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Everything posted by Calax

  1. heh my brother sent me that a while ago amusing, but that's not Odin It's taken from Age of Mythology.
  2. He may be jockeying for a VP nod now. I only saw a little bit of the debate (I'm a dem so they have no real significance to me yet) but michelle bachman got on my nerves with "I'm giving cnn an exclusive! I'm officially in the running for president even though I had to basically confirm I'm running to be on this stage!" Honestly, right now if I was going to have anyone from the republican party as president, based solely upon the tiny bits I've seen, it'd probably be Mitt.
  3. The PR firm handling DNF had one of it's workers rip off a frustrated email because of the language used in some of the DNF reviews. He has since issued a retraction, but the entire thing points out just how screwed up the review system is for the industry.
  4. Two things: One, GD, in your statistics did they show how the prices had changed over time? Or just use a pair of points (one during bush and one during obama) to say "Obama is worse"? I'm pretty sure that the job market issue started after the collapse under Bush due to the initial de-regulation and even now the country is still in a bit of a tailspin because of the famously minimal amount of influence the government has over the economy at the moment. Two, Krook, most people are considering Gingrich dead in the water after he said that the GOP was using "social engineering" in some of their bills (which he was against) on "Meet the Press" a few weeks ago, followed by his incredibly melodramatic "I'm not dead yet!" press release as read by John Lithgow on Colbert report. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-r...h-press-release
  5. I think Wals has a point. With the change to production you're no longer able to produce an army within a reasonable amount of time. I do think that one thing that might be good for the future would not only be zooming in like Tig was talking about, but also making it so cities can expand beyond one hex as it grows. Then you could start fighting for cities quarter by quarter rather than just winning quick.
  6. I think one of the issues of Obama being seen as ineffectual is also due in part to the fact that right now the Democratic Party is acting as if they're still the minority party and are trying to cater to the other side. I mean even looking at this Wiener scandal you've got both sides asking for the guy to step down from his position due to the photos, and yet within the past few years there have been four members of the opposing parties that were caught in a worse positions (propositioning prostitutes, having "Wide stances", going on craigslist to get laid). And even on legislative issues back when they had an honest to god majority within congress, they still kept backing down on their own bills, like the health care issue.
  7. The Escapist seems to be down.... Well, their twitter is saying that "Eyeing our next target". So far they reported Minecraft, Eve Online, and Escapist as their targets that were hit http://twitter.com/#!/LulzSec Oh, and they're also running a phone switchboard. Turns out it was League of Legends. I get the feeling that these gents are going to have problems in the near future, from other hackers, and from a very large group of people who want heads.
  8. ... I'm probably not gonna get the game right off the bat but figured we should have it's own thread given the amount of discussion it's reviews thus far have raised. also http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...e-Nukem-Forever As I said in the Random News thread, I think this game would probably have seen better reviews than it's been if the games content wasn't so polarizing.
  9. This'll be what, the 20th time the "Legalize Pot" measure has come up in Cali?
  10. Misleading information? On the obsid boards? UNIMAGINABLE! only in threads on social issues. And yeah, I think that tone is going to cause a lot of VERY spread reviews. Although from the sound of it, technically it isn't that impressive so I doubt it'd ever get higher than a 7 without somebody just LOVING the misogyny and not minding getting fired for saying so.
  11. It's starting to sound like if gearbox hadn't been so insanely offensive about their treatment of women, and sadistic about it, the game probably would have been at least averagely recieved.
  12. And now I'm wonder what that whole "on an alien ship and babes are being screwed by tentacles" looks like. Why didn't the aliens come from Japan?
  13. I think the point was that the voice commands for movement via kinect in ME makes things more accessible so you don't have to remember exactly which button does what and pausing the game breaking up gameplay.
  14. rationing ammo is a good thing yes, but running out of ammo because you had to kill five guys with larger weapons so you couldn't kill anyone else if you tried.
  15. one of the biggest issues was the unification of many things, ammo, multi-tools and lockpicks, that sort of thing. You ended up never using stronger weapons than your pistol because you had to use as little ammo as possible.
  16. I'm in about the same boat as tale. IIRC however the culture and borders thing isn't that big a deal in V because the number of cities produced is significantly lower than in IV. Hexes is great, and unit movement is fine.
  17. I think, in part, they're doing it because they can (as they stated) and sort of to prove that they're the electronic awesomesause. Reading their twitter it looks like they might end up fighting with Anon (first cyberwar?) given Anon has "ethics" and lulzsec is just in it for the giggles.
  18. http://unrealitymag.com/index.php/2011/06/...upid-ned-stark/
  19. Having a bit of fun with a troll in the DS3 forums.
  20. Probably tech/graphics increases causing the entire game to become more process intensive so trying to handle four inputs and render four separate views/locations with similar effects would overwork the system.
  21. Thought Experiment! How could you actually improve the combat system while retaining the engine (I'm not sure if they're required to keep the camera etc in place due to engine so let's say we do)? Personally I'd probably end up adjusting the gameplay slightly so you could chain together light and heavy attacks to be more like something out of dynasty warriors. The number of light attacks before a heavy attack denotes exactly what sort of strike your heavy attack is and how it's performed. That right there probably could have alleviated a lot of the issues.
  22. I think Cryptic had stated that for their Champions MMO (which is now Free to Play) would be considered successful enough for a possible sequel/partner game for villians, at 100,000 subscribers.
  23. I just polished off the last mission again in inFamous 2, going the evil route to see it. I think my entire opinion of the game can really be summed up by "Great writing that got hacked out into a game" Had on VERY fantastic moment, and one moment that was supposed to be this big huge "tug at your heart strings" moment (where you deal with one of your two side kicks...) but was completely let down simply by the virtue of the fact that the character I was watching had so little overall... character that it was kind of laughable at what she was telling me. And before you guys get your panties in a bunch about "Well, you told spoilers", you've got two side kicks and a bipolar Karma system. In ANY game like this you're going to be eliminating the one that's not on your side at the end. Almost feels like they sort of came up with the moral decision first and built the game from there to get to that point.
  24. Especially if Jeph Loeb is involved. Yep... the guy who took mild suggestion that Scarlet Witch and Qucksilver might have been incesteous, and made it cannon (In ultimates) And then had Blob eat Wasp and Giant Man eat Blob.
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