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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Had this copper drafted legislation to discharge all coppers who did the same? It's not a perfect analogy, but your copper ain't such a hypocrite tosser as Sen. Craig. Fair point.
  2. Tale, good man! Are you going in with detective ambitions or do you just plan to walk the mean streets dispensing homilies?
  3. 2001 Is the second worst film I have ever seen. I don't believe it could be any more self-indulgent or boring.
  4. Good choice of producers on the tune. Britney is still a hopelessly lost soul and pretty much despicable. Is anyone else disturbed that mkreku is behaving like Perez Hilton?
  5. Assistant to the bean counter. The bean counter does a lot of extra office work and is more of an office manager. I mostly do entry level accounting. Data entry and some reconciling. I predict you will die of an enraged parsimony gland by the age of 40.
  6. I just had an awful realisation that you could probably do better by joining the NFL.
  7. It could explain that terrible sense of deja vu I get when jelly wrestling.* *Like I say, Sand, old man, you've been wasting a lot of time.
  8. I heard about this in the reviews of the gamee. I have to agree with Kaft. I think this sort of rubbish just punishes regular Joe users.
  9. Or my favourite: "Jesus CHRIST on a little donkey."
  10. assuming you mean "smugness," i'm guessing you watched south park last night? taks I don't own a TV, and I said 'SNUGness'. BUt otherwise you're 100% right.
  11. Having read The Authority comics I already know about thsi stuff. I'd get stuck in, kicking ass. Of course that is when it would emerge that Sammy MacLaden has been out of the public eye because KFQ have been rebuilding him... better stronger, hairier.
  12. Resolutely being juvenile on a n important contract. I am refusing to get down to the boring task of referencing everything.
  13. Can you use it to scare your neighbor's kids? I think hacking up steaming lumps of my own lungs counts as scary.
  14. Absolutely awful store-baked co-op bread and ox-tongue. The ox-tongue is OK. Instant coffee and molasses.
  15. Does a pipe count as a pet?
  16. If I may I'd like to compare this to a recent case in the UK where a senior copper bunked off work, to meet an anonymous lady in an office in Gatwick airport for what the French might call 'rumpy pumpy'*. He was told he had let the force down, but no charge of gross misconduct was upheld. *The French would never call it rumpy pumpy. They have too much class.
  17. I thought you meant me personally. Given my capacity to make beer and soup I would suggest the global snugness quotient would drop alarmingly.
  18. I think you should give it serious consideration. Accepting it would work very well, and refusal might offend your tutor. Can you think of any reasons not to besides the inconvenience? As for the point of study not being snoozing, Sand, I suggest again that you have not made best use of your time! Serious study is strictly for post-graduate education.
  19. The Obsidian forum's Indonesian lurve attache.

  20. I've been trying to remember the British experience in N Ireland. I think we opted to refuse them POW status and treated them basically as simple criminals. Of course we also didn't have the international element. Plenty of Irish Americans happy to send arms and cash, not so many keen to risk mixing it up with the Army.
  21. Sorry to disagree again, but only with an addendum. An 8 a.m. class can be OK provided you find a nice comfortable lecture theatre witha good cafe nearby. It's a pain getting there, but the pleasure of snoozing flat out in the back row is a rare and beautiful one.
  22. Most far right stuff is founded on hypocrisy, because intolerance for others is usually founded on self-hatred. [/swingeing generalisation]
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6967474.stm I think there must be something wrong with me, because my first thought was "Yeah, then we can put it on a pig!"
  24. I still say that has to be the daftest reason for a revolution ever. I mean it was a luxury item, and you don't even drink it anymore!
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