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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Anybody seen it? Is it worth the ticket? I heard the movie is even turning some viewers gay. Must be some powerful stuff.
  2. argumentum ad numerum. a logical fallacy... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I realize that perfectly well. As I said in my last post, we do not seek the logic and science behind beauty to appreciate beauty. If you want solid physical proof that God exists, then I think God will never exist. It's very much like for someone to study the mathematics behind facial features first to realize that certain faces are beautiful.
  3. All valid points though one must ask then why is religion able to offer those answers then? As you will certainly understand that no one could attain faith or understanding of God or religion through logic alone. I think perhaps that the very reason behind that is that the understanding of God must be done by something entirely different from logic or reasoning. If you want to search for evidence in logic that a personal God exists, perhaps there are none. But if religion is beyond logic, then why would you want its proof in logic in the first place? Do we require the study of science and reasoning behind beauty to appreciate beauty?
  4. Strong evidence that there is no God? I have a few questions regarding that point if you don't mind. If there is strong evidence proving the non-existence of God, why would the majority of earth's population remains religious and the percentage for pure athiests stays less than 10%? Why would so many greatest minds throughout human history strongly believe in the existence of god? People like Newton, Descartes or Socrates; on top of being the greatest scientists, they are also great philosophers and made many breakthroughs in the field of religion. I agree with you that there is little physical evidence for a universal god or a creator, but over 5 billion people alive today and those great names I just mentioned can easily stand as proof that a personal god exists. Of course, whether the proof is substantial is still up for debate, but you must realize that at 1:5, athiests do not have great odds here.
  5. And animals or an apple pie. Women are certainly the most expensive and stressful out of all our choices; they are just good at playing hard-to-get.
  6. I know flies have their roles in the ecosystem. How about those mosquitoes? I have no problem with hunting them. Besides, that's a real test of your shooting skills.
  7. What?! The lion is a reference to Jesus? Are there more hints other than the sacrifice and the rebirth since similar stories have existed long before Christ's time? Haven't read the book but the movie seems a good family film, though there is too much baby-crying and I am a firm believer in the practice of duck taping over crying children. :ph34r:
  8. Yea, rascism doesn't just hurt the other guy, it really can hurt the person who is rascist. If your going to live, why live it with hate, Their only making their own world smaller and miserable by doing so. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One problem with racism is that it is fueled by discrimination but humans simply love to discriminate. We surround ourselves with the familiar and distance ourselves from the unknown and seemingly strange. We place our patriotic feelings above our love for the human race and we do not care for what we cannot see or understand. Personally, I am more and more convinced that one cannot even speak of love if one cannot be fair and just in the first place.
  9. Which brings about another question: has the war in Iraq really improved our national security in the long run? Remember how quickly some of US's past allies in the Middle East turned against us?
  10. I could send you some traditional Chinese music. They can put you asleep in a hurry.
  11. I thought the Soviets were only at early stages of socialism but certainly not communism since true communism abolishes the government. I always thought that the reason why the philosophy of pure commuism could never work is because that it voids the meaning behind our choices in life as they yield the same results.
  12. Don't forget the Spring Festival. It's the year of the dog I believe. ^_^ And merry Christmas to everyone!
  13. Tomoe? Don't worry. I understand perfectly.
  14. Ah, I see. ^_^ Never played female, so I always thought the exchange went something like this: http://www.madolin.com/aodmad.php?comic=1 (Very neat comic strips btw. It's updated every Monday I believe.)
  15. Cool Atton! Btw, Zulu, is there any background story between Sion and Juhani? Here's a very shabby sketch of Kreia. Wish I could have spent longer on it but holiday season really makes you lazy to the bone. :D
  16. I will give you the martial practices one. I can't speak for Japan but I know fully well that the Chinese martial history is beyond overrated. In fact, it is already one big step into fantasyland. Throughout history, the Hans (majority in China) were constantly getting their a$$ handed to them by the Huns, the Mongols and many other minorities. As for philosophy, science and art, that discussion might go on days if we really get into it, but I am curious about how you are making your judgment. Obviously you never lived in the East. Have you studied them extensively? How can you tell that they are over-praised?
  17. Actually I disagree with that statement. These quotes certainly do not represent the same God you believe in and these people are not good representatives for Christianity either. Trust me, Christ will probably be 10 times more ashamed of them Himself.
  18. "Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity, as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of 'kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed'" ------ I normally wouldn't slap a woman, but I am willing to make an exception this time if the opportunity presents itself.
  19. Yeah, Black didn't look comfortable at all with his role. The girl is really good though. Movie's entertaining but kind of scary. I wouldn't take kids to see it.
  20. I thought it looked like Atton in his 40s.
  21. I wonder how much you actually know about the oriental culture to make such a statement. I may be wrong but seems like you have only been exposed (too much for your liking of course) to oriental culture from a very limited perspective. Anime isn't exactly considered high class art in Asia either but only entertainment most popular among teenagers. Nobody with a decent amount of education takes martial arts movies and novels seriously either. They are just escapist entertainments set in a fantasy world very much like the western fantasy fictions. Though I will say both anime and the martial arts genre have their roots deep in the Asian culture and it takes a great deal of knowledge of the region's history and its culture to fully appreciate them just like it's impossible for a Chinese boy to watch and read Lotr and then becomes a Tolkien expert. Again I seriously doubt you know enough about the oriental culture to make such a statement. If you will elaborate please, then I would like to know exactly how a culture could be inferior to another. By what universal standard have you made such a judgment I wonder? I can certainly understand if it's your personal preference and seems that you are quite baffled by the fact that many western kids these days obsessing over the oriental culture. I think it's simply the result of globalization and a better understanding of a culture other than the one you were born into, in my unworthy opinion, helps humans a great deal growing into unity and peace. That is why I try to absorb as much western culture as possible with the equal enthusiasm those European anime fanboys have shown. In the end, I believe multiculturalism to be a good thing. Even if you disagree with the populace's tastes (since when is popular opinion the better opinion anyway?), it's no reason for you to call a culture inferior to another when you simply don't know enough about the culture to make such a judgment in the first place.
  22. Your trashtalking is beginning to get on my nerves... Watch your back next time you're online.
  23. Now you are just making me feel guilty about my ethnic pride. (But you're right. )
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