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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I'm also getting it, just without the flight stick. and from the looks of it I get to work at Gamestop the morning of the 25th... YAY MONIES!
  2. we laugh because we know that we would never EVER do that in real life... would we? Also 90% of comedy now a days is either impossible or will land you without a job.
  3. Ah, prey... dispite your graphical beauty I now remember why I only played you once... the story moves slower than molasses on a cold minnisota day going up hill.
  4. what about the one where they just cut off one arm?
  5. why did we decide to paint a big ol target on it because they had a large educated population that doesn't want us? its like telling an artist to do math.
  6. Well... WoW, Some SupCom (expansion is coming out soon) and now installing prey to run through it with a KICK BUTT comp. Also... Did you know that warren spector is currently the creative director for disney?
  7. nah... he got knocked out of a building and recovered like he would on the ground, just about 8 feet in the air.
  8. ... Ichigo flew in episode three.
  9. I love the Soup.
  10. it's sad, I tried to hit the checkmark instead of X out of the screenie
  11. he gets better... at about episode 140 he's sitting out because he used all his power in training with Renji. So Udahara goes instead
  12. Bible fight!
  13. looks back dully.
  14. You haven't played a JRPG or the KOTOR games? The ability to slaughter entire armies with a wave of your hand or punch reality until it shatters seems a bit godlike. except there your still able to be killed. I guess the god complex is why I play Dynasty Warriors. That's the closest I've ever come to being a god of death.
  15. I don't think we even put salt on the burger in the first place.... wait... yes we do, but not nearly as much as we put on the fries when in a bad mood. oh and added to my list of complaints is "not friendly" and "he gave me a dark look"
  16. you know, for once I'd like a game where you are a god. And the controls aren't as clunky as those in B&W
  17. well.. I just purchased Mobile suit gundam; Zeta. I'll give you a review in a few weeks after I've watched it.
  18. that one got chucked.
  19. atomic danger squad? or the hello kitty playplace?
  20. ragdolls are glitchy and I think that they need to add more weight to your opponents I mean sure getting tossed in the air by a gunshot is fine but watching him act like you just hit him with a cannon is a little... questionable.
  21. Not to say that the unreal 3 engine doesn't have its... bugs
  22. man, Unreal three really needs to get it's physics strait (remembers watching an infantry fly about 5 yds in the air from him jumping over a sandbag and getting blasted by my SMG.)
  23. WELL I played a little more in my campaign and managed to get myself excommunicated by having an aggresive defense with the Spaniards and the Sicilians. So far I've just been funneling troops into Spain with only one army actually headed towards the Italian peninsula in order to force the Sicilians to back off. From what I can tell they've pretty much beaten the Venetians until they couldn't see strait while I was busy working on my economy. Pompolona and Zaregoza have both fallen quickly then came the "make friends or excommunication" letter which failed when they attacked me again so my second army began to move again (I was hoping only to have to fight the Sicilians but that didn't work out to well) in on their next city in the north while another set of troops gets stripped out of my safer provinces in order for me to send a force to Valencia.
  24. well there has been a move away from the more traditional rts. people are either going for grandeur (sup com) or more tactical fighting (COH DOW) rather than just a plain old slugging match.
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