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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Hey come on. Shoes are the poor man's car. I also like shoes. I have my everyday merrills, which are comfy as all get out. I have a pair of much repaired but indestructible smart black brogue things. And I have my Army boots, laboriously worn in and polished. Each pair ahs it's own associations, scuff marks, and revolting smell. Maybe it's just an English thing.
  2. ahhh... so you roleplay yourself? taks I know. This leads me to believe that my lack of success in other erspects can be solved if I start cutting thieves in half with a big knife. Surely all will love me! I AM going to take all your helpful advice on Baldur's Gate. But I can't get over how great NWN2 is on this replay. I'm not at all playing how I usually play (neutral), and it's tonnes of fun. The character interactions make sense, and it's really hard/impossible to make everyone like you. I honestly regard NWN2 as a more than worthy successor to BG. And that's coming from teh guy who wanted to dynamite Obsidian after NWN1.
  3. That seems really cool. But I've only done two registry edits my whole life, and panicked like a small child each time.
  4. Walsingham


    I grew up reading 200AD. Is it known outside of the UK? It's been crucial to the development of many of the greats.
  5. Death threats are standard for practically all White House campaigners. Just look how often attempts happen. It seems a serious stretch to imply a conspiracy when none is necessary.
  6. I think we can all agree that romance is fine so long as it involves swinging from chandeliers and swordfights.
  7. Rather pertinent BBC summary of the issue. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7571096.stm I know in advance that brdavs and maybe Hildegaarde are going to take issue with the provenance of this, but I'm going to call trumps because quite simply the BBC is a peer reviewed source from a country with a free press. If you want to take issue with the BBC then quote your sources, because so far you haven't quoted a single one. In fact, thus far I've been bending over backward to admit my potential shortcomings and all I've seen in return is innuendo. Is this a debate or merely points scoring?
  8. Sidenote: Dreaming is simly a phenomena. You can probably attack it any way you want. But personally I'd suggest you do so from a scientific basis. I don't know what your background is, but it may need specialising or beefing up. If you are properly interested, go to your loacl library and find some relevant active authors, track them down, and call 'em up for advice. Never underestimate the power of being REALLY interested in a person's vocation.
  9. I know the rule Worldwide is always never volunteer. But it's been my observation so far that volunteering quickly serves three purposes: 1. You know what you're going to get told to do. 2. If you have to subsequently try and sly out of doing what you vounteered for, people are less likely to suspect you if you volunteered. 3. No-one likes the bastard who tries to get out of everything.
  10. Mostly to sound pretentious I'd like to add that Love is 'just chemicals' in the same way that the sun is 'just chemicals'. Accuracy without truth, I feel.
  11. Maybe - The Ink Spots Perfect timing as I picked up the Telegraph newspaper and read some columnist arguing we should have invaded Russia over Georgia.
  12. Hey, mate. Hope you're still coping with this. If you need any more commiseration, it's right here for the taking.
  13. who's central notion? not mine... at least a few of my games i didn't finish because the "flying C64" incident prevented further play. taks My first computer, a Spectrum, got headbutted to death, preventing me ever finishing Operation Wolf.
  14. Even more off-topic: If it floats, and it goes 'quack' then I'm going to treat it as a duck.
  15. have you listened to the Vast that i recommended yet sir? Don't call me sir. I work for a living. And yes, I did immediately. I was surprised to discover I liked it a lot. Now celebrating a good three hours of work by playing Apollo 440 'Stop the Rock', and will be having a dessert course of Bill Withers funk/soul (Who is He and he to you).
  16. I hadn't thought of that. Cunning. In fact, I got tired of waiting for advice, and started NWN2 as a little goody two shoes. It's really hard to get by as a stuck up bastard who is also a ladies man. Virtually all my NPCs hate me, because I keep flip-flopping to try and cosy up to all the girls.
  17. So, what you're asking is that .
  18. I hadn't noticed it was another Speer.
  19. Walsingham


    My mother read The Satanic Verses, and she said it was mediocre. I doubt it would have sold many copies if it hadn't been for the fatwah, issued two years after it was published (which I'm sure had nothing to do with postwar frustration with Iran's clerics).
  20. I've read somewhere...suggesting....sounds to me....prepositions, not facts. Georgia shelled the capital of S. Ossetia with MLRS and Howitzer, that is no surgical strike but an attempt to brake havoc and disarray in the capital while Georgian ground forces take control, in the process many civilians die due to rather unselective bombing. Russia was standing by in case something like this should happen, because violence started a few months earlier only to erupt recently, and sure you'll have a contingency in the form of the 58th Army group. Of course Russians aren't flowers, but main blame, when it comes to the starters of this conflict, lies with the Georgian nationalists backed by the West, mostly US and the interests around the Caspian pipeline. Exactly, which is why I used that phrasing. I'm flagging up the fact that I'm working from unknown/possibly biased sources, without the background knowledge to exercise my full critical ability. I know you've got pedigree, from having debated with you at length before, but I'm curious to know brdavs' backup. I note from Stratfor that the Russians are now embedding journalists with their units, having recognised the strategic error in not doing so before.
  21. Walsingham


    Not really appropriate at the moment. I need to be on my mettle for work, and to GM this WHFRP campaign I've got going on. One of the characters is an evil bastard, and I need inspiration.
  22. The hottest curry I ever ate made my gums bleed. The second hottest made me go deaf (eustacian tubes swelled up) for about a fortnight. It's just in my nature to enjoy a bit of self-destruction. I do think/know that there is a science to curries and chilli which makes very good sense. Turmeric and capsaicin are known to combat cancer [ probably by overlaoding the cancer cell's basic self-regulatory mechanisms], as well as fighting bacteria. Ginger is good for the liver. It all wakes up your skin better than any face cream I've ever tried (not that I'm an expert). Plus it's as good away of feeling alive as having a good run. However, if you are going to go for a weapons grade curry then don't plan anything mobile for the next morning. You need to stay near the bog!
  23. Walsingham


    Rushdie's passe, since we're ALL now the targets of extremists.
  24. In an effort to cure my cold I went out toa new curry house I hadn't tried and issued my (normally ignored) instruction to make it hot enough to melt candles at five feet, with plent y of ginger, lemon, and cardamom. Unexpectedly they acted on my instructions, and as a consequence I spent an hour last night weeping and sweating by turns, and loving every mouthful. This morning I have various parts of my body conforming to the song titles of Johnny Cash.
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