at death (No Change)
$25.31 billion ..... Tax-Free Bonds
Increased $2.3 bil. from base of $23.010 bil.( 10%)
$1.36 billion ...... Enterprise & Empowerment Zones and New Markets credit (No Change)
$3.2 billion ....... Other personal investment tax breaks (No Change)
Pension & Retirement Deductions ($201.7 billion: increased $33.23 billion)
$51.05 billion ..... Employer-paid Pensions (No Change)
$75.56 billion ..... 401Ks & Keogh plans
Increased $17.44 bil. from base of $58.120 bil.( 30%)
$7.31 billion ...... IRAs (No Change)
$35.38 billion ..... Group and personal life insurance benefits
Increased $5.9 bil. from base of $29.480 bil.( 20%)
$29.66 billion ..... Untaxed Social Security benefits
Increased $9.89 bil. from base of $19.770 bil.( 50%)
$2.74 billion ...... Other retirement benefits (No Change)
Health Insurance Tax Benefits ($165.26 billion: increased $24.27 billion)
$150.83 billion .... Employer-paid Health Insurance
Increased $25.14 bil. from base of $125.690 bil.( 20%)
$3.46 billion ...... Self-employed medical insurance premiums
Cut $0.86 bil. from base of $4.330 bil.(-20%)
$1.83 billion ...... Medical Savings/Health Savings Accounts (No Change)
$9.14 billion ...... Deductibility of medical expenses (No Change)
Housing tax benefits ($156.38 billion: cut $7.32 billion)
$60.82 billion ..... Mortgage Interest
Cut $15.2 bil. from base of $76.03 bil.(-20%)
$13.35 billion ..... Deductibility of property taxes on homes
Cut $1.47 bil. from base of $14.830 bil.(-10%)
$39.9 billion ...... Capital gains exclusion on home sales
Increased $3.63 bil. from base of $36.270 bil.( 10%)
$35.66 billion ..... Exclusion of net imputed rental income on owner-occupied homes
Increased $5.94 bil. from base of $29.720 bil.( 20%)
$1.9 billion ....... Housing bonds & low-income housing investments
Cut $0.2 bil. from base of $2.110 bil.(-10%)
$4.75 billion ...... Exception from passive loss rules for $25,000 of rental loss (No Change)
Other individual deductions and exemptions ($171.64 billion: increased $11.65 billion)
$41.68 billion ..... Charitable contributions
Increased $3.79 bil. from base of $37.890 bil.( 10%)
$27.7 billion ...... State and local taxes (w/o home property)
Cut $6.91 bil. from base of $34.620 bil.(-20%)
$4.59 billion ...... Soldiers and veterans tax benefits
Cut $1.95 bil. from base of $6.550 bil.(-30%)
$5.94 billion ...... Workmen's compensation (No Change)
$18.21 billion ..... Education deductions and credits
Increased $4.2 bil. from base of $14.010 bil.( 30%)
$42.65 billion ..... Child credit
Increased $9.84 bil. from base of $32.810 bil.( 30%)
$2.81 billion ...... Child care credits and deductions (No Change)
$2 billion ......... Deduction for the blind and elderly (No Change)
$9.43 billion ...... Social Security benefits for disabled and survivors
Increased $1.57 bil. from base of $7.860 bil.( 20%)
$4.89 billion ...... Untaxed foreign personal income
Increased $1.13 bil. from base of $3.760 bil.( 30%)
$3.28 billion ...... Employee parking and transit expenses (No Change)
$1.25 billion ...... Adoption and foster care tax credits (No Change)
$5.42 billion ...... Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)- revenue loss component (No Change)
$1.79 billion ...... Other fringe benefits (No Change)