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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Care to support that statement. I don't think I've ever been anywhere I couldn't have gone to live if I wanted to.
  2. I'd like to see a Red Meat hollywood franchise.
  3. I believe it would be an excellent idea to have a 'if you bust in you can never count on staying' rule. But it would need to be implimented from now on. the problem would be that this would make illegal immgrant communitie even more secretive and prone to problems and abuse. Would I be being too much the copper if I suggested that the police should have powers to grant/boost an citizenship application in exchange for cooperation in tackling crime?
  4. Good idea. You've got plenty of spare capacity in your penal system for a couple million new persons. MOreover did you stop to consider that these poor chaps are just looking for work? Does that make them evil?
  5. It isn't a bloody theme park! I'm suggesting you just have the PCs work as the people who suffer an attempted robbery and have the chance to report it to the authority and probe the horrors of the clan's stinking cave.
  6. I recently started using an organic fruit and veg delivery service. It is quite superb. I'm betting you live in Georgia!
  7. Sando does tend to live in a 1890s world in most respects. However, I have to agree with him. With few exceptions (and none I can bring to mind) it is better to establish an official position than to turn a blind eye. Illegal immigrant populations suffer more or less needlessly from poor health and safety treatment, and are prey and fodder for organised crime, existing as they do beyond the law. Why not institute guest worker status for these people? I haven't thought of this before, but isn't that what Germany does? Switzerland - and I find it repugnant myself - permits people to live and work there as basically slaves who hope to 'earn' tehir freedom as a Swiss citizen. A complex process.
  8. taks revives what I feel is an important point from my original post. T owhat extent should the press be under control during national crises such as wartime? Leaving aside the general impact of the media on warfare in a democratic country, there have been specific incidents where even public service broadcasters like the BBC have aired reports indicating operational intent. These reports have lead to enemy speculative artilllery fire. On most major occasions the only thing preventing disaster has been that the enemy can't believe we would be so stupid as to release such information. They assume it is disinformation. Examples of this would be the asssault on Goose Green in the Falklands, or the Iranian embassy seige where reporters broadcast live the fact that hostage rescue units were going in. In the case of the latter, and given that the terrorists were known to have TVs it was quite staggering that no deaths resulted. As i say we have been trememndously lucky in the past, with these keys instances. But the fact is that as awareness spreads of our tendency more people will take advantage of it. The counter-argument is naturally that the people have a right to know. But I ask on what timescale have they a right to know? The people cannot do anything about operations 8,000 miles away, or even in London that day or even that week.
  9. I had completely forgotten how sexy Gillian Anderson was.
  10. Sorry, Pop. I have got so used to the inundation of Youtube by people who say stuff like 'wyt racsrs arebestLOL OMFG . All *racial epithet* are stink cabbage. I R better than mandela. Ha ha ha." I actually misread Ron Paul as Ru Paul. I suggest you try it.
  11. I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this. I 'm just curious You mean top five most recent? I watched Jarhead recently, as I may have mentioned. That was a surprisingly good war movie.
  12. LMFAO! I hadn't thought of that. Someone should tell the BBC.
  13. I didn't think Saints and soldiers was that great. Not bad, but not great.
  14. Catch this video before it gets taken down. It's old, but it's great stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaoX_SgNO70...ted&search= really talking about the subversion of the media.
  15. That was like a cartoon! Great Daffy duck cartoon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by3FVKdaQyE
  16. Well, clearly. And not a group of hackers annoying the crap out of people and doing harm to their own 'movement'. Waitaminute...
  17. Example from the bookshelf of economy versus effect. Gen. Sir Peter de la Billiere in his immensely fun book "Looking for Trouble (Harper Collins, 1995): "Official parsimony ranged in matter from high strategic importance to the most trivial details. ...the MOD in a drive to save costs, abruptly announced a thirty percent cut in the RAF's fuel, which drastically reduced the fast jet pilots' level of operational readiness. On a lower level, the Command Secretary suddenly proposed to charge
  18. And you can call me colour deprived. *thinks* I'm not sure any geek can be called deprived of colour. Hmmm... Colour abnegated.
  19. Am I confusing this with the film about Anais Nin?
  20. Now there is a bit of gold. Damn straight. He'd be a terrible president, but it would be hilarious. Let's do what we can to get him elected.
  21. OK, good. I got that bit, then. But money isn't the same as effect. My example was trying to make this point. You can spend less more intelligently and do a lot more. The UN does the inverse all the time. Spend millions on sewage tanks for a village and it turns out the plastic rots.
  22. Iron Man could be really cool. Lots of tech potential.
  23. Within the limits of my powers I hate you and your Swedish nookie paradise.
  24. Wait, I know it's me being stupid, but could you explain that again?
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