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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Irrespective of teh industry, they need two fundamentals what they have not got at present: 1) Arteries of information. 2) Veins of transportation. This means in my opinion radios with market prices and weather reports, and roads. Roads roads roads. Roads are good for the people and good for us. Big solid slab concrete roads would be best because they're hard to mine.
  2. There has ben a trend in this last year of kids throwing food. I wouldn't mind if I was oficially permitted to retaliate in kind. I'm very good at finding people, and I know how to build a potato cannon.
  3. Sand for President!
  4. Swearing in linked images is totally unacceptable. Topic closed.
  5. You've not broken ANY laws you've not been caught and punished for? What a terribly dull life you must have led! In fact I refuse to believe you. No-one hasn't broken any laws.
  6. I still say that they should be encouraged to grow hemp. But I may have had my fragile mind warped by Cypress Hill. It's so hard to tell.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiFKwEb_g2A...ted&search= Quite literally the funniest thing I've ever seen on Youtube. Death Star orientation day.
  8. Baley, you are most bizarre.
  9. You know that tablelamp on your left? That's me.
  10. *Lifts eyepatch* I'm a freelance systems scientist. What you're talking about is the distincion between life and entropy. For life to exist it must counter-entropy. Since doing so is unnatural it requires control, and hence order at anything above the level of the virus. Chaos is allied to entropy in that it accelerates entropy and expoits the energy released by the breakdown of ordered systems. However this is not the whole story in my opinion. Systems that are too tightly controlled have a tendency to resist the influx of energy, since energy also accelerates entropy. Hence they stagnate and solidify. A good book that looks into this is Skyttner, L. (2001)
  11. I will assume that's a joke. Because you should know that knowledge of a felony which you do not report to the cops may well be an offence in the USA now. I know it is where it may affect national security.
  12. The BBc's adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. They're in the Mines of Moria.
  13. Au contraire, Doctor. this topic is more particularly about illegal immigration, and lately your attitude to law enforcement. You allege that irrespective of any other considerations breaking the law should be punished. If you are unwilling to apply the rule to yourself then surely the circumstances can change the way the law is applied.
  14. Oh them. They would be pretty well off if countries like the US legalized opiates. All that opium that Afghanistan grows, they could make a decent amount of money in sales. Actualy, no they couldn't. Opium is so easy to grow market forces would slash the cost. Would hardly be worth growing! However, in one of his smarter moves Tony B has suggested Afghanistan should be allowed to grow opium for legal production of medicines. A smart plan (up to a point) in my opinion as there's a chronic shortage of cheap palliatives in a lot of developing and wartorn states.
  15. *Ponders* then you think this molasses and nutmeg in a bottle, with the word 'marinade' crossed out and replaced with 'shampoo' might also be suspicious?
  16. You are not wrong, my *tries to think of sluglike thingy* chum. When I'm working at top speed my common sense is often left far behind. I tried to make soup out of rotten avocadoes last week. Very odd, but could be worse I suppose.
  17. I join you. Let us adjourn to the forum coffee shop, old bean.
  18. Your position thus far has been an iron insistence that society must have total obedience to the law. If that really is your position then I suggest it is disonest to avoid punishment for breaking the law. Have you any intentio of going in and cofessing? And have you any intention to insist on punihsment or you will try to have the officers who will interview you in goggle-eyed astonishment sacked?
  19. In that case, be sure and leave the poor old lady alone. She'll kick the bejayzus out of ye.
  20. I'm curious to know if Sando has always received just punishment for every law he's ever broken.
  21. Genetlemen, please! This isn't the House of Lords.
  22. The green dragon believes in YOU, my dear. EDIT: Does anyone else wonder whether Fionavar is nurturing us, or fattening us to eat?
  23. I was hungover today, on top of having to organise two separate projects and attend an interview. I wound up eating (if memory serves) Two bowls of homemade vegetable soup. Two oatcakes ten glasses of water two mugs of coffee 6 chicken legs half a loaf of sunflower bread five chocolate brownies a tray of sushi 4 mixed berry biscuits a mug of jam mixed with custard powder and hot water (which was disturbingly delicious) A mug of horlicks God that sounds awful...
  24. Aaaah, Daaaave. Sando is already more powerful, and more terrible than any of us realise.
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