surge derailment:
The days of rage and other street protests were in the 1960s, but they bombed the Pentagon and other targets in the 1970s. Activity really only dropped off after the end of the Vietnam war because the Cubans and Vietnamese withdrew financing and training. The Brinks robbery in 1981 was aimed at securing cash to continue the 'struggle'; police officers and security guards were shot and killed. Bill Ayers was strongly implicated [edit: in earlier attacks, not the Brinks robbery] in all levels, from organising, to training, to bomb delivery. I know this because I've studied evidence directly, not because I've read Wikipedia {i don't mean to sound overbearing, but I really have got you trumped].
The important question is how much can we blame Obama for associated with Bill Ayers in the 1990s. I personally am outraged, but by the same token I'm outraged that the little bastard is strolling around feeling smug, full stop. I don't think mere association proves anything about Obama. But I do have to wonder about anyone who had long association with a man who he must have known had engaged in acts of terrorism. I wouldn't share a bus with the guy.