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Everything posted by Calax

  1. on a related (slightly) subject, why aren't there more games that have multipul ways through a fight/war? Like in the origional command and conquers, they had you choosing an attack path, except you could play each to a different strength. Path A is for military force and the people who love to smash their way through their opponents. Path B is subterfuge with a spy team trying to steal an opponents battle plans Path C is a defensive stance that attempts to draw attention away from a collegue that's prepping for path A.
  2. EoE is, the other one I don't remember.
  3. This could be the reason you haven't had a girlfriend since Reagan was in office, Hades. I was about to say it'd be a wonderful way to try for superpowers.
  4. Ion with a helping of Nuke. Me and a friend were having fun against a brutal steamroller, We activated both superweapons at the exact same spot at the exact same time. When the nuke arrived it was pretty funny because the nuke rode the Ion Cannon in.
  5. from their Job opportunities it looks like an mmo.
  6. probably because it takes forever to roll up a new character JUST the way they like it.
  7. number 8 is a hair brush
  8. It'd be nice if episodic content was... episodic. You know, tune in in exactly six months and you'll get a full story that fills in on the ultimate meta arc? rather than Here's act one of 3 wait 2 years before act two.
  9. turns out the number one fps junkie in the world (for Xbox360) shops at my store, and the #1 gamerpoint guy in the world shops at one about 15 minutes away... kinda creepy ... this is at gamestop btw
  10. The Bible game and Hannah Montana.
  11. Warren Spector+Peter Molyneux=Scary good story with so so mechanics?
  12. Warcraft would have to be a "lets pull this out of the closet" with lord of the clans. Starcraft? maybe Diablo? Probably cost them too much of the wow population.
  13. Um... according to ROTS Jesus and bush are both sith.
  14. debatable. The story is about an interstellar conflict between two groups, the humans and a collection of races that work for the same church. The halo rings were created by a group that not much is known about and the covenant want to activate it in order to complete their spiritual goals (and end up sundering all life in the known galaxy. Currently the Humans are on the loosing side of the war (an accidental attack caused a massive battle above earth that could still go either way) and we're not entirely sure what the brutes are in all this.
  15. Well Halo is too simplistic for a computer. there are a small number of guns, enemy ai is minimal, and there is little that makes it that complex other than the story.
  16. the shift manager at gamestop spent most of his time (while I was there) playing sweet child of mine on the demo we have loaded.
  17. I've had similar problems with the answer to the question "what kind of drink would you like" usually they ask for root beer (which we don't have)
  18. HoV=10/1/07 Airborne=8/28/07 Mass Effect=6/19/07 Halo3= q4 07 Also in PC entertainment there is sam and max being put in stores (either a new one or they didn't sell enough from digital distro) on 8/28 ... I printed out the release dates for the PC 360 and PS2.
  19. the last mission for nod... Every time I'm close to winning the damn scrin come and kill the top Cyard.
  20. Do your best to sabotage their relationship. Today I woke up early in the morning to get down to the city so I could get brakes put on my car, have them fix a tie rod, and align it when they were finished. Then my dad took me out to this awesome hot dog shop where I had a gigantic chili dog with cheddar cheese and red onions and a massive pile of french fries. Then I got on the freeway to drive to school. One of the lanes started slowing down really fast, so rather than brake hard, I switched lanes into the carpool lane. It was 3:50PM and the section of freeway I usually drive on (the opposite side of the same freeway) the hours for the carpool lane are 4PM - 7PM. I drove for about three hundred feet and then noticed on one of the signs that the hours for this side of the freeway were 3PM-7PM, so I immediately merged right back into the lane I came from. Ten seconds later a CHP officer comes up behind me and tickets me for using the carpool lane illegally. After that I was trying to figure out what all he'd written me up for and I didn't hit my brakes quite quick enough and I rearended the dude in front of me. Actually rearended is an overstatement, because I did hit my brakes, and the impact couldn't have been at more than ten miles an hour, didn't even screw up the just-fixed-up alignment on my car. Also we were both driving old cars with plasticky 80s Japanese car bumpers, so there wasn't even any paint to scratch up. I don't think anything's going to happen, but it all depends on whether or not the guy's a s***head who'll try and screw me over for cash just because he can. Ugh. I accidently BUMPED a car with the same type of bumper with my pops truck... it broke and took about $600 to fix... that was two years ago. I worked again. Microsoft rep (this was at gamestop) gave us some small rubbery frisbee's that double as coasters, and a belt attachment for card like objects (you know, Id's and the like.)
  21. I suppose thats another reason people love it so much, THEY are the master chief, not some guy with a goatee. It gives them the same logic as revan fanbois.
  22. Calax


    Feast of Crows... Song of Ice and of fire.
  23. and yet werewolves fear vamps.
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