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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Crikey.
  2. He's not an alt so much as an account swap. Re Yuusha: I did not like him. He was an extremist. The frightening thing is that in fact Yuusha was not an extremist.
  3. Wouldn't you? I mean, lets snap that crackle and pop all over! Well, exactly. Better than the all bran factory.
  4. I collared a client of mine who specialises in market advice. He said NOT TO BUY right now. However, if you insist on buying then look for low stocks in utilities and defence.
  5. R00fles are a kind of delicious pastry. With apricot jam in. Try it. It makes Volo seem far more cheerful.
  6. I spoke to a client yesterday about this. his advice at such times is to not buy. But if you insist on buying, spread bet across companies in utilities, and defence.
  7. He'd do it in the rice krispies factory.
  8. *Logs on* *Through bleary eyes sees maths* *goes to fix coffee, assuming hallucination*
  9. Erm... I'm beginning to think you're playing for points. You surely know that without reams of government regulation investors, insurers, banks and whatnot would routinely defraud people without any fear of the law. Hell, they try all the time, anyway.
  10. One could argue that what we're seeing is some blokes who don't support govt involvement in the economy failing to understand how to bloody do it right.
  11. What if I installed a small boy who waved a carpet at it?
  12. I try to use OpenOffice rather than stump up cash for Word/Powerpoint etc, when they are - expensive - not as well designed - bloody condescending I wondered what others thought, and also had a specific query: When I try to translate one specific file between MS and OO the line spacing keeps jumping to .54 proportional. Which, needless to say, is insane. the lines get mashed together. I figure there must be some global setting in the templates. But how do I access the fethwit?
  13. It's certainly true that in general the terrorists spend most of their time terrorising 'their own' people. Compare the figures of US casualties with those for Iraqis or Afghans. Disappearances, 'example' killings, kangaroo courts... similar stuff was done by the IRA. A friend's father had his legs shattered by terrorists for not paying 'the proper respect'. W***ers.
  14. I don't mean to imply that there aren't plenty of Muslims working to stop terrorism and making it clear that these fundamentalists aren't true Muslims, I'm just surprised that there isn't a widespread movement to end civilian targeting. Did you see any widespread movements speaking out against Protestant or Catholic violence in Northern Ireland? I don't think that meant catholics or protestants are terrorists. EDIT: Of course there were anti-terrorism groups on all sides. Just one which campaigns against muslim extremism in the UK is the Quilliam Foundation.
  15. I had to deal with the furniture shop. Their delivery people arsed everything up and are about to try and deliver to an empty house. really, I mean what's so fething difficult? Customer says when to send it, you write that down, you go there. I sat back down at the PC and had to put up with Word and Powerpoint trying to be awkward about letting me use an older version of themselves, instead of paying to upgrade to the pre-installed version. Started to go a dark colour with fury by this point at general corporate BS. Nearly kicked laptop out window. Am now bitching to you as cheaper than new laptop. Can some brave chap struggle through whatever magical force surrounds them and tell our corporate overlords that we don't enjoy being treated like bitches?
  16. I fail to see a problem here. Rudimentary as the CinC's strategic thinking is, I fear even he would baulk at a jowel full of buckshot.
  17. Bush couldn't have picked McCain over Cheney. Cheney would have shot his face off!
  18. "Goodbye, Lenin" It was less funny, but more uplifting than i expected. I'd class it as a 'must see' for anyone who can cope without one single explosion (although there were some savage beatings).
  19. I don't know why spending your money on blackjack, hookers, and theme parks gets such a bad press.
  20. If I may say so, it sounds as if Di is of my persuasion: that society and genetics explain almost everything, but excuse nothing. Without the presumption that each individual is reponsible for their actions, any notion of justice centred on the individual is meaningless. Or, in the immortal words of Homer: "...Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand."
  21. I think whoever told Sluggo that was confused. We stop breeding at around 40, but over 40s still provide many evolutionarily useful behaviours, such as frowning at teenagers.
  22. Antony & the Johnsons Knocking on Heaven's Door which is just about the most becalming song I've heard in ages. Can anyone suggest anything similar?
  23. surge derailment: The days of rage and other street protests were in the 1960s, but they bombed the Pentagon and other targets in the 1970s. Activity really only dropped off after the end of the Vietnam war because the Cubans and Vietnamese withdrew financing and training. The Brinks robbery in 1981 was aimed at securing cash to continue the 'struggle'; police officers and security guards were shot and killed. Bill Ayers was strongly implicated [edit: in earlier attacks, not the Brinks robbery] in all levels, from organising, to training, to bomb delivery. I know this because I've studied evidence directly, not because I've read Wikipedia {i don't mean to sound overbearing, but I really have got you trumped]. The important question is how much can we blame Obama for associated with Bill Ayers in the 1990s. I personally am outraged, but by the same token I'm outraged that the little bastard is strolling around feeling smug, full stop. I don't think mere association proves anything about Obama. But I do have to wonder about anyone who had long association with a man who he must have known had engaged in acts of terrorism. I wouldn't share a bus with the guy.
  24. I really want to be in a pub. Specifically the Turf tavern in Oxford. In the front parlour.
  25. Most important voicemail ever. Most inept voicemail message ever. Not good.
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