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Everything posted by Calax

  1. The Black Company by Glenn Cook Best Line Ever written: "Evil is relative Annalist. You can't hang a sign on it. You can't touch it or taste it or cut it with a sword. Evil depends on where you are standing, pointing your indicating finger. Where you stand now, because of your oath, is opposite the Dominator. For you he is where your Evil lies."
  2. Ok I'll bite. Why not? simple... it's horribly placed. Its only in the american release, It's not in ANY of the promo's for the movie, and it seems like they were trying to say that spiderman was the symbol of being an american (when that honor goes to captain america or superman)
  3. on spidey three... I really didn't like the flag that they inserted only in the american release.
  4. Well samm, it's the most impressive visuals I've seen in a while.
  5. you mean where you actually are the commander?
  6. Calax


    honestly? Mine would probably be close to either the Unsung war, One winged angel, or Beyond the bounds... Of course, I don't think people should pick their own theme songs (admittedly Kitti's is PERFECT!). Or hell march... Hell march:http://youtube.com/watch?v=RHycoOExCPE Hell March 2:http://youtube.com/watch?v=srqOjppHqTo Beyond the Bounds:http://youtube.com/watch?v=lyYft3Ao6Qo Unsung war:http://youtube.com/watch?v=vHqfFnDck4I (just the music, can't find the orchestral...) One winged angel:http://youtube.com/watch?v=Yn71hIsm0U8
  7. Can't say I agree. But I'm far too clinical as the main protagonist to warrant a movie. wasn't saying that the entire game could be turned into a movie. Only that the gun fights were like those of say, the matrix and Die hard. (scenery included) after all in what else would you see sparks flying off of EVERYTHING when you hit.
  8. but is it the same two hpv strain?
  9. have you played F.E.A.R?
  10. Previously on Obsidian Entertainment boards:
  11. I give Fear props for having the most cinematic fights (well.. action flickish).
  12. Supreme commander... oye, the commander gives you a Friggen TON of resourses if you give him the upgrade.
  13. sounds kinda like Socom.
  14. Never really knew what I wanted to do with myself. Just knew that I had to "succeed" somehow.
  15. I like threes atmosphere (and the fact it's got friggin HILLS!). I did a little work and ended up kicking a kid out of gamestop (we had announced we were officially closed four times in very loud voices, and he just played at the demo stations) then came home and played fear, and supreme commander.
  16. the computer needs the help, trust me. I'm guessing it is because your operating in three dimentions rather than two, but the computer generally uses only the "Blunt force Trauma" tactic to kill you. The hardest missions I've ever found are the ones where you have to keep somthing alive. (two rescues and a salvage plus the last level is a little bit of "keep 'em alive boss") because either you attack somthing until it gets to a certain point then you board it. (meanwhile your ships keep right on blasten) or it takes a while for me to shift my ships into position to save the thing I'm supposed to.
  17. does spoiled husband count as a job? :crosses fingers: if not, either voice actor or game designer. instead I'm a corporate counter boy.
  18. or G-House or Spiderman trey
  19. No I 'm not Teh Ghay!
  20. recently watched Xplay's games to look foreward to, and it had Bioshock Mass Effect Too Human Age of Conan Tabula Rasa Hellgate: London Lair and I think that was all of them. Good picks but I think that Age of Conan is going to be a bit of a failure because of the combat system.
  21. manly manly or just :meh: manly? (we need a Meh smiley.) we aren't going to like go watch sweaty strong men fake wrastle are we?
  22. when mods spam all is not lost for the people still may spam in peace.
  23. New computer works! Note to self: keep titanium flaps on front of case out of the CD treys way.
  24. Starcraft's hero system allowed for the right blend of rpg and strategy to take place and to allow online map makers to design some pretty nice maps. DOW is about moving quickly and trying to tech up at the same time in order to achieve victory over your opponent. Because of it's resource model aggressive thinking is one of the requirements to achieve victory. Starcraft on the other hand, you can move MUCH slower from your starting point and slowly branch out with only two major resourcing points other than your starting area. Right now Relic is having a hell of a time trying to balance all seven races against each other (necons being able to rez over pop cap, the Kroot beasts of doom being able to murder anything that comes up against it except for possibly grey knights). while blizzard was able to balance the three races of SC against eachother fairly quickly and would address problems swiftly Battle.net is also one of the beautiful things of starcraft.
  25. It's difficult, The third mission is where you regroup with a shipyard no? If so, your going to be attacked from everywhere. Because of the way the "adaptive ai" works at the end of every mission decomission everything you can (all your fighters and such). The way the adaptation takes place is the computer will analyze your fleet makeup and how many creds you have and build a force more powerful then you and that can counter yours. (so if you have 100 battlecruisers then it'll send 1000 squadrons of Interseptors. I kid you not, I've done that before). Another cheap trick is to go into the .lua's and copy the stats of one ship a skillion times so that the entire line of stats is repeated. This'll allow you to have some significantly epic battles (like the battlecrusiers vs the interceptors above) and break the population cap. If your really having trouble start to duplicate the dreadnaught, that sucker murders fighters and does no small portion to cap ships and the ai has no clue what to counter it with. The way that the quickenings work is that the same quickenings can be bought by everyone, it's just only one person can have each quickening. and to be on topic, I'm about to start a game of FEAR and Supreme commander (just finished building my new system, 2.8 gig duel core with 4 gigs of ram... only thing holding me back is my graphics card (a gtx 7600)
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