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Everything posted by Calax

  1. they have a whole subculture, everything from making their own video games (FPS's where you fight the "good fight" to stop the "inferior species" from taking over the world) to music, heck I think they even have their own movie or two. Most of the leaders are highly intelligent people who have a tendancy to try and grab a recruit when they are young (also they try to grab vulnerable kids). They also know how to play a crowd. My information is a mish mosh of History channel stuff and a little law and order with history class tossed in.
  2. actually it was looking like it was going for the Box a while ago (Sony isn't willing to pay for exclusives.)
  3. Hmm, revered you say. Im pretty close to revered in several places. There is a "heroic" version of every instance in outland right? So say I get revered with the guys in Thrallmar, will that open up every heroic instance under their control (IE: SH, BF, etc.) or do you need to do something for each individual heroic instance? And yep, those are the instances I hadnt heard of. It constantly amazes me that WoW is so in depth that even after playing all this time there are huge chunks I dont even know about. Of course, that could also be due to my slacktitude. OK, the instances in outland are broken down into three major areas, Hellfire Citidel: which containes the Ramparts, Blood Furnace and Shattered halls (and mags lair but I don't think you'll be going there anytime soon) Coilfang Resivoir: containing SlavePens Underbog and Steamvaults and finially Tempest keep: Arc Bot Mech and the eye. you get a key that will open the heroic versions of the instances for each group.
  4. the big one will be force unleashed.
  5. The Ex- Jokes! AAAAAAUGGGGGGHHHHH! It's prince of persias big combaty twin. wow, we have a family tree, Prince being the Oldest, most mature and least brutal. God of War being the middle kid who is the most brutal and gung ho of the family. And Heavenly sword for the youngest most agile slaughter fest. It seems like one of the games where you get to a point and start screaming and throwing the controller because when you break someones guard another one hits you not allowing you to take advantage of the hole you just made, also the stance system seems like it'd be more of a bother than a help. I mean holding down a button while trying to smash out a combo on your controller seems like it'd be hard.
  6. enjoy. made by a guildie.
  7. you don't need exalted, just revered. the raids you probably don't know about are The Eye (Prince Kael'thas's personal citidel, the giant instance near Mech, Bot, and Arc) and Serpentshrine Cavern (where Lady Vasj resides controling zangermarsh). Magtheradons lair is in Hellfire Citidel, not entirly sure where. And Mount Hyjal is open AFTER attunement by killing both Vasj and Kael'thas. Hyjal will lead you to Black Temple where Illidan awaits us all.
  8. well it's better than most stuff you can find until you hit tier 4. or heroics Im going to let my WoW ignorance show here. What Tier is the Incanters set and how do the Tiers rank, 1 is the highest or 5 is the highest? OK, there are kinda two different groups of gear, Tiers and Dungon sets Tiers are generally ONLY able to be used by a single class while Dungon sets can be used by any class (but are aimed more at a certain class.) so for you this is your tier four, but if necessary a Priest or Warlock could use it. This is your tier 4 set, it only really drops for high level raids.
  9. well it's better than most stuff you can find until you hit tier 4. or heroics
  10. An understandable point, but the original series weren't as intrusive. There were of course commercial during the show, but never embedded in the program itself. I have never condoned movie-based merchandise when it's broadcasted outside the movie/episode itself. except that, GI Joe and Transformers were both giant walking talking commercials. I mean they designed all the characters to be toys rather than to be animated characters. How much more product placement do you need than "We've already made the toys children!"
  11. from what I understand in the letter, yes.
  12. You've failed on several levels. Don't think I've over looked this Lady's Skills & special Gifts. In Retrospect I have a almost invincible party here... meh... Ziggy HK47 and Cid could kill em all
  13. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/petermooreletter.htm Microsoft has recently decided to do two things, 1)write off 1 billion to fixing the 360's hardware problems and 2) it increased the warranty on ANY Xbox to 3 years ONLY if the Box has a 3 red light failure. ... Discuss. :calax:
  14. But they aren't columbian drug lords or any drug lord now are they?
  15. Prescription drugs aren't completely legal. They're only legal if prescribed to you. Selling your prescription drugs is not legal. Additionally, drugs like Ritalin and Adderoll (and I presume Concerta, but have no experience), do not behave like speed in those they are intended for. I'm on Adderoll myself. actually they operate on the same basics as speed they are just moderated somewhat for a more theraputical effect rather than a high (you realize that if you don't take your adderoll correctly your basically feeling the effects of dropping off a speed high right?) But my point was mainly to prove that again, alot of drug money goes to somebody other than the drug lords.
  16. I feel it should be pointed out that we do have completely legal forms of speed and Marijuana (the latter depending on the state). If you didn't know, Ritalin is essentially a prescribed form of speed. And often at high school students will sell their ritalin or ritalin equivalent (concerta, Adderol) for $300. Mainly to get a car.
  17. Actually if you provided a legal way for women to prostitute themselves they probably would flock to it because they wouldn't have to give somebody else a cut for protection, nor would they have to fear being busted or contracting a virus from some sob who they can't take legal action against because what they were doing was illegal. Prostitutes would jump at the chance to be legal... Just look at nevada.
  18. I think that both prostitution and Drugs would loose their stygma if we were to just legalize them and make them live up to certain standards (like prostitutes must have a blood test every week type of thing.)
  19. the movie had some pretty adult humor in it. Although I do wish they had made the fights less confusing (two masses of silver with many intracate parts don't make for good movie fights.) http://youtube.com/watch?v=LfhvQAPujds&amp...ted&search= Poor optimus.
  20. Yes, yes it is (The Master Touch quest specifically). Its like Wipefest 07 in there. With the exception of one single time reaching the 3rd boss (and wiping), we always wipe on the 2nd boss. And I can honestly say its not me as I single handedly deal with all the adds. *sigh* Such is the life of pug's. find a guild group... or run warrior 3 rogues and a healer (trust me, fastest run I've ever done) Yeah, I know. Unfortunately my guild is crap and isnt interested in doing any of the "little things". Ive run it with a warrior, pally, warlock, priest and me (mage) and it was a disaster. The closest I ever got was warrior, rogue, priest x 2 and mage. TBH, Im not even sure why Im busting my hump to get that key as I loathe raid instances. Unfortunaltey though Kara is the place to get the uber pimp gear. I know what you mean... the thing is they just removed attunement from the 2 25 man raids for better groups
  21. I think it's because MS's systems are much cheaper and easier to get into the hands of the consumers.
  22. Yes, yes it is (The Master Touch quest specifically). Its like Wipefest 07 in there. With the exception of one single time reaching the 3rd boss (and wiping), we always wipe on the 2nd boss. And I can honestly say its not me as I single handedly deal with all the adds. *sigh* Such is the life of pug's. find a guild group... or run warrior 3 rogues and a healer (trust me, fastest run I've ever done)
  23. the only religion in Christmas any more is the fact that you can go celebrate a prophet at midnight if you wanna.
  24. Gifted1 is the problem you're having the black morass run?
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