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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I didn't say a thing, I just kinda started laughing.
  2. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...Actually-Saying Lipreaders redoing clips about TNG... beware of the words of curse.
  3. Is it just me, or does everyone seem to only play Dead Center and Dark Carnival? I haven't tried any pub games yet, but every time I get invited to a game it's always one of those two maps. Eventually I'll get around to the others. I'm glad I waited to pick it up on sale. It does have more content and more variety, but I can't seem to shake the feeling that it's just a big mod. It's well put together, but still. All the story bits they added don't seem to work very well either. For a game that is built around multiplayer, people just don't shut up long enough for you to listen to what the characters are saying. There is something about the whole thing that just seems a little off to me, but I can't quite figure out just what it is. I think it's mainly because of the way that the levels are. All the quotes and stuff are done when you're either about to, or are being run over by an army of zombies so people are yelling about this that or the other thing. In the previous game it was usually in a place where you didn't have anyone discussing or trying to flee. And you're right, it does just feel like it's a big mod. The characters don't have enough different lines for events (they say the SAME BLOODY THING over and over and over again when they get friendly fired, or find an item). The lines aren't delivered at the right times, the levels aren't as tight as before. Story wise (and while you may thing this is idiotic considering the game is effectively multiplayer only with little meaning for the story) it doesn't hold up. The basic thread is the same as before, four people getting together to try to be rescued. But unlike in the first one, each campaign is in a chronological order with the survival of the first campaigns finale being led to the second campaigns start. But with this comes the necessity of connecting each campaign, usually handled in games by having a short cutscene or something to show what's happening between missions. In L4D2 the only explanation given for why you go from a helicopter ride to having to get through a zombie infested swamp is that the helicopter pilot went zombie and the characters shot him and crashed. This is all told in in game dialoge, no small cutscene showing it, nothing. Just a line in the game while you're blowing brains out. Also they never really give a reason that they're actually trying to run south. The developers say its' because they're trying to get to land where the infection is easily kept out (an island whatever) but they don't actually mention this in the parts of the game I've seen. The environments, while interesting in their variety, are to expansive, but at the same time the forced choke points (including one rather infamous one that I ran with der including a roller coaster) are much to easy to take advantage of if the infected have ANY intelligence. Becuase of the expansive areas, you can sometimes have serious problems with where you're going to spawn. The introduction of the new infected is ok, but not fantastic. The spitter is far to easy to play with and get large damage numbers posted (against or for you depending on the side... and the AI rocks with them) Jockeys are actually nicely balanced, and Chargers have a tendancy to get caught up on random bumps in the wall without actually hitting the survivors. A team of survivors can EASILY be held in position by an intelligent spitter and boomer combo, boomer starts by making them all biled, then while they're holeing up the spitter fires and usually gets a significant damage on each one. Chargers can be fantastic on the few locations where there are tight corridors, but out in an open field they're screwed. Jockeys are much more flexible as they can be used quite effectively to down a person who gets just a TINY bit to far from the other survivors. The new ammo does little to actually add anything to the maps as it only lasts one clip from your main weapon (meaning most people use it within a minute of grabbing it) and probably would have done better if they'd thrown it into an actual set of weapons. Melee DOES significantly change the game, in L4D1 I LOVED to run with duel pistols, they had decent damage, good accuracy, but low clip size. Fairly balanced, and could take down a horde fairly quick if you were low on main ammo. The new pistols (the basic ones) feel a tiny bit underpowered and often I find myself regretting picking them over a melee simply because the melee is just SO good at cleaning out the zombies within arms reach of you. The tier 2 pistol is another matter, it's back about where the pistols were from the first game, but with a bit more power behind it to make up for the fact you can only carry one, and thus fire 7 shots before a reload. But still, the lack of story elements that are shown, character depth like what we saw in the first game, and environments that feel like they were put together by amateurs makes this feel like a mod. I do admit, I've only really played two maps to the finale and survived on co-op mode, but I've played all but one to the finale on vs. and it just doesn't show the polish that L4D1 showed. If I were to be showed L4D1 and then later L4D2 my impressions would probably be either mod, or massive patch for what the devs WANTED in the first game but couldn't fit due to time pressures.
  4. I played a bit of that... I found that the biggest failing it had was that there were effectively 3 levels with different skins, Seek and Kill, Defend locations, and building grab. The tiny squad size and map size, (and repetition of the maps) makes it so you feel like you're playing the same levels 5 hours in as you did after you finished the tutorial maps. Still playing WoW... appears I'm being made the leader of the tanks simply because I'm the only tank (who's primarily a tank, not a consistant fill in) who knows what he's doing. Hopefully I can bring this guild back on track after the previous leadership ended up disappearing right before I joined in September. Horde side my DK (which is technically my alt character) actually managed to start out gearing my warrior, by virtue of some of the lower gear level items are actually MUCH better for me to be wearing as a tank in favor of high level items. Thinking about picking up Call of Duty MW2, but resisting. Mainly because I wanna grab it on PC but without the dedicated servers and some of the interesting balance choices the devs made, it seems like there's an obvious imabalance in favor of the guy running the server. Also the campaign is supposedly tiny. Did a tiny bit more left 4 dead 2, not much. I can't get into the characters as much as I could in L4D1 (as odd as that sounds). Probably because they seem to have MUCH less dialogue and personality than the previous game. Of course this may also be because I haven't actually gone from start to finish through all the campaigns. Also I think they need to clean out the guns a bit. I understand that they did need to buff the variety of guns from the previous five, but having 2 shotguns 2 ars, and 2 SMG's that all do about the same thing (as well as another version of each that is markedly better) just seems overkill.
  5. found this http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S950971.shtml?cat=500 which is more of a "WTF!?" than anything but still, a prison guard (female) using her charges to fulfill her needs and getting pregnant.
  6. In theory, you could say that kidnapping is more like arresting. After all the guys ARE the ones who are entering Somali territorial waters.
  7. It's not. But they're in a position where they have no way to stop the dumping or any of the other things that are happening to them within what we refer to as "the system". Honestly, they're acting more like a coast guard for profit than anything else.
  8. Magnificently?
  9. btw that was only the first page in the OP
  10. Dragged Dereladin into a vs. game of l4d2. We managed to make it a pretty close game after loosing on the first three maps of the carnival by killing the survivors at the first tank and then getting three people onto a helicopter. Chargers however REALLY seemed to love me with me being the one always hit and sent zooming across the map (was pitched off of a gas station, down a hallway, through a tunnel of love... all of them having been pushed more than 100 feet). Turns out that while I suck with the hunter, I'm actually pretty good with the jockey.
  11. Discussed schools in my sociology class... and only talked about the inequalities and segregation of schools *rolls eyes* making an appointment for the dean tommarow.
  12. Now? when was that not the case? no ninja
  13. Wat. Every single piece of land in the world has been stolen from someone, even if no one remembers anymore. true, but I tend to think that taking something that's been ignored and unused for a couple decades isn't stealing.
  14. I know, but to simply say "it's stupid as a plot" just doesn't roll with me. Saying it doesn't fit the game very well is ok (I personally am a bit intrigued by it, just the story, not necessarily the gameplay in the future ( ) but the story is interesting, if only to play with in my head), but to blanket statement "It's a stupid idea" is to ignore it in other media.
  15. so christians now worship a jewish zombie pirate?
  16. I'd think this depends on what you mean by steal, After all some nations are there simply because they've been quite powerful for centuries and the people they've stolen from have died out or absorbed into the nation. They also usually have specific areas that weren't stolen and instead that's where the nation got it's start.
  17. All of those depend on your mythos - hell, even Dracula only used one, maybe two of those and it's often cited as the base of most modern Vampire stories. You mean they might not have a weakness to garlic? Damn, I thought I was safe because I love me some garlic. Clearly you didn't read my blurb on vamp history. If you did you'd know garlic has been thought to be ward of vampires long before the victorian era. However the running water, sunlight, crosses and mirror adversion are more recent weaknesses. The traditonal ways to ward off or slay a vampire were garlic/salt, blessed oils/water, digging up the corpse the buring the body or/and cutting off its head or/and stake in the heart*. pre-victorian era these were the only known way to harm a vampire. *Orginially the stake wasn't to kill the vampire put was to 'pin' the body into the coffin to prevent it from rising at night. This is where the whole stake only paralizes vampires comes from. In dracula didn't they make a point that basically the vampire has to run around with the soil he was buried in in order to rest? The entire third act was the characters finding and eliminating Draculas hiding/resting places until the come across the last one (where he's resting)?
  18. I think this silly sentence snuck into your post which was otherwise by and large factually correct. Again, this thing that people with different religions or people from different races cannot live in the same country is so 19th century. Why should there be something like a "Jewish state"? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. America for example is a country that's full of people from different religions descended from people all over the world and I think the US works pretty well nonetheless, perhaps because people have learned to accept each others differences. If you look at the facts, their strategy could as well be to kill as many civilians and especially to destroy as much infrastructure as they can. Now, I don't know what their official documents say their strategy are, but if their orders are to preserve civilian lives and property, they're probably the most incompetent army in the world, and I really don't think they are. sorry for the delayed answer (can't use the pc in saturday) If there will be an arab mostly parlement in israel, jews wont be allowed to immigrate there, they will be forced to live in other states, and when one maniac (like hitler) will decide to kill them they will have nowhere to run. the main idea of making this state, was to make a safe heaven for jews after their persecuion by local authorities in russia at the late 19 century, so you get the idea, why we are so pissed with all the world, and why we wer'e trusting no-one, every nation, kingdom, state at the last 2000 years blamed the jews for all their faults (officialy, or by mad mobs) so the jews decided, to stay in a place where no-one could blame them and kill them for being jews, well, that obviously didn't work. It would probably help if you didn't say "we're fleeing persecution" and then persecute people simply for religious beliefs.
  19. whups, missed a decimal point, 30k in product, and the registers contained more than my annual salary (after having money removed during the day).
  20. Better to state the obvious to the ignorant, than to simply yell incoherently.
  21. The end of Assassins creed is just crazy, and "the truth" is even crazier. Interesting concept albeit already used once or twice, but I like the way they pulled it off. And to those who dislike the "current" storyline, I just want to say that if it was put in book form you would probably be all over it like a hypermetabolic person on an all you can eat buffet.
  22. Sooo... person joins a forum to say nothing and troll... but says they hate attention seekers... interesting technique, I suggest they join 4chan. As to "locked for no reason" the others that were locked were because they didn't really have any value, one was created specifically for trolling, the the other created to say "Hi, I hate myself!" effectively and the posters reacted like they usually do to obviously unconstructive people by forcing it off topic and otherwise deriding the original poster. I expect this'll be locked swiftly.
  23. Most of your comments only reinforce my opinions that Palestinians are lunatic jerks who would blow you up as soon as look at you and get away with it because they're of darker skin color and therefore must be in the right in the world's eyes. You get that from reading Calax's posts? Really? How bizarre. Confused the hell out of me too.
  24. I worked... only had one jerk today most people understood how things went. but the one guy basically made a fuss about waiting 30 minutes on line while two of us rang orders, we had a third but his ONLY job was to stand in back and process what we took in that day. The guy got snarky to the assistant manager who turned around and got snarky back while saying that "this is the only way we can even POSSIBLY attempt to keep up with business" and the guy promptly said (as the manager went to get his games) something along the lines of "I hate when the employee's get all pissy for failing at their jobs" manager didn't hear, and I only half heard it. Business basically died at 6 pm, but still we managed to sell over 300k in product.
  25. ... wish me luck and hope for my survival, I have 8 hours of gamestop selling to do today.
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