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Everything posted by Darth_Schmarth

  1. (the "Topic Description" field isn't obligatory)
  2. Zing, as they say.
  3. Role reversal? What role reversal?
  4. Does he appear at all in the extended version, and if he does, what happens to him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Grima stabs him in the back and I can't remember if he falls or if he's pushed, but he is run through by a pole as he lands on a water wheel. Thus he is eliminated as a possible future threat to the Shire. It happens in the Isengard confrontation with Gandalf and the lot.
  5. Take me you naughty teddybear! Btw, I actually saw one of your avatar changes live once, Muso. As I was reading one of your posts the picture on the left suddenly changed into that teddybear. Fine moment it was!
  6. I don't think only the most devoted fans will have bought them, but indeed whoever bought them will know what they're in for. But people may have watched a marathon at a friend's place or whatever and loathed it. I bought them because I thought I really should have them, and I was pleased to find the extended versions even better than the theatre ones.
  7. They actually changed his fate in the movies.
  8. I agree. The things he omitted/changed were the ones not related to the ring, such as Tom Bombadil and the clearing-up of the Shire when returning from the adventure. The latter bit in particular was sensible to leave out, especially seeing as the ending was very drawn out (it was to the point of laughter in the theatre when the movie just refused to end). It might have worked in the book, but in the movie it probably wouldn't have fitted so Jackson simply had Saruman killed in the beginning of the third movie. I was surprised to see that particular scene left out in the theatre version, though, since it left a bit of a plot hole: what happened to Saruman?
  9. I'd make a poll but I'm more interested in chit-chatty input. I just bought the whole extended-DVD trilogy and have now watched them, one each night. I have to say I was scared that the movies might feel a touch too long, and I also heard that Peter Jackson said that the shorter versions really were how he intended them anyway. But I like these new versions better than the ones shown at the theatres, simply because LotR is supposed to feel long, detailed and epic. I loved all the extra little things that added some flesh to the overall story-line, and now I simply wonder what you, my nice friends (right?), have to say about it? Were they too long or just too awesome?
  10. My favourite broken quest is the Redemption one. I wound up feeling so unredeemed after my first playthrough.
  11. Whaddaya mean "lore"?
  12. K2 LSM Theriad Marden
  13. I find it interesting how some characters seem to have endless resources (like the forever-players). The funniest one must be when you sell off all your surplus equipment to that Igear guy in the Undercity in K1. Where did he get all those credits?
  14. Heathen blasphemist.
  15. Maybe that's what he meant. And I still find it slightly ingraspable (is that a word? it is now!) that people who don't like Star Wars or even KotOR2 frequent a board which (at least used to) mainly focuses on KotOR2 in the game department.
  16. I bought the The Lord of the Rings trilogy the other day, but I'm currently trying to watch Midnight Cowboy as much as I can since I have to do an analysis for my course.
  17. I have the whole net in my head and communicate with you lot through telepathy.
  18. Incidentally pop chameleon Alexander Bard is in the band with his silly haircut.
  19. Launch isn't British, she's from Meatball Land. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meatball Land? Don't insult me, Schmarthiepoo I'm from that fine country that is Pudding... not only am I from Pudding, I am the Queen of Pudding... where we've got a superb transportation service, by the way <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You misunderstand me, my Queen; Meatball Land is a promised land where honey floats in the rivers and the cities glow with emeralds and diamonds. Not to mention all the meatballs.
  20. We're looking forward to it.
  21. Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
  22. Just you come and bring that Howitzer of yours!
  23. This thread is disturbing on an ever so subtle level.
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