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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6990759.stm The crucial things to keep in mind about Ebola are: 1. It often arises in communities which eat 'bush meat' - monkeys, endangered species and so on. 2. The infection is quite possibly one of the most ferocious and painful in the world. 3. There is not known treatment besides wait and see 4. The mortality rate is 90% I'm sure the WHO and aid agencies will keep it under control, but spare a thought for these poor people.
  2. Ned's! That brings back memories.
  3. I think it's worth pointing out that in the time of Buster Keaton no-one took movies seriously.
  4. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48003
  5. blah blah blah
  6. I think it's rather harsh to criticise PS:T as pseudo-intellectual. If it had been a genuinely formal intelectual philosophical work it would have sold like frozen rock cakes at the Kalamazoo winter festival. I thought that for the ime, and the genre it was tremendously philosophical. I Have replayed it at least once just to get more into the books, and backstory of the characters. I think it is worth adding that for me - someone who is interested deeply by such things - the presence of this philosophical material sicked me far further into the game than quests to rescue a stuffed cat.
  7. "Shortly after accepting the "resignation" of Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and his Cabinet on Sept. 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed politically obscure Viktor Zubkov, currently chair of Russia's anti-money-laundering watchdog, as Fradkov's replacement. The rumor in the Kremlin is that Zubkov himself did not know about the promotion until the day it happened. Zubkov has no independent base of power, and though this technocrat does have considerable economic and political contacts, his only real qualification for the No. 2 job in Russia is that he does anything and everything that Putin says without question."
  8. But M&Ms taste far better ... because they're not tainted with dead baby! *WARNING THIS PRODUCT MAY CONTAIN NUTS ...AND CARRY CULPABILITY FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY*
  9. *Peers at Calax as through a glass, darkly*
  10. In which case we should have it framed. Well put, sir.
  11. I try to do a rottentomatoes.com approach. Read a bunch, trying to get people who thought it was good and people who thought it was bad. EDIT: I also rely on the buzz round here, because I know the background preferences of the peopl here.
  12. I would have said the guy was being a jerk. But I got the same story waaaay back around the time I first joined this forum. i tried to play Fire Warrior without ANY graphics card beyond the basic intel one. In an absolutely classic case of bad customer service I rang up THQ feeling simply morose, and finsihed feeling incandescent and patronised. All I needed was the verbal equivalent of a hug and I'd have trotted away and icked myself. Instead this snotty bastard wound me up by telling me I was a fool. I was obviously being a fool, but being told so was not ...helpful. Anyway, I took the game back to GAME (the store) and the manager very kindly, and without any requirement to do so refunded all my money.I always buy my games from them if I'm getting in the highstreet.
  13. I saw that on terrestrial in the States. I can't say it really impressed. I was listening to LIving colour doing Sunshine of Your Love, which is from the True Lies soundtrack. I wonder how that's held up.
  14. Surely you mean Manu Chao?
  15. You give me a pot head stuffed with cheese, herbs, and chili powder and I'll eat it!
  16. You're saying a burger wouldn't taste good if stuffed with cheese, herbs, and baked?
  17. I doubt that would halt it. The fact is that we can only appreciate a limited range of persons, and feel loyalty accordingly. Even within units of the Army, fighting side by side you get divisions (no pun intended).
  18. Well, anyway, I don't think this is about religion.
  19. I misread this as your notion of what sconstituted employee sabotage. Now that really would be cool. Make the burger taste delicious then demand to know why the customer was putting up with bland rubbish!
  20. Troo dat. Actually, back on topic I was interested to see that we haven't pulled out of Basra so much as pulled out of a palace in Basra, and moved a few miles down the road. U public relations exercise if ever there was one.
  21. Provided you have an objective function, of course ther's an optimal solution! I agree that the Iraqis should decide. But by the Iraqis I mean the people in a democratic fashion. Not simply hand over everything to dingbat former baathists and fundamentalist radicals. They aren't Iraq any more than we are.
  22. I agree. But don't expect Sand to budge an inch.
  23. 1. I appreciate your thanks. But you haven't answered my question. How will Iraq govt only troops prevent escalation of the violence to outright genocide? 2. I am not suggesting the majority of casualties are amongst Coalition troops. The majority of casualties are quite deliberately civilian. If Coalition troops are the cause of the violence it seems odd that they should not be the focus of the violence. 3. You can quote a one off comment from a general if you like. I have friends in the Forces and the lengths they go to as a group and as individuals to avoid civilian casualties are extraordinary. They regularly place themselves and colleagues at risk to do so. This does not excuse the deaths. However, since teh efforts far surpass those in any previous phase of human warfare I think the Coalition should not be accused of being callous murderers. 4. Your hypothesis that the insurgency was about throwing out the 'invaders' certainly holds water for the thousands of Saddam's fedayeen who initiated attacks with that goal in mind. It is also true that opportunists like the Mehdi Army saw the Coalition as an obstacle to seizing power for themselves. However, given that the freely elected govt of the Iraqi people has not once asked the Coalition to leave this undermines your theory completely. As does the relatively small scale (in numerical terms) of the insurgency. Neither types of insurgents have freedom in mind. 5. Lest there be any unfortunate confusion, would you confirm that you do not endorse the actions of the insurgents who are often from other countries and commit deliberate acts of slaughter, and destroy mosques like the one Yuusha showed?* Would it not be more fruitful to direct your energy towards demanding THEIR return home? *Yuusha, I can tell you with 100% certainty that an air attack on a building that was so obviously a mosque would have had to come from the highest level, and only after the utmost provocation. Coalition commanders are not bloody stupid and will do just about anything to avoid such attacks. The video clip you linked to omits any context.
  24. samm, I obviusly bow to your superior knowledge on the topic, but I ask again how on Earth that could be regarded as 'soft'!
  25. I assume you know the one about making baked schicken taste like fried chicken by coating it with cheese and breadcrumbs?
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