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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Am playing a bit of Dynasty Warriors online (I know you're all DYING to hear about it). Basically, it's the MMO version of Dynasty warriors, with laggy/terrible keyboard controls.
  2. Don't people also use videos to teach things in the same way as Army?
  3. No Vael "Destroyer of Guilds" Humanoid?
  5. you said CoH asian versions. Online is going to be for US too. That said, you forgot Dawn of War 2 (which just had an expansion released this year and another slated for next year).
  6. Not with that attitude. If you're going to be all defeatist about it... I'm a firm believer in "you can do anything you set your mind to." So be positive! I WILL BE IMMORTAL I WILL BE IMMORTAL I WILL BE IMMORTAL!
  7. Actually Relic is working on CoH:O and Space Marine. I do pray for a HW3, but then I also pray for a Z.O.E. 3...
  8. There was a fanfic contest? There was. I'd have to dig it up in the WOT board, but basically there were two contests, one was a caption contest, the other was a fanfic competition. Everyone's favorite hentai-loving kitty won the caption contest, I won the fic contest. Prizes were a shirt, signed copy of Storm of Zehir, and then I got to have my name inserted in game (which is the "he" being referred to here). Found the final thread http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51855
  9. I donno, maybe if you post screenies of everyone around I can point you at "him" :D
  10. with respect, F Just thought I'd toss that out there.
  11. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...-Voters-Network Ok, This is again a two subject post. One: what do you think about the cali law that restricts M rated sales and will impose fines if a seller is found to have sold an M rated game? Two: Do you think that the VGVN has become a tool to be used by the ESA? This may sound weird but seeing the below quote makes me think that the VGVN isn't going to be it's own device, it'll be a tool to be used by the ESA in cases where they feel things are a but mucked up. If he hadn't specifically cited the VGVN I'd be more ok with it... Gah, I'm making little sense about it, but it feels like the VGVN isn't there for the gamers, it's there for the companies and the ESA to use to pressure people in politics.
  12. I demanded tribute and you gave none! For that the penalty was pain! Pity you were stuck on RED team. Silly RED team. I said I'd give you dagons soul!
  13. TF2. Ended up fighting a bit with tale (usually got demolished but then, it seemed like anytime I saw him three rockets were already about to hit my face).
  14. The king will take you a while. Probably not as long as it would have, but still a while (I'm still fighting for my kingslayer... somehow I end up always getting gyped out of a final raid boss kill...)
  15. Did you see the phase transitition? Watching that platform slowly disintegrate is awesome!
  16. Joke is on you all for you're all just a figment of my psyche trying to distract me from important things.
  17. So... basically.... it's a 4chan.
  18. Maybe? Woman has her top of dude, that's a NSFW if you've ever seen one.
  19. I doubt it's the first time a guy's been killed by a goat. After all, those horns are designed to kill, and they kinda ripped the guy open.
  20. Tiberium was killed back in 08 for "not meeting EA quality standards".
  21. Eh, console gaming is games that have been designed to suit the console controller/specs. CoD2 and several of the first person shooters count, along with half the ports you currently see on steam. Also, Apparently Zynga (of farmville fame) has basically been selling your Facebook information http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...l?mod=yhoofront
  22. Nada except that as soon as the trailer was released they got in legal trouble for "unseen" mechs that were removed from Battletech due to copyright infringement
  23. I consider "pc gaming" to be games that are made exclusively for PC first, and not made either in tandem or ported to the pc's from consoles.
  24. Hurl, I think that's closer to 30 years ago. That said, I think Mexico is gonna end up in a position where, nominally, it's controlled by the government but they can't control certain parts of the country because they're kicked out (violently) by the cartels. In order for them to "take back" those sections it's basically gonna have to be an army intervention.
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